# download and extraction target dir
#base-dir= moved to $extraction-framework/core/src/main/resources/universal.properties

# Source file. If source file name ends with .gz or .bz2, it is unzipped on the fly.
# Must exist in the directory xxwiki/yyyymmdd and have the prefix xxwiki-yyyymmdd-
# where xx is the wiki code and yyyymmdd is the dump date.

# default:
#source=# moved to $extraction-framework/core/src/main/resources/universal.properties

# use only directories that contain a 'download-complete' file? Default is false.

# List of languages or article count ranges, e.g. 'en,de,fr' or '10000-20000' or '10000-', or '@mappings'

# extractor class names starting with "." are prefixed by "org.dbpedia.extraction.mappings"



#only the raw extractor here: all other wikidata extractors are executed in an separate extraction for wikidata (see: extraction.wikidata.properties)


# If we need to Exclude Non-Free Images in this Extraction, set this to true