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+# Architecture CWA Mobile Client - Android
+This document outlines the architecture of the CWA mobile client. It not necessarily reflects the current implementation status in this repository and will be enriched in the future, as development is ongoing.
+## Overview
+The Corona Warn App Client ("CWA-Client") is a native mobile phone application developed for the mobile platforms iOS and Android. The CWA-Client is embedded into the overall Corona Warn App EcoSystem. (For an end to end overview please refer to the [Solution Architecture Overview](https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-documentation/blob/master/solution_architecture.md))
+The key functionality of the CWA-Client is divided into the following pillars:
+1. Exposure Tracing Management: The reliable activation as well as configuration management of the Mobile OS Exposure Notification Tracing functionality.
+2. Exposure Risk Level Calculation: The calculation of the exposure risk level using the detected exposure events as well as the exposure risk configuration data.
+3. Test Result Access: Access Corona test results using a Test-GUID or a TeleTAN.
+4. Diagnosis Key Submission: Allowing positive tested user to share (submit) his TemporaryExposureKeys as DiagnosisKey.
+![Overview Diagram](./images/Architecture_Overview_v1.svg)
+### Exposure Tracing Management
+The Exposure Tracing Management component uses the native implementation of the Exposure Notification Framework provided by Google and Apple to activate, deactivate or check the status of the tracing functionality. If exposure tracing is activated by the user the activation-status of needed technical services (e.g. Bluetooth) is verified as well. To calculate the Exposure Risk Level of the business user the active tracing time is considered. As a result initial tracing activation timestamp as well as the time were tracing was deactivated during the last 14 days is persisted.
+### Exposure Risk Level Calculation
+The Exposure Risk Level Calculation is implemented using the native implementations of Google and Apple. To use the API's with the needed data the client loads the available DiagnosisKeys for the calculation time range of 14 days from the [CWA-Distribution service](https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-server/blob/master/docs/architecture-overview.md). To reduce the network footprint a local DiagnosisKey cache is used. With the diagnosisKeys the client passes the fresh downloaded exposure risk calculation configuration to the API of the mobile operation system. Finally the exposure risk level of the user is selected using the matched exposure risk level range for the maximum exposure risk happened in the last 14 days. The calculated exposure risk level and the exposure risk summary (maximumRiskScore, daysSinceLastExposure and matchedKeyCount) together with the calculation timestamp are stored on the client to allow the user the access to his latest calculation results when he is offline. The exposure risk level calculation is implemented as background online-only functionality ensuring that the latest diagnosisKeys as well as the latest configuration are used. If a risk level change happened during background processing a local notification is raised. For configuration and error scenarios during offline hours an assignment to error risk levels is implemented.
+### Test Result Access
+The Test Result Access component implements the HTTP choreography provided by the [CWA-Verification service](https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-verification-server/blob/master/docs/architecture-overview.md). As initial step the user enters a TestGUID by scanning a QR-Code or enters a teleTAN. Based on the test GUID or teleTAN the client receives a registration token which identifies a long term session to access the test result. The access to the test result is implemented as online functionality only to access the latest test data and to store the minimum needed data on the client. To minimize the data footprint shared with other push technology server side infrastructures a periodic polling mechanism between client and CWA-Verification service checks if a test result is available and informs the user via a local notification.
+### Diagnosis Key Submission
+Once a user is tested positive the Diagnosis Key Submission component can be used. The software component uses the persisted registrationToken to access a Submission-TAN from the [CWA-Verification service](https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-verification-server/blob/master/docs/architecture-overview.md). After accessing the Submission-TAN the available TemporaryExposureKeys are retrieved as DiagnosisKey by the corresponding mobile OS API's. Every TemporaryExposureKey is enriched with the TransmissionRiskDefaultParameter fitting to the key creation day. The latest TransmissionRiskDefaultParameters are accessed by the [CWA-Distribution service](https://github.com/corona-warn-app/cwa-verification-server/blob/master/docs/architecture-overview.md). To allow in the future the introduction of subsequent TemporaryExposureKey submissions with delta semantics to the previous submission the timestamp of the last successful diagnosisKey submission is persisted.
+## Libraries
+### Google Exposure Notification
+[Link to Google's page](https://www.google.com/covid19/exposurenotifications/)
+### ZXing Embeded
+Barcode scanning library by https://journeyapps.com/ based on ZXing decoder.
+This library is being used for embedded QR code scanning process during TAN submission to help end users of the application quickly submit their SARS-CoV-2 results without installing additional scanning software.
+Licensing: [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/journeyapps/zxing-android-embedded)
+### Joda Time
+Easy to use standard date and time classes. Used for date calculations, calendar and timezone handling.
+Licensing: [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/JodaOrg/joda-time/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
+### Room
+Room is a persistence library that provides an abstraction layer over SQLite. In contrary against the EncryptedSharedPreferences Room is used for storing more complex data.
+### SQLCipher
+Used to encrypt the Room database.
+Licensing: [BSD-3](https://github.com/sqlcipher/android-database-sqlcipher/blob/master/SQLCIPHER_LICENSE)
+### detekt
+detekt is a static code analysis tool for the Kotlin programming language. It operates on the abstract syntax tree provided by the Kotlin compiler.
+Licensing: [Apache License 2.0](https://github.com/detekt/detekt/blob/master/LICENSE)
+### ktlint
+Kotlin lint check.
+Licensing: [MIT](https://github.com/JLLeitschuh/ktlint-gradle/blob/master/LICENSE.txt)
+## Patterns
+### UI architecture
+UI architecture follows the MVC pattern which is continuously used throughout the app. Views are separated into Activities, Fragments and Includes whereas an Activity can encorporate multiple Fragments, and Fragments can be built up on multiple Includes. Includes are controllerless helper-views to support reusability of UI components.
+Viewmodels and underlying repositories are used to supply views with data, e.g. provide the current tracing status to the settings view for tracing. Viewmodels are mostly split up on semantic criteria as a viewmodel per fragment with possibly static content is unreasonable. Therefore three main viewmodels are used, supplied with data from multiple repositories.
+Repositories are another abstraction layer below viewmodels to move actual data handling out of the UI layer.
+Databinding is the final component to connect the various view types and viewmodels and to enable live updates based upon model data. Whenever pure databinding is insufficient and value change with n-conditions is needed, formatters are used to support this for separation of pure display logic of UI components and more sophisticated features that are done within the view controllers.
+## Storage and Encryption
+### Database
+The [Room Persistence Library](https://developer.android.com/topic/libraries/architecture/room) is used to store Exposure Summaries retrieved from the Exposure Notification API. These are used to calculate risks levels in accordance to specifications provided by the Robert Koch-Institut. Also we use it as a local persistance library for various complex data structures, e.g. cached date intervals or a map to our downloaded key files. The Room Library uses SQLite by default.
+[SQLCipher](https://www.zetetic.net/sqlcipher/) is used to encrypt the database. Thus a key is initialised for the database access the first time we access it. The AppDatabase stores the key inside the shared preferences, which are themselves encrypted and bound to the master key from the android key store. On application reset (in the settings), the complete database is reinitialised. The password is randomly generated and is not used outside the storage package for accessing the data.
+Concrete Data Objects:
+* KeyCache
+* ExposureSummaries
+* (inactive) TracingIntervals
+### Shared preferences
+[SharedPreferences](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/content/SharedPreferences) is used to store the following data:
+* application settings
+* last calculated risk levels
+* time data for tracing
+* time data to time background jobs
+* time data for calculation of server fetch
+* teleTan
+* authCode
+* registration token
+* database password
+* flag to check if we can submit diagnosis keys
+* the number of successful submissions
+* a flag that stores wether notifications are enabled
+* the token used for accessing the exposure summaries
+* the last time diagnosis keys were retrieved manually
+* the last time diagnosis keys were fetched from the server
+* the total time tracing was deactivated
+* the last time tracing was deactivated
+* the first time tracing was activated
+* whether the user was onboarded already
+For encryption, the [EncryptedSharedPreferences](https://developer.android.com/reference/androidx/security/crypto/EncryptedSharedPreferences) implementation of SharedPreference is used. The EncryptedSharedPreferences encrypt Key-Value Pairs with AES256SIV(Keys) and AES256GCM(Values). The EncryptedSharedPreferences are accessed the same way as the normal Shared Preferences from Android.
+This way we make sure everything is accessible only by the android master chain and thus the application.
+## Transactions
+Atomic locking transactions are implemented using a mutex to reference the co-routine context. A transaction Id is used to to identify the transaction. Execution privilege is first in.
+The general transaction logic is implemented in the abstract Transaction class. The subclasses implement the logic containing the states of the transaction. For details regarding states, please refer to code documentation.
+### Retrieve DiagnosisKeys Transaction
+Retrieves the diagnosis keys from server and submits them to the Google Exposure Notification API. If successful, updates SharedPreferences persistence with the last retrieval date.
+### SubmitDiagnosisKeysTransaction
+Submits the diagnosis keys to the server.
+### RiskLevelTransaction
+Calculates the risk level of the user.
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+		<g id="shape2628-10" transform="translate(347.944,-43.2197)">
+			<title>agent.2628</title>
+			<desc>Exposure Notification Framework</desc>
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+			<text x="96.44" y="571.03" class="st3">Exposure Notification Framework</text>		</g>
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+		<g id="shape2423-24" transform="translate(346.738,-192.039)">
+			<title>agent</title>
+			<desc>Native Mobile Application</desc>
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+			<text x="2.8" y="361.86" class="st3">Native Mobile Application</text>		</g>
+		<g id="group2535-27" transform="translate(21.9598,-376.291)">
+			<title>human agent.2535</title>
+			<desc>Mobile User</desc>
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+				<title>Sheet.2536</title>
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+					<title>Sheet.2539</title>
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+				</g>
+				<g id="shape2540-36" transform="translate(445.737,943.095) rotate(130.366)">
+					<title>Sheet.2540</title>
+					<path d="M0 576.83 L9.63 576.83" class="st11"/>
+				</g>
+				<g id="shape2541-39" transform="translate(445.737,195.899) rotate(49.6338)">
+					<title>Sheet.2541</title>
+					<path d="M0 576.83 L9.63 576.83" class="st11"/>
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+				<g id="shape2542-42" transform="translate(297.43,66.4001) rotate(30.3191) scale(-1,1)">
+					<title>Sheet.2542</title>
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+				</g>
+				<g id="shape2543-45" transform="translate(297.43,1062.28) rotate(-30.3191) scale(1,-1)">
+					<title>Sheet.2543</title>
+					<path d="M0 576.83 L7.22 576.83" class="st11"/>
+				</g>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2535-48">
+				<text x="-15.34" y="589.75" class="st3">Mobile User</text>			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2560-50" transform="translate(532.196,-68.0228)">
+			<title>storage.2560</title>
+			<desc>Rolling Proximity Identifiers</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="555.573" width="148.819" height="21.2598" rx="10.6299" ry="10.6299" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="20.14" y="568.9" class="st12">Rolling Proximity Identifiers</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2622-53" transform="translate(467.111,-103.456)">
+			<title>agent.2622</title>
+			<desc>ExposureRisk Calculation</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L99.21 576.83 L99.21 530.77 L0 530.77 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="21.85" y="551.1" class="st12">ExposureRisk <tspan x="27.34" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Calculation</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2635-57" transform="translate(358.574,-68.0228)">
+			<title>storage.2635</title>
+			<desc>Temporary Exposure Keys</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="555.573" width="162.992" height="21.2598" rx="10.6299" ry="10.6299" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="28.23" y="568.9" class="st12">Temporary Exposure Keys</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2687-60" transform="translate(78.6528,-29.0465)">
+			<title>agent.2687</title>
+			<desc>Other Mobile Devices</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L170.08 576.83 L170.08 520.14 L0 520.14 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="37.24" y="571.03" class="st3">Other Mobile Devices</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2688-63" transform="translate(87.8654,-51.7236)">
+			<title>agent.2688</title>
+			<desc>iOS</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L47.48 576.83 L47.48 549.9 L0 549.9 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="15.41" y="566.37" class="st3">iOS</text>		</g>
+		<g id="group2692-66" transform="translate(248.731,-57.3929)">
+			<title>hor/ver channel.2692</title>
+			<desc>Bluetooth Broadcast</desc>
+			<g id="shape2693-67" transform="translate(-4.19664E-014,-0.708661)">
+				<title>connection line</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L29.76 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2694-70" transform="translate(41.1024,-0.708661)">
+				<title>connection line.7</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L58.11 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2695-73" transform="translate(29.7638,4.96063)">
+				<title>channel.18</title>
+				<ellipse cx="5.66929" cy="571.164" rx="5.66929" ry="5.66929" class="st14"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2696-75" transform="translate(25.5118,1141.62) scale(1,-1)">
+				<title>request-response symbol</title>
+				<desc>R</desc>
+				<path d="M14.74 576.83 L19.84 576.83" class="st15"/>
+				<path d="M5.1 576.83 L0 576.83" class="st15"/>
+				<text x="7.75" y="-575.46" transform="scale(1,-1)" class="st17">R</text>			</g>
+			<g id="shape2692-85">
+				<text x="18.53" y="592.15" class="st18">Bluetooth <tspan x="17.42" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Broadcast</tspan></text>			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2726-88" transform="translate(357.828,-103.456)">
+			<title>agent.2726</title>
+			<desc>Manage</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L99.21 576.83 L99.21 530.77 L0 530.77 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="33.34" y="556.5" class="st12">Manage</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2727-91" transform="translate(718.22,-243.417)">
+			<title>agent.2727</title>
+			<desc>Test Result Access</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L166.54 576.83 L166.54 458.13 L0 458.13 L0 576.83 Z" class="st4"/>
+			<text x="57.98" y="469.93" class="st3">Test Result <tspan x="67.15" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Access</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2728-95" transform="translate(537.511,-242.531)">
+			<title>agent.2728</title>
+			<desc>Exposure Risk Level Calculation</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L166.54 576.83 L166.54 457.25 L0 457.25 L0 576.83 Z" class="st4"/>
+			<text x="37.69" y="469.05" class="st3">Exposure Risk Level <tspan x="58.53" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Calculation</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2729-99" transform="translate(358.574,-242.531)">
+			<title>agent.2729</title>
+			<desc>Tracing Management</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L166.54 576.83 L166.54 457.25 L0 457.25 L0 576.83 Z" class="st4"/>
+			<text x="36.02" y="469.05" class="st3">Tracing Management</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2730-102" transform="translate(898.891,-243.417)">
+			<title>agent.2730</title>
+			<desc>Diagnosis Key Submission</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L166.54 576.83 L166.54 458.13 L0 458.13 L0 576.83 Z" class="st4"/>
+			<text x="24.07" y="469.93" class="st3">Diagnosis Key Submission</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2752-105" transform="translate(576.954,-103.456)">
+			<title>agent.2752</title>
+			<desc>Temporary Exposure Key Access</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L102.2 576.83 L102.2 530.77 L0 530.77 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="9.08" y="551.1" class="st12">Temporary Exposure <tspan x="27.59" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Key Access</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2793-109" transform="translate(42.174,334.302) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>vert/hor (rw) access.2793</title>
+			<desc>Exposure Risk Calculation (Configuration &#38; positve DiagnosisK...</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L-73.99 576.83" class="st19"/>
+			<text x="540.27" y="14.95" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Exposure <tspan x="516.71" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Risk Calculation </tspan><tspan
+						x="430.88" dy="1.2em" class="st5">(</tspan>Configuration &#38; positve DiagnosisKeys)</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2798-118" transform="translate(546.369,-275.661)">
+			<title>storage</title>
+			<desc>DiagnosisKeyCache</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="559.825" width="148.819" height="17.0079" rx="8.50394" ry="8.50394" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="33.89" y="571.03" class="st12">DiagnosisKeyCache</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2800-121" transform="translate(546.369,-251.566)">
+			<title>storage.2800</title>
+			<desc>ExposureDetectionResult</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="559.825" width="148.819" height="17.0079" rx="8.50394" ry="8.50394" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="23.63" y="571.03" class="st12">ExposureDetectionResult</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2805-124" transform="translate(727.078,-251.777)">
+			<title>storage.2805</title>
+			<desc>RegristrationToken</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="559.825" width="148.819" height="17.0079" rx="8.50394" ry="8.50394" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="36.39" y="571.03" class="st12">RegristrationToken</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2808-127" transform="translate(940.525,-243.417)">
+			<title>vert. (rw) L,S access</title>
+			<desc>Read Diagnosis Keys</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L0 591.36 A8.50394 8.50394 0 0 1 -8.5 599.86 L-279.35 599.86 A8.50394 8.50394 -180 0 0 -287.86 608.37
+						 L-287.86 651.71" class="st19"/>
+			<text x="-277.4" y="598.72" class="st18">Read Diagnosis Keys</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2811-133" transform="translate(718.71,-50.3063)">
+			<title>agent.2811</title>
+			<desc>Local Notification</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L113.39 576.83 L113.39 470.53 L0 470.53 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="18.62" y="571.03" class="st3">Local Notification</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2817-136" transform="translate(846.618,-106.999)">
+			<title>agent.2817</title>
+			<desc>Camera</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L61.17 576.83 L61.17 527.23 L0 527.23 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="12.8" y="555.03" class="st3">Camera</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2818-139" transform="translate(917.484,-106.999)">
+			<title>agent.2818</title>
+			<desc>BackgroundScheduling</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L61.17 576.83 L61.17 527.23 L0 527.23 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="3.9" y="549.03" class="st3">Background<tspan x="5.84" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Scheduling</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2819-143" transform="translate(315.291,413.141) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>vert/hor (rw) access.2819</title>
+			<desc>Uses</desc>
+			<path d="M4.49 576.83 L4.85 576.83 L28.35 576.83" class="st21"/>
+			<text x="582.78" y="-11.77" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Uses</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2821-150" transform="translate(988.35,-106.999)">
+			<title>agent.2821</title>
+			<desc>Networking</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L61.17 576.83 L61.17 527.23 L0 527.23 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="5.57" y="555.03" class="st3">Networking</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2822-153" transform="translate(846.618,-50.3063)">
+			<title>agent.2822</title>
+			<desc>Storage</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L61.17 576.83 L61.17 527.23 L0 527.23 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="13.07" y="555.03" class="st3">Storage</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2824-156" transform="translate(917.484,-50.3063)">
+			<title>agent.2824</title>
+			<desc>Encryption</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L61.17 576.83 L61.17 527.23 L0 527.23 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="6.96" y="555.03" class="st3">Encryption</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2826-159" transform="translate(57.3929,-411.724)">
+			<title>hor/vert  (rw) access</title>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L285.7 576.83" class="st19"/>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2829-164" transform="translate(57.3929,-411.724)">
+			<title>hor. (rw) L,S access</title>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L12.76 576.83 A8.50394 8.50394 0 0 1 21.26 585.34 L21.26 603.76 A8.50394 8.50394 -180 0 0 29.76 612.27
+						 L285.7 612.27" class="st19"/>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2830-169" transform="translate(57.3929,-411.724)">
+			<title>hor. (rw) L,S access.2830</title>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L12.76 576.83 A8.50394 8.50394 0 0 1 21.26 585.34 L21.26 639.2 A8.50394 8.50394 -180 0 0 29.76 647.7
+						 L285.7 647.7" class="st19"/>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2831-174" transform="translate(57.3929,-411.724)">
+			<title>hor. (rw) L,S access.2831</title>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L12.76 576.83 A8.50394 8.50394 0 0 1 21.26 585.34 L21.26 678.31 A8.50394 8.50394 -180 0 0 29.76 686.82
+						 L285.7 686.82" class="st19"/>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2835-179" transform="translate(92.4008,-410.013)">
+			<title>Sheet.2835</title>
+			<desc>Expuosure Tracing Management</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="565.353" width="135.071" height="11.4803" class="st22"/>
+			<text x="4" y="573.49" class="st18">Expuosure Tracing Management</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2836-182" transform="translate(93.0386,-338.169)">
+			<title>Sheet.2836</title>
+			<desc>Test Result Access (QR-Code/ teleTAN)</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="562.66" width="155.693" height="14.1732" class="st22"/>
+			<text x="4" y="572.15" class="st18">Test Result Access (QR-Code/ teleTAN)</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2837-185" transform="translate(92.826,-374.091)">
+			<title>Sheet.2837</title>
+			<desc>Exposure Risk Level Calculation</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="564.644" width="184.252" height="12.189" class="st22"/>
+			<text x="4" y="573.14" class="st18">Exposure Risk Level Calculation</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2838-188" transform="translate(92.826,-301.759)">
+			<title>Sheet.2838</title>
+			<desc>Submit Diagnosis Key</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="562.66" width="141.732" height="14.1732" class="st22"/>
+			<text x="4" y="572.15" class="st18">Submit Diagnosis Key</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2753-191" transform="translate(319.598,-468.417)">
+			<title>agent.2753</title>
+			<desc>Server Infrastructure</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L772.44 576.83 L772.44 513.05 L0 513.05 L0 576.83 Z" class="st6"/>
+			<text x="2.8" y="524.85" class="st3">Server Infrastructure</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2843-194" transform="translate(184.952,-51.7236)">
+			<title>agent.2843</title>
+			<desc>Android</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L49.61 576.83 L49.61 549.9 L0 549.9 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="7.57" y="566.37" class="st3">Android</text>		</g>
+		<g id="group2846-197" transform="translate(152.354,-58.8102)">
+			<title>3 dots</title>
+			<g id="shape2847-198">
+				<title>Sheet.2847</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L11.34 576.83 L11.34 565.49 L0 565.49 L0 576.83 Z" class="st7"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2848-201" transform="translate(7.37008,-4.53543)">
+				<title>Sheet.2848</title>
+				<ellipse cx="1.13386" cy="575.699" rx="1.13386" ry="1.13386" class="st23"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2849-203" transform="translate(4.53543,-4.53543)">
+				<title>Sheet.2849</title>
+				<ellipse cx="1.13386" cy="575.699" rx="1.13386" ry="1.13386" class="st23"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2850-205" transform="translate(1.70079,-4.53543)">
+				<title>Sheet.2850</title>
+				<ellipse cx="1.13386" cy="575.699" rx="1.13386" ry="1.13386" class="st23"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2851-207" transform="translate(1.70079,-4.53543)">
+				<title>Sheet.2851</title>
+				<ellipse cx="1.13386" cy="575.699" rx="1.13386" ry="1.13386" class="st9"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2852-209" transform="translate(4.53543,-4.53543)">
+				<title>Sheet.2852</title>
+				<ellipse cx="1.13386" cy="575.699" rx="1.13386" ry="1.13386" class="st9"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2853-211" transform="translate(7.37008,-4.53543)">
+				<title>Sheet.2853</title>
+				<ellipse cx="1.13386" cy="575.699" rx="1.13386" ry="1.13386" class="st9"/>
+			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2855-213" transform="translate(875.897,-260.58)">
+			<title>hor/vert  (rw) access.2855</title>
+			<path d="M5.31 576.83 L5.67 576.83 L24.8 576.83" class="st24"/>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2856-219" transform="translate(-135.877,413.141) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>vert/hor mod.access</title>
+			<desc>Activate, Deactivate &#38; Tracing Status</desc>
+			<path d="M0 573.43 A154.822 154.822 0 0 1 73.33 572.09 L73.68 572.17" class="st25"/>
+			<path d="M78.84 580.23 A154.822 154.822 0 0 1 5.51 581.58 L5.16 581.49" class="st25"/>
+			<text x="492.1" y="-59.09" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Activate, Deactivate <tspan x="496.77" dy="1.2em"
+						class="st5">&#38; </tspan>Tracing Status</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2857-230" transform="translate(365.661,-250.541)">
+			<title>storage.2857</title>
+			<desc>TracingTimeNotActiveContext</desc>
+			<rect x="0" y="559.825" width="148.819" height="17.0079" rx="8.50394" ry="8.50394" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="14.64" y="571.03" class="st12">TracingTimeNotActiveContext</text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2858-233" transform="translate(575.47,-475.503)">
+			<title>agent.2858</title>
+			<desc>CWA-Distribution Service</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L102.2 576.83 L102.2 530.77 L0 530.77 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="16.59" y="551.1" class="st12">CWA-Distribution <tspan x="36.09" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Service</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="shape2859-237" transform="translate(777.212,-475.503)">
+			<title>agent.2859</title>
+			<desc>CWA-Verification Service</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L177.17 576.83 L177.17 530.77 L0 530.77 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="54.32" y="551.1" class="st12">CWA-Verification <tspan x="73.58" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Service</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="group2771-241" transform="translate(224.654,101.33) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>ver/hor channel.2771</title>
+			<desc>Access TestResult (registrationToken)</desc>
+			<g id="shape2772-242" transform="translate(4.79616E-014,1153.67) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L85.04 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2773-245" transform="translate(-96.378,1153.67) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line.7</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L17.01 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2774-248" transform="translate(-96.378,5.66929)">
+				<title>channel.18</title>
+				<ellipse cx="5.66929" cy="571.164" rx="5.66929" ry="5.66929" class="st14"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2775-250" transform="translate(-103.465,1167.84) scale(1,-1)">
+				<title>request-response symbol</title>
+				<desc>R</desc>
+				<path d="M14.74 576.83 L19.84 576.83" class="st15"/>
+				<text x="-579.42" y="-8.12" transform="rotate(90) scale(-1,1)" class="st17">R</text>			</g>
+			<g id="shape2771-256">
+				<text x="543.21" y="81.38" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Access <tspan x="530.76" dy="1.2em" class="st5">TestResult </tspan><tspan
+							x="501.86" dy="1.2em" class="st5">(</tspan>registrationToken)</text>			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="group2761-260" transform="translate(46.8402,101.33) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>ver/hor channel.2761</title>
+			<desc>Read DiagnosisKeysInfectedUsers ExposureRiskCalculationConfig...</desc>
+			<g id="shape2762-261" transform="translate(4.79616E-014,1156.74) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L86.12 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2763-264" transform="translate(-97.4578,1156.74) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line.7</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L15.93 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2764-267" transform="translate(-97.4578,8.74637)">
+				<title>channel.18</title>
+				<ellipse cx="5.66929" cy="571.164" rx="5.66929" ry="5.66929" class="st14"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2765-269" transform="translate(-104.544,1171.29) scale(1,-1)">
+				<title>request-response symbol</title>
+				<desc>R</desc>
+				<path d="M14.74 576.83 L19.84 576.83" class="st15"/>
+				<text x="-579.42" y="-8.12" transform="rotate(90) scale(-1,1)" class="st17">R</text>			</g>
+			<g id="shape2761-275">
+				<text x="552.88" y="82.32" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Read <tspan x="469.74" dy="1.2em" class="st5">DiagnosisKeysInfectedUsers </tspan><tspan
+							x="435.49" dy="1.2em" class="st5">ExposureRiskCalculationConfiguration</tspan></text>			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="group2781-279" transform="translate(358.749,101.33) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>ver/hor channel.2781</title>
+			<desc>Access TAN (registrationToken)</desc>
+			<g id="shape2782-280" transform="translate(4.79616E-014,1147.02) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L86.12 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2783-283" transform="translate(-97.4578,1147.02) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line.7</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L15.93 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2784-286" transform="translate(-97.4578,-0.974409)">
+				<title>channel.18</title>
+				<ellipse cx="5.66929" cy="571.164" rx="5.66929" ry="5.66929" class="st14"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2785-288" transform="translate(-104.544,1161.2) scale(1,-1)">
+				<title>request-response symbol</title>
+				<desc>R</desc>
+				<path d="M14.74 576.83 L19.84 576.83" class="st15"/>
+				<text x="-579.42" y="-8.12" transform="rotate(90) scale(-1,1)" class="st17">R</text>			</g>
+			<g id="shape2781-294">
+				<text x="534.86" y="81.52" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Access <tspan x="544.65" dy="1.2em" class="st5">TAN </tspan><tspan
+							x="493.51" dy="1.2em" class="st5">(</tspan>registrationToken)</text>			</g>
+		</g>
+		<g id="shape2860-298" transform="translate(985.136,-475.503)">
+			<title>agent.2860</title>
+			<desc>CWA-Submission Service</desc>
+			<path d="M0 576.83 L102.2 576.83 L102.2 530.77 L0 530.77 L0 576.83 Z" class="st2"/>
+			<text x="15.84" y="551.1" class="st12">CWA-Submission <tspan x="36.09" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Service</tspan></text>		</g>
+		<g id="group2786-302" transform="translate(457.148,101.33) rotate(-90)">
+			<title>ver/hor channel.2786</title>
+			<desc>Submit Diagnosis-Key (TAN, DiagnosisKey)</desc>
+			<g id="shape2787-303" transform="translate(4.79616E-014,1153.67) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L85.04 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2788-306" transform="translate(-96.378,1153.67) rotate(180)">
+				<title>connection line.7</title>
+				<path d="M0 576.83 L17.01 576.83" class="st13"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2789-309" transform="translate(-96.378,5.66929)">
+				<title>channel.18</title>
+				<ellipse cx="5.66929" cy="571.164" rx="5.66929" ry="5.66929" class="st14"/>
+			</g>
+			<g id="shape2790-311" transform="translate(-103.465,1167.84) scale(1,-1)">
+				<title>request-response symbol</title>
+				<desc>R</desc>
+				<path d="M14.74 576.83 L19.84 576.83" class="st15"/>
+				<text x="-579.42" y="-8.12" transform="rotate(90) scale(-1,1)" class="st17">R</text>			</g>
+			<g id="shape2786-317">
+				<text x="544.59" y="81.52" transform="rotate(90)" class="st18">Submit <tspan x="517.91" dy="1.2em" class="st5">Diagnosis</tspan>-Key <tspan
+							x="494.8" dy="1.2em" class="st5">(</tspan>TAN, DiagnosisKey)</text>			</g>
+		</g>
+	</g>