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Thomas Koentges / IntroductionDH_WS2018
MIT LicenseGit repository for the material used in the Introduction to Digital Humanities, WS 2018/19
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This project tries to analyse the digital media coverage of the last POTUS (Presidents of the United States). We use media outlets from the US and europe and anaylse them digitally to find reacurring patterns and differences between the coverage.
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Angular application with leaflet.js for visualization of private route data from de4l-private-routes-backend. Application communicate via REST with backend, so another backend could also provide data.
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Jonathan Schlue / recipe-search2
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterRecipe search engine project as part of the information retrieval lecture (irlecture) of summer semester 2018.
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Dies ist die dritte Aufgabe von WCM im Wintersemester 2020/2021. Abgabe erfolgte durch: Karim Rakia, Mohammed kheir Alawa, Mohamad Alshehabie
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Durchführen eines Crawls mehrerer Nachrichtenportale z.B. mit RSS-Feeds. Anschließend die Verarbeitung und Analyse mit vorgegebenen Tools bezüglich Topics, Stichworten etc. Im Fokus liegen sinnvolle visuelle Ergebnisse.
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Webpräsenz für das Leipziger Zukunftsdiplom.
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This our oop project, us being Emil Constantin Rode and Nora Pauline Brummel
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Oliver Kronfeld / Fine Grained Energy Models At The Method Level
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterBachelor Thesis at Softwaresysteme Uni Leipzig
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irlecture / irlecture-ws17-digital-text-forensics-search / Digital-Text-Forensics
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Tobias Schreieder / CER - Automated Visual Content Analysis
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseThis project deals with the task "Image Classification for Argumentation" for the Touché 2023 dataset. It attempts to classify argumentative images into a relevant topic using extracted annotation labels from the computer vision APIs Google Cloud Vision and Clarifai. For this purpose, the results of different classification models are compared with each other. Our approach follows the AVCA framework of Araujo et al.
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