diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index 972e4ef924f96fbb94835205aaab9b4905dc7c55..db6aace94f4df52b7ccd9b283800e5b6ba087205 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_low_risk_no_encounters_body">"До момента няма излагане на риск"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - Low risk state - Days with low risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_low_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Брой дни с излагания с нисък риск - %1$d"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Брой дни с излагания на нисък риск: 1"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Брой дни с излагания с нисък риск - %1$d"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Брой дни с излагания с нисък риск - %1$d"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Брой дни с излагания с нисък риск - %1$d"</item>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_high_risk_no_encounters_body">"До момента няма излагане на риск"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - High risk state - Days with high risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_high_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Брой дни с излагания с повишен риск - %1$d"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Брой дни с излагания на повишен риск: 1"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Брой дни с излагания с повишен риск - %1$d"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Брой дни с излагания с повишен риск - %1$d"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Брой дни с излагания с повишен риск - %1$d"</item>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Риск от заразяване"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Ако през последните 14 дни сте имали контакт с лице, което е било диагностицирано с COVID-19, приложението изчислява какъв е Вашият риск от заразяване, като измерва продължителността и близостта на излагането."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Ако през последните 14 дни сте имали контакт с лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус, приложението изчислява какъв е Вашият риск от заразяване, като измерва продължителността и близостта на излагането."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk level list -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk_levels">"Възможни са следните нива на риск:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: App overview increased risk level -->
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for test procedure explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_test">"Уведомяване на други потребители"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about rest procedure -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Друга основна функция е регистрирането на тестове и извличането на резултати. Ако имате поставена диагноза COVID-19, може да уведомите останалите потребители и да прекъснете веригата на заразяване."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Друга основна функция е регистрирането на тестове и извличането на резултати. Ако имате поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\", може да уведомите останалите потребители и да прекъснете веригата на заразяване."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview headline for glossary -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_glossary">"Дефиниции на термини:"</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary key storage -->
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary keys -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_keys">"Случаен идентификатор"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary keys -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Случайните идентификатори са произволно генерирани комбинации от цифри и букви, които устройствата си разменят, когато са в близост едно до друго. Идентифицирането на конкретни лица посредством проследяването им е невъзможно. Освен това те се изтриват автоматично след 14 дни. Лицата, диагностицирани с COVID-19, могат да споделят с останалите потребители на приложението своите случайни идентификатори, генерирани през последните 14 дни."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Случайните идентификатори са произволно генерирани комбинации от цифри и букви, които смартфоните си разменят, когато са в близост един до друг. Идентифицирането на конкретни лица посредством проследяването им е невъзможно. Освен това те се изтриват автоматично след 14 дни. Лицата, диагностицирани с коронавирус, могат да споделят с останалите потребители на приложението своите случайни идентификатори, генерирани през последните 14 дни."</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="main_overview_illustration_description">"Смартфон, показващ различни блокове съдържание с номера от 1 до 3."</string>
     <!-- XACT: App main page title -->
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
     <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Защо рискът Ви от заразяване е нисък"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Били сте в контакт с лице, което на по-късен етап е диагностицирано с COVID-19. Но отчитайки регистрираните от вас данни за излагането, рискът ви от заразяване се определя като нисък. Той е такъв, когато контактът е бил за кратко или е осъществен от разстояние.\nНе трябва да се притеснявате и не е нужно да предприемате определени действия. Препоръчваме Ви да спазвате широкоразпространените правила за социално дистанциране и поддържане на хигиена."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Били сте в контакт с лице, което на по-късен етап е диагностицирано с коронавирус. Отчитайки регистрираните от Вас данни за излагането, Вашето ниво на риск от заразяване е ниско, т.е. контактът е бил кратък или е осъществен от разстояние.\nНе трябва да се притеснявате и не е нужно да предприемате определени действия. Препоръчваме Ви да следвате общоприетите правила за спазване на дистанция и хигиена."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
     <string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Насоки"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Ето какво трябва да направите"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Ето какво трябва да направите:"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - go/stay home, something like a bullet point -->
     <string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_home">"По възможност се приберете и си останете вкъщи."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - get in touch with the corresponding people, something like a bullet point -->
@@ -327,23 +327,23 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск покрива последните 14 дни. За този период от време функцията е била активна на Вашия смартфон в продължение на %1$s дни. Приложението изтрива автоматично по-старите регистри, тъй като те вече не могат да служат за предотвратяване на заразяването."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level was calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Ето как е изчислено Вашето ниво на риск"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Ето как е изчислено Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level will be calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"Ето как се изчислява Вашето ниво на риск"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"Ето как се изчислява Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - risk calculation wasn't possible for 24h, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_outdated_risk">"Регистърът на излаганията на риск не е обновяван повече от 24 часа."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Вашето ниво на риск от заразяване е ниско, защото нямате регистрирани контакти с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с COVID-19, или ако сте имали такива, те са били краткотрайни и от по-голямо разстояние."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Вашето ниво на риск от заразяване е ниско, защото нямате регистрирани контакти с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с коронавирус, или ако сте имали такива, те са били краткотрайни и от по-голямо разстояние."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Рискът от заразяване се изчислява локално на смартфона Ви въз основа на регистрираните данни за излагане. Изчислението включва също така разстоянието от и продължителността на всички контакти с лица, диагностицирани с COVID-19., както и възможността им да заразят околните. Никой освен Вас не може да види или да получи данни за Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Рискът от заразяване се изчислява локално на смартфона Ви въз основа на регистрираните данни за излагане. Изчислението включва също така разстоянието от и продължителността на всички контакти с лица, диагностицирани с коронавирус, както и възможността им да заразят околните. Никой освен Вас не може да види или да получи данни за Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
-        <item quantity="one">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="other">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="zero">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="two">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="few">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="many">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Нивото на риска Ви от заразяване е повишено, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</item>
+        <item quantity="other">"Нивото на риска Ви от заразяване е повишено, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</item>
+        <item quantity="zero">"Нивото на риска Ви от заразяване е повишено, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</item>
+        <item quantity="two">"Нивото на риска Ви от заразяване е повишено, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</item>
+        <item quantity="few">"Нивото на риска Ви от заразяване е повишено, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</item>
+        <item quantity="many">"Нивото на риска Ви от заразяване е повишено, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</item>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Рискът от заразяване се изчислява въз основа на данните за излагане (продължителност и близост на контакта), регистрирани във вашия смартфон. Никой освен Вас не може да види или да получи данни за Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Повече защита за Вас и за всички нас. С помощта на приложението Corona-Warn-App можем да прекъснем веригите на заразяване много по-бързо."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Превърнете смартфона си в предупредителна система за коронавирус. Прегледайте своя статус на риск и разберете дали през последните 14 дни сте имали близък контакт с лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Превърнете смартфона си в предупредителна система за коронавирус. Прегледайте своя статус на риск и разберете дали през последните 14 дни сте имали близък контакт с лице, диагностицирано с коронавирус."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
     <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Приложението регистрира контакти на лица посредством обмяна на криптирани случайни ИД кодове между устройствата им, без да осъществява достъп до каквито и да било лични данни."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
@@ -421,9 +421,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - how to enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline">"Как да активирате регистрирането на излагания на риск"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"За да установите дали сте застрашени от заразяване, трябва да активирате функцията за регистриране на излагания на риск."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"За да установите дали за Вас съществува риск от заразяване, трябва да активирате функцията за регистриране на излагания на риск."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск се извършва с помощта на Bluetooth връзка, при която Вашият смартфон получава криптираните случайни идентификационни кодове на други потребители и изпраща до техните устройства Вашите случайни ИД. Функцията може да бъде дезактивирана по всяко време. "</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск се извършва с помощта на Bluetooth връзка, при която Вашият смартфон с Android получава криптираните случайни идентификационни кодове на други потребители и изпраща до техните устройства Вашите случайни ИД. Функцията може да бъде дезактивирана по всяко време. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"Криптираните случайни идентификатори предават само информация за дата, продължителност и близост на контакта (изчислена от силата на сигнала). Самоличността Ви не може да бъде установена по случайните ИД."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_button">"Към настройките на устройството"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (test) page title -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Въведение - страница 5 от 6: Ако имате поставена диагноза COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Въведение – страница 5 от 6: Ако имате поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\""</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - about positive tests -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Ако имате поставена диагноза COVID-19,..."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Ако имате поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\",..."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"... моля съобщете за това в приложението Corona-Warn-App. Споделянето на резултатите от Вашите тестове е доброволно и безопасно. Направете го в името на общото здраве."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Услугите за споделяне на местоположението са дезактивирани"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"За да може приложението да определи дали има вероятност да сте се заразили в следствие на контакт със заразен потребител, трябва да активирате функцията за регистриране на излаганията на риск. Тя работи в различни държави, което означава, че се вземат предвид и контактите Ви с потребители на други официални приложения за борба с коронавируса.\n\nФункцията за регистриране на излаганията получава чрез Bluetooth и записва на устройството ви криптираните случайни идентификатори на останалите потребители в обхвата и изпраща към техните смартфони Вашите случайни идентификатори Приложението всеки ден изтегля списък със случайните ИД и евентуални данни за развитието на симптомите на всички потребители с положителен тест за коронавирус, които доброволно са споделили тази информация чрез приложението си. После списъкът се сравнява със случайните ИД, записани на Вашия смартфон и така се изчислява вероятността да сте се заразили и, ако е необходимо, получавате предупреждение. Можете да активирате и дезактивирате регистрирането на излаганията по всяко време.\n\nПриложението никога не събира лични данни от типа на име, адрес и местоположение и не споделя подобна информация с други потребители. Самоличността Ви не може да бъде определена по Вашите случайни ИД."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"За да може приложението да определи дали има вероятност да сте се заразили вследствие на контакт със заразен потребител, трябва да активирате функцията за регистриране на излаганията на риск. Тя работи в различни държави, което означава, че се вземат предвид и контактите Ви с потребители на други официални приложения за борба с коронавируса.\n\nФункцията за регистриране на излаганията получава чрез Bluetooth и записва на Android устройството Ви криптираните случайни идентификатори на останалите потребители в обхвата и изпраща към техните смартфони Вашите случайни идентификатори. Приложението всеки ден изтегля списък със случайните ИД и евентуални данни за развитието на симптомите на всички потребители с положителен тест за коронавирус, които доброволно са споделили тази информация (и по-конкретно своите случайните ИД) чрез приложението си. После списъкът се сравнява със случайните ИД на други потребители, с които сте се срещали, записани на Вашия Android смартфон и така се изчислява вероятността да сте се заразили. Ако е необходимо, получавате предупреждение. Можете да активирате и дезактивирате регистрирането на излаганията по всяко време.\n\nПриложението никога не събира лични данни от типа на име, адрес и местоположение и не споделя подобна информация с други потребители. Самоличността Ви не може да бъде определена по Вашите случайни ИД."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Активно"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_risk">"Промяна на Вашия риск от заразяване"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
-    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Статус на Вашия тест за COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Статус на Вашия тест за коронавирус"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings(notification) - go to operating settings -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_button_open_settings">"Към настройките на устройството"</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, active -->
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
     <string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_inactive">"Жена, която е дезактивирала известията от приложението Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings - go to reset application -->
     <string name="settings_reset_title">"Изчистване на данните в приложението"</string>
-    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when he navigates to reset -->
+    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when navigating to reset -->
     <string name="settings_reset_body_description">"Изтрийте всички свои данни в приложението."</string>
     <!-- XHED: settings(reset) - multiline headline below illustration -->
     <string name="settings_reset_headline">"Потвърждавате ли, че желаете да изчистите данните в приложението?"</string>
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Институтът „Роберт Кох“ (RKI) е федералната служба за обществено здравеопазване в Германия. Той е издател на приложението Corona-Warn-App по поръчка на федералното правителство. Приложението е предназначено да бъде дигитално допълнение на вече въведените мерки за опазване на общественото здраве: социално дистанциране, поддържане на висока хигиена и носене на маски."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Хората, които използват приложението, помагат за проследяване и прекъсване на веригите на заразяване. Приложението запазва във Вашето устройство данните за контактите Ви с други хора. Получавате известие, ако сте били в контакт с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с COVID-19. Вашата самоличност и неприкосновеността на данните Ви са защитени по всяко време."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Хората, които използват приложението, помагат за проследяване и прекъсване на веригите на заразяване. Приложението запазва във Вашето устройство данните за контактите Ви с други хора. Получавате известие, ако сте били в контакт с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с коронавирус. Вашата самоличност и неприкосновеността на данните Ви са защитени по всяко време."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Група лица използват смартфоните си, придвижвайки се из града."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: qr -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title">"Невалиден QR код"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test error: qr -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"QR кодът е невалиден или вече е регистриран на друг смартфон. Ще получите резултата си от център за тестване или лаборатория, независимо от валидността на QR кода. Ако Ви бъде поставена диагноза COVID-19, службата за обществено осигуряване ще Ви уведоми за това."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"QR кодът е невалиден или вече е регистриран на друг смартфон. Ще получите резултата си от център за тестване или лаборатория, независимо от валидността на QR кода. Ако Ви бъде поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\", службата за обществено осигуряване ще Ви уведоми за това."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: tan -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title_tan">"ТАН кодът е невалиден"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test via tan - error: tan -->
@@ -784,9 +784,9 @@
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_button_positive">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Желаете ли отмяна?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Искате ли да отмените въвеждането на Вашите симптоми?"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Въведените от Вас данни няма да бъдат запазени."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Ако предоставите информация за Вашите симптоми, тя може да служи като по-точно предупреждение за останалите."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for keys submission process cancellation -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_positive">"Да"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for keys submission process cancellation -->
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for invalid QR code  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_headline">"Невалиден QR код"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for invalid QR code -->
-    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"QR кодът е невалиден или вече е регистриран на друг смартфон. Ще получите резултата си от център за тестване или лаборатория, независимо от валидността на QR кода. Ако Ви бъде поставена диагноза COVID-19, службата за обществено осигуряване ще бъде уведомена за това по установения от правните норми канал и ще се свърже с Вас."</string>
+    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"QR кодът е невалиден или вече е регистриран на друг смартфон. Ще получите резултата си от център за тестване или лаборатория, независимо от валидността на QR кода. Ако Ви бъде поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\", службата за обществено осигуряване ще бъде уведомена за това по установения от правните норми канал и ще се свърже с Вас."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_positive">"Моля, опитайте отново."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -825,6 +825,34 @@
     <!-- YTXT: instruction text for QR code scanning  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_body">"Позиционирайте QR кода в рамката."</string>
+    <!-- QR Code Consent Screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for Submission consent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline">"Вашето съгласие"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submissionconsent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline_body">"За да можете да получите резултата от Вашия тест и да предупредите останалите, трябва да дадете своето съгласие."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent call test result  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result">"Извличане на резултат от тест"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submission Consent call test result body  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_body">"В следващата стъпка сканирайте QR кода от Вашия тест, за да получите резултата."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 1 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_your_test_only">"Сканирайте само Вашия собствен тест."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 2 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_test_only_once">"Можете да сканирате Вашия тест само веднъж. Приложението не може да обработва няколко теста едновременно."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent help by warning others  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_headline">"Моля, помогнете на хората, с които сте имали контакт, като ги предупредите!"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent help by warning others -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_body">"Ако Ви е поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\", можете да предупредите останалите с помощта на приложението. Функцията за предупреждаване работи в няколко държави. Към момента това са:"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page bottom text for consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_bottom_body">"Подробна информация за обработването на данни и Вашето съгласие"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_first_point">"Вашето съгласие е доброволно."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_second_point">"Можете да получите резултата от Вашия тест, без да е необходимо да го споделяте, но ако споделите резултата си, ще помогнете на другите да се предпазят от заразяване."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_third_point">"Вашата самоличност няма да бъде разкрита. Другите потребители няма да знаят кой е споделил резултатите си от теста."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_fourth_point">"За да дадете съгласието си, трябва да имате навършени 16 години."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Резултат от тест"</string>
@@ -835,9 +863,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for for results next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_body">"Вашият тест е запазен в приложението Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for pending test result next steps  -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Все още няма резултат от теста"</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Все още няма резултат от теста Ви."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of waiting test result page -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Моля, бъдете търпеливи, тъй като определянето на резултата може да отнеме няколко дни.\n\nРезултатът от Вашия тест ще Ви бъде изпратен също и извън приложението. Службата за обществено осигуряване ще Ви уведоми, ако той е положителен.\n\nАко резултатът Ви е положителен, моля обадете се на номера, показан под “Заявка за ТАН код”, за да го регистрирате в приложението и да предупредите останалите потребители."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Резултатът от Вашия тест ще се покаже в приложението веднага щом бъде готов."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : refresh button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_pending_refresh_button">"Актуализиране"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : remove the test button -->
@@ -873,7 +901,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for test removal  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"Тестът може да се сканира само веднъж."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Ако изтриете теста, повече няма да можете да извлечете данните за резултата си. Ще получите резултата си от център за тестване или лаборатория, независимо от валидността на QR кода. Ако Ви бъде поставена диагноза COVID-19, службата за обществено осигуряване ще бъде уведомена за това по установения от правните норми канал и ще се свърже с Вас."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Ако изтриете теста, повече няма да можете да извлечете данните за резултата си. Ще получите резултата си от център за тестване или лаборатория, независимо от валидността на QR кода. Ако Ви бъде поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\", службата за обществено осигуряване ще бъде уведомена за това по установения от правните норми канал и ще се свърже с Вас."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for test removal -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Изтриване"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for test removal -->
@@ -882,6 +910,16 @@
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_title">"Положителен резултат за SARS-CoV-2"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for test result card positive -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_body">"Вашето заразяване със SARS-CoV-2 е потвърдено."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result with consent given  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_heading">"Резултатът от Вашия тест"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Subtitle text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_subtitle">"Благодарим Ви, че помагате да се спре разпространението на коронавируса."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: body text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_body"><b>"Хората, с които сте имали контакт, ще бъдат предупредени."</b>" "<br/><br/>"Сега можете да помогнете за подобряване на точността на предупрежденията. За тази цел, в следващата стъпка ни кажете кога развихте първите симптоми. Можете да отмените стъпката във всеки един момент."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: button text for the 'break up' button option on test result consent given page -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_breakup_button">"Изход"</string>
     <!-- Submission Tan -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for TAN submission pge -->
@@ -903,7 +941,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for menu the at start of the submission process  -->
     <string name="submission_intro_headline">"Ето как работи приложението Corona-Warn-App"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction text -->
-    <string name="submission_intro_text">"За да работи добре приложението, разчитаме на подкрепата на хората, диагностицирани с COVID-19.\n\nТъй като се разменят само криптирани случайни ИД кодове, анонимността Ви е гарантирана. Може да предприемете следните стъпки:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_intro_text">"За да работи добре приложението, разчитаме на подкрепата на хората, диагностицирани с коронавирус.\n\nТъй като се разменят само криптирани случайни ИД кодове, анонимността Ви е гарантирана. Може да предприемете следните стъпки:"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Submission introduction next button-->
     <string name="submission_intro_button_next">"Напред"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Submission intro - illustration description, explanation image -->
@@ -911,7 +949,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction bullet points -->
     <string-array name="submission_intro_bullet_points">
         <item>"Ако в документа с резултата от теста Ви има QR код, можете да го сканирате и да регистрирате теста си. В момента, в който резултатът бъде готов, ще можете да го видите в приложението."</item>
-        <item>"Ако Ви е поставена диагноза COVID-19, можете да предупредите останалите потребители."</item>
+        <item>"Ако Ви е поставена диагноза \"коронавирус\", можете да предупредите останалите потребители."</item>
         <item>"Ако Ви е предоставен ТАН код за положителен резултат, може да го използвате, за да регистрирате теста."</item>
         <item>"Ако не разполагате с ТАН код, по телефона може да заявите да Ви бъде предоставен такъв."</item>
@@ -920,25 +958,25 @@
     <!-- Dispatcher -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Избор"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Извличане на резултат от тест"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"С каква информация разполагате?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Получете резултата от Вашия тест чрез приложението и предупредете останалите. По този начин предпазвате себе си и помагате да се спре разпространението на коронавируса."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they have already been tested: QR and TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">"Правили ли сте си тест?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they already have a positive test: tele-TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">"Положителен ли е Вашият резултат от теста за коронавирус?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for QR code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Документ с QR код"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Тест с QR код"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for QR code dispatcher option -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_card_text">"Регистрирайте теста си, като сканирате QR кода на документа."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TAN code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"ТАН код"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"Въвеждане на ТАН код"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TAN code dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Регистрирайте теста си, като въведете ТАН кода ръчно."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Имате TAN код? Въведете го, за да предупредите останалите. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TELE-TAN option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Заявка за ТАН код"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Все още нямате TAN код?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TELE_TAN dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Моля, обадете ни се, ако Ви е поставена диагноза COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Позвънете ни, за да получите TAN код."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Dispatcher Tan page title -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_accessibility_title">"С каква информация разполагате?"</string>
@@ -956,6 +994,25 @@
     <!-- XHED: Title for the interop country list-->
     <string name="submission_interoperability_list_title">"В момента в международното регистриране на излаганията на риск от заразяване участват следните държави:"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Тъй като тестът Ви за коронавирус е положителен, можете да предупредите останалите чрез приложението."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Функцията за предупреждаване работи в няколко държави. Към момента това са:"</string>
+    <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_subtitle">"Моля, помогнете на всички нас!"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: First bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_1"><b>"Споделете резултата от Вашия тест и помогнете на другите да се предпазят от заразяване."</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Second bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_2">"Вашата самоличност няма да бъде разкрита. Другите потребители няма да знаят кой е споделил резултатите си от теста."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Third bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_3">"Моля, следвайте инструкциите на Вашия лекар и си останете вкъщи, за да не заразявате други хора."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Button for giving consent for key sharing -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_warn_others">"Предупредете другите"</string>
     <!-- Submission Country Selector -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the submission country selection page -->
     <string name="submission_positive_country_selection_title">"Предупреждения за цяла Европа"</string>
@@ -995,13 +1052,29 @@
     <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
     <string name="submission_done_illustration_description">"Имали ли сте един или повече от следните симптоми през последните няколко дни?"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Done No Consent-->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_title">"Благодарим Ви!"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page subtitle for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_subtitle">"Благодарим Ви, че помагате да се спре разпространението на коронавируса."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body_title">"Другите потребители ще бъдат предупредени."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body">"Сега можете да помогнете за подобряване на точността на предупрежденията. За тази цел, в следващата стъпка ни кажете кога развихте първите симптоми. Можете да отмените стъпката във всеки един момент."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue with symptom recording button -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_continue_with_symptom_recording">"Въведете симптоми"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue break flow button-->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_break_flow">"Изход"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_illustration_description">"Няколко души гледат смартфоните си."</string>
     <!-- Submission Symptoms -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for symptom screens -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_title">"Симптоми"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: headline text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Имали ли сте един или повече от следните симптоми?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Имали ли сте един или повече от следните симптоми през последните няколко дни?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: explanation text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Можете да посочвате дали и кога сте проявили симпотми на COVID-19, за да позволите на приложението да оцени по-точно риска от заразяване за останалите потребители. Ако не желаете да предоставите такава информация, просто изберете \"Без отговор\"."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Може да посочите дали и кога сте проявили симптоми на коронавирус, за да позволите на приложението да оцени по-точно риска от заразяване за останалите потребители. Тази стъпка не е задължителна. Ако не желаете да предоставите такава информация, просто изберете \"Без отговор\"."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Bullet points for symptoms -->
     <string-array name="submission_symptom_symptom_bullets">
         <item>"Повишена температура или треска"</item>
@@ -1058,9 +1131,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for calendar page in submission symptom flow -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_title">"Начало на симптомите"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for calendar page in symptom submission flow -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Кога се появиха за първи път тези симптоми? "</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Кога забелязахте симптомите за първи път?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for calendar page in symptom submission flow-->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Изберете точната дата от календара или, ако не можете да си я спомните, някоя от другите опции."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Моля, посочете датата възможно най-точно."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen less than 7 days button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_less_seven">"През последните 7 дни"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen 1-2 weeks button -->
@@ -1090,7 +1163,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: fetching -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_fetching">"Резултатът Ви се актуализира"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: unregistered -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Помогнете за прекъсването на веригата на заразяване, като уведомите останалите потребители."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Пазете се и помогнете и на другите да се предпазят."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: pending -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_pending">"Резултатът от Вашия тест все още не е определен."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: invalid -->
@@ -1102,7 +1175,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status fetch failed -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Вашият тест е направен преди повече от 21 дни и вече не е валиден. Моля, изтрийте го, за да можете да добавите друг след това."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card unregistered button -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Научете повече и помогнете"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Следващи стъпки"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card show results button -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_button_show_results">"Показване на тест"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card fetch failed button -->
@@ -1140,7 +1213,51 @@
     <!-- XBUT Symptoms exact date button -->
-    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Точна дата"</string>
+    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Дата"</string>
+    <!-- Submission consent custom view -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_given">"Съгласие\n“Предупредете другите” е дадено"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_not_given">"Съгласие\n“Предупредете другите” не е дадено"</string>
+    <!--  Submission test result available -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for test results available step -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_title">"Резултатът от теста Ви е готов"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: Test result available illustration description -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_illustration_description">"Жена държи смартфон в ръката си. Той изпраща сигнал към друг смартфон."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_given">"Благодарим Ви, че се съгласихте да споделите резултата от Вашия тест и така да помогнете, като предупредите останалите. \n\n"<b>"В следващата стъпка, моля, споделете резултата от теста си, като натиснете \"Споделяне”."</b></string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_given">"Желаете ли отмяна?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_given">"Въведените от Вас данни няма да бъдат запазени."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_not_given">"Избрали сте да не споделяте резултатите от теста си. Останалите няма да бъдат предупредени. \n\nВ следващата стъпка можете да промените решението си и да споделите резултата от теста си, за да помогнете да се спре разпространението на коронавируса и да предпазите останалите."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_not_given">"Важно:\nНа път сте да отмените този процес.\nВсе още не сте предупредили останалите. Моля, завършете процеса, за да помогнете на останалите да се предпазят."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_not_given">"Потвърждавате ли, че желаете да отмените процеса?"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup cancel button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_cancel_button">"Отказ"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup continue button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_continue_button">"Напред"</string>
+    <!-- Submission your consent screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_title">"Вашето съгласие"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch label - next to a switch  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_subtitle">"Предупредете другите"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status on  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_on">"Активно"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status off  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_off">"Спряно"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen about agreement  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_about_agreement">"Дадохте следното съгласие:"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen agreement title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_title"><b>"Съгласие"</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen detailed information -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_details">"Подробна информация за обработването на данни и Вашето съгласие"</string>
     <!-- ####################################
           Button Tooltips for Accessibility
@@ -1215,8 +1332,6 @@
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_show_qr_code">"Show QR Code"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
-    <string name="test_api_button_submit_keys">"Submit keys to Server"</string>
-    <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_scan_qr_code">"Scan Exposure Key"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_switch_last_three_hours_from_server">"Last 3 Hours Mode"</string>
@@ -1309,7 +1424,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: First section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_first_section">"Няколко държави обединиха усилия, за да можете да получавате международни предупреждения чрез съвместен сървър за обмен на данни. Така при определянето на риска от заразяване се вземат предвид и контактите Ви с потребители на официалните приложения за борба с коронавируса и в други държави."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Second section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
-    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"За целта приложението изтегля и всеки ден актуализира списъка със случайните идентификатори на потребителите, които са избрали да ги споделят чрез собствените си приложения. После този списък се сравнява със случайните ИД, записани от вашето устройство. Ежедневната актуализация на списъка обикновено е безплатна за Вас – използваните от приложението данни не се таксуват и за тях не се начисляват такси за роуминг в други държави от ЕС."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"За тази цел приложението изтегля списък на всички споделени в приложението случайни идентификатори на потребители, който се актуализира ежедневно. След това този списък се сравнява със случайните идентификатори, записани от Вашия смартфон с Android. Изтеглянето на списъците обикновено е безплатно за Вас. Това означава, че мобилните оператори не таксуват използваните от приложението данни в този контекст и не начисляват за тях такси за роуминг в други държави от ЕС. За повече подробности се обърнете към своя мобилен оператор."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Header right above the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_list_title">"В момента в международното регистриране на излаганията на риск от заразяване участват следните държави:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Text right under the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
@@ -1320,9 +1435,9 @@
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step first section in interoperability after the title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_first_section">"Няколко държави обединиха усилия, за да направят възможни международните предупреждения. С други думи, вече могат да се вземат под внимание потенциалните ви контакти с потребители на официалните приложения за проследяване на разпространението на коронавируса във всички участващи държави."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step second section in interoperability after the title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Когато потребителят изпрати своите случайни ИД към сървъра за обмен на данни, съвместно поддържан от участващите държави, потребителите на официалните приложения за борба с коронавируса във всяка една от тях получават необходимите предупреждения."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Когато някой потребител изпрати своя положителен резултат от теста (по-конкретно: своите случайни идентификатори), за да предупреди останалите, към сървъра за обмен на данни, съвместно поддържан от участващите държави, всички потребители на официалните приложения за борба с коронавируса във всяка една от тях получават необходимите предупреждения."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Ежедневното изтегляне на списъка със случайни идентификатори обикновено е безплатно за Вас. Това означава, че мобилните оператори не таксуват използваните от приложението данни и не начисляват за тях такси за роуминг в други държави от ЕС. За повече подробности се обърнете към своя мобилен оператор."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Ежедневното изтегляне на списъци със случайни идентификатори, предоставени от потребителите, споделили за положителен резултат от теста си, обикновено е безплатно за Вас. Това означава, че мобилните оператори не таксуват използваните от приложението данни и не начисляват за тях такси за роуминг в други държави от ЕС. За повече подробности се обърнете към своя мобилен оператор."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Small header above the country list in the onboarding screen for interoperability. -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_title">"В момента в обмена участват следните държави:"</string>
@@ -1337,9 +1452,9 @@
     <!-- XTXT: Description of the interoperability extension of the app. Below interoperability_onboarding_delta_title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_subtitle">"Функциите на приложението Corona-Warn-App бяха разширени. Много държави се обединиха, за да направят възможни международните предупреждения посредством съвместно управляван сървър за обмен на данни. При изчисляването на риска от заразяване вече могат да бъдат взети предвид и контактите с потребители на официалните приложения за проследяване на коронавируса от други държави."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"За тази цел приложението изтегля списък на всички споделени в приложението случайни идентификатори на потребители, който се актуализира ежедневно. След това този списък се сравнява със случайните идентификатори, записани на Вашето устройство."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"За тази цел приложението изтегля ежедневно актуализиран списък на случайните идентификатори на всички потребители, споделили резултатите от теста си чрез собственото си приложение, за да предупредят останалите. След това този списък се сравнява със случайните идентификатори, записани на Вашия смартфон с Android."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Ежедневното изтегляне на списъка със случайни идентификатори обикновено е безплатно за Вас. Това означава, че мобилните оператори не таксуват използваните от приложението данни и не начисляват за тях такси за роуминг в други държави от ЕС. За повече подробности се обърнете към своя мобилен оператор."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Изтеглянето на списъците обикновено е безплатно за Вас. Това означава, че мобилните оператори не таксуват използваните от приложението данни и не начисляват за тях такси за роуминг в други държави от ЕС. За повече подробности се обърнете към своя мобилен оператор."</string>
     <!-- XACT: interoperability (eu) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="interoperability_eu_illustration_description">"Ръка държи смартфон на фона на Европа и знамето на ЕС."</string>
@@ -1356,4 +1471,15 @@
     <!-- XBUT: Title for the interoperability onboarding Settings-Button if no network is available -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_button_title_no_network">"Към настройките на устройството"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_title">"Не искате ли да изпратите предупреждение?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Message for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_message">"Ако искате да предупредите останалите, трябва да споделите резултата от Вашия тест."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Positive button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_positive_button">"Предупреди другите"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Negative button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_negative_button">"Не предупреждавай другите"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Abort button for test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_abort">"Отказ"</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
index a128b4af64dfc870cd5afcfc0b98d73d37af2ebe..6df7fcaaec8518146eaaf64b0ad2125a84633f1d 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_low_risk_no_encounters_body">"No exposure up to now"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - Low risk state - Days with low risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_low_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Exposures with low risk on %1$d day"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Exposures with low risk on one day"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Exposures with low risk on %1$d days"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Exposures with low risk on %1$d days"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Exposures with low risk on %1$d days"</item>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_high_risk_no_encounters_body">"No exposure up to now"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - High risk state - Days with high risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_high_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Exposures on %1$d day with increased risk"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Exposures on one day with increased risk"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Exposures on %1$d days with increased risk"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Exposures on %1$d days with increased risk"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Exposures on %1$d days with increased risk"</item>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Risk of Infection"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"If you have had contact within the last 14 days with a person who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the app calculates your personal risk of infection. It does this by measuring duration and proximity of the exposure."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"If you have had contact within the last 14 days with a person who was diagnosed with coronavirus, the app calculates your personal risk of infection. It does this by measuring duration and proximity of the exposure."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk level list -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk_levels">"The following risk status can be shown:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: App overview increased risk level -->
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for test procedure explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_test">"Notifying Other Users"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about rest procedure -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Another central feature is registering your test and retrieving the result. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you can notify others and break the chain of infection."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Another central feature is registering your test and retrieving the result. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, you can notify others and break the chain of infection."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview headline for glossary -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_glossary">"Definition of Terms:"</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary key storage -->
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary keys -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_keys">"Random ID"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary keys -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Random IDs are combinations of digits and letters generated randomly. They are exchanged between smartphones in close proximity. Random IDs cannot be traced to a specific person and are automatically deleted after 14 days. Persons diagnosed with COVID-19 can opt to share their random IDs of up to the last 14 days with other app users."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Random IDs are combinations of digits and letters generated randomly. They are exchanged between smartphones in close proximity. Random IDs cannot be traced to a specific person and are automatically deleted after 14 days. Persons diagnosed with coronavirus can opt to share their random IDs of up to the last 14 days with other app users."</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="main_overview_illustration_description">"A smartphone displays various content, numbered 1 to 3."</string>
     <!-- XACT: App main page title -->
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
     <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Why your risk of infection is low"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"You encountered a person who was later diagnosed with COVID-19. Nevertheless, based on your exposure logging data, your risk of infection is low. The risk is low if your encounter was brief or occurred at a distance. You do not need to worry and there is no specific need for action. We recommend that you adhere to the prevailing rules regarding distancing and hygiene."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"You encountered a person who was later diagnosed with coronavirus. Nevertheless, based on your exposure logging data, your risk of infection is low. The risk is low if your encounter was brief or occurred at a distance. You do not need to worry and there is no specific need for action. We recommend that you adhere to the prevailing rules regarding distancing and hygiene."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
     <string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Guidelines"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"This is what you should do"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"This is what you should do:"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - go/stay home, something like a bullet point -->
     <string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_home">"If possible, please go home and stay at home."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - get in touch with the corresponding people, something like a bullet point -->
@@ -327,23 +327,23 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Exposure logging covers the past 14 days. During this time, the logging feature on your smartphone was active for %1$s days. The app automatically deletes older logs, as these are no longer relevant for infection prevention."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level was calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"This is how your risk was calculated"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"This is how your risk was calculated."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level will be calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"This is how your risk is calculated"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"This is how your risk is calculated."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - risk calculation wasn't possible for 24h, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_outdated_risk">"Your exposure logging could not be updated for more than 24 hours."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"You have a low risk of infection because no exposure to people later diagnosed with COVID-19 was logged, or because your encounters were only for a short time and at a greater distance."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"You have a low risk of infection because no exposure to people later diagnosed with coronavirus was logged, or because your encounters were only for a short time and at a greater distance."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"The risk of infection is calculated locally on your smartphone, using exposure logging data. The calculation also takes into account distance and duration of any exposure to persons diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as their potential infectiousness. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by or passed on to anyone else."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"The risk of infection is calculated locally on your smartphone, using exposure logging data. The calculation also takes into account distance and duration of any exposure to persons diagnosed with coronavirus, as well as their potential infectiousness. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by or passed on to anyone else."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
-        <item quantity="one">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="other">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="zero">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="two">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="few">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="many">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="other">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="zero">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="two">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="few">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="many">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with coronavirus."</item>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your smartphone. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."</string>
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"More protection for you and for us all. By using the Corona-Warn-App we can break infection chains much quicker."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Turn your smartphone into a coronavirus warning system. Get an overview of your risk status and find out whether you\'ve had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Turn your smartphone into a coronavirus warning system. Get an overview of your risk status and find out whether you\'ve had close contact with anyone diagnosed with coronavirus in the last 14 days."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
     <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"The app logs encounters between individuals by exchanging encrypted, random IDs between their smartphones, whereby no personal data whatsoever is accessed."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
@@ -421,9 +421,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - how to enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline">"How to Enable Exposure Logging"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"To identify whether you are at risk of infection, you must activate the exposure logging feature."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"To identify whether you are at risk of infection, you must activate exposure logging."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Exposure logging works by your smartphone receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your own random IDs to their smartphones. Exposure logging can be deactivated at any time. "</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Exposure logging works by your Android smartphone receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your own random IDs to their smartphones. Exposure logging can be deactivated at any time. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"The encrypted random IDs only pass information about date, duration, and proximity (calculated from signal strength) to other people. Individuals cannot be identified based on the random IDs."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_button">"Open Device Settings"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (test) page title -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 5 of 6: If You Are Diagnosed with COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 5 of 6: If You Are Diagnosed with Coronavirus"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - about positive tests -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"If you are diagnosed with COVID-19…"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"If you are diagnosed with coronavirus…"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… please report this in the Corona-Warn-App. Sharing your test results is voluntary and secure. Please do this for the sake of everyone\'s health."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
    ###################################### -->
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
-    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Age Limit: 16 and Up"</string>
+    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Age 16 Warning"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
     <string name="sixteen_description_text">"The use of this app is intended for persons who are at least 16 years of age and who reside in Germany."</string>
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Location services deactivated"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"You need to enable the exposure logging feature so that the app can determine whether you are at risk after encountering an infected app user. The exposure logging feature works transnationally, meaning any possible exposure involving users is also detected by other official coronavirus apps.\n\nThe exposure logging feature works by your smartphone receiving encrypted random IDs from other users via Bluetooth and passing your own random IDs to their smartphones. Every day, the app downloads a list containing the random IDs – along with any voluntary information about the onset of symptoms – of all users who have tested positive for the virus and voluntarily shared this information via their app. This list is then compared with the random IDs of other users that have been recorded by your smartphone, in order to calculate the likelihood that you have also been infected and to warn you if necessary. You can use the toggle switch to disable exposure logging at any time.\n\nThe app never collects personal data such as your name, address or location, nor is this information passed on to other users. It is not possible to use random IDs to draw conclusions about individual persons."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"You need to enable the exposure logging feature so that the app can determine whether you are at risk after encountering an infected app user. The exposure logging feature works transnationally, meaning any possible exposure involving users is also detected by other official coronavirus apps.\n\nThe exposure logging feature works by your Android smartphone receiving encrypted random IDs from other users via Bluetooth and passing your own random IDs to their smartphones. Every day, the app downloads a list containing the random IDs – along with any voluntary information about the onset of symptoms – of all users who have tested positive for the virus and voluntarily shared this information (specifically: their random IDs) via their app. This list is then compared with the random IDs of other users you have encountered that have been recorded by your Android smartphone, in order to calculate the likelihood that you have also been infected and to warn you if necessary. You can use the toggle switch to disable exposure logging at any time.\n\nThe app never collects personal data such as your name, address or location, nor is this information passed on to other users. It is not possible to use random IDs to draw conclusions about individual persons."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Active"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_risk">"Your risk of infection changed"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
-    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Status of your COVID-19 test"</string>
+    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Status of your coronavirus test"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings(notification) - go to operating settings -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_button_open_settings">"Open Device Settings"</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, active -->
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
     <string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_inactive">"A woman has deactivated notifications for her Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings - go to reset application -->
     <string name="settings_reset_title">"Reset App"</string>
-    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when he navigates to reset -->
+    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when navigating to reset -->
     <string name="settings_reset_body_description">"Delete all your data in the app."</string>
     <!-- XHED: settings(reset) - multiline headline below illustration -->
     <string name="settings_reset_headline">"Are you sure you want to reset the app?"</string>
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is Germany’s federal public health body. The RKI publishes the Corona-Warn-App on behalf of the Federal Government. The app is intended as a digital complement to public health measures already introduced: social distancing, hygiene, and face masks."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"People who use the app help to trace and break chains of infection. The app saves encounters with other people locally on your device. You are notified if you have encountered people who were later diagnosed with COVID-19. Your identity and privacy are always protected."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"People who use the app help to trace and break chains of infection. The app saves encounters with other people locally on your device. You are notified if you have encountered people who were later diagnosed with coronavirus. Your identity and privacy are always protected."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"A group of persons use their smartphones around town."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: qr -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title">"QR code is invalid"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test error: qr -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"The QR code is invalid or has been registered on another smartphone already. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you will be notified by the public health authority."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"The QR code is invalid or has been registered on another smartphone already. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, you will be notified by the public health authority."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: tan -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title_tan">"TAN is invalid"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test via tan - error: tan -->
@@ -784,9 +784,9 @@
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_button_positive">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Do you want to cancel?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Do you want to cancel entering your symptoms?"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Your entries will not be saved."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"If you provide information about your symptoms, you can warn others more exactly."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for keys submission process cancellation -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_positive">"Yes"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for keys submission process cancellation -->
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for invalid QR code  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_headline">"QR code is invalid"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for invalid QR code -->
-    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"The QR code is invalid or has been registered on another smartphone already. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
+    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"The QR code is invalid or has been registered on another smartphone already. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_positive">"Please try again."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -825,6 +825,34 @@
     <!-- YTXT: instruction text for QR code scanning  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_body">"Position the QR code in the frame."</string>
+    <!-- QR Code Consent Screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for Submission consent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline">"Your Consent"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submissionconsent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline_body">"Your consent is needed before you can retrieve your test result and warn others."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent call test result  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result">"Retrieve Test Result"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submission Consent call test result body  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_body">"In the next step, scan the QR code on your test and retrieve your test result."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 1 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_your_test_only">"Only scan your own test."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 2 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_test_only_once">"Your test can only be scanned once. The app cannot manage multiple tests at the same time."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent help by warning others  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_headline">"Please help others you have encountered by warning them!"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent help by warning others -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_body">"If you have been diagnosed with coronavirus, you can warn others through the app. The warning function works in several countries. The following countries are currently participating:"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page bottom text for consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_bottom_body">"Detailed Information on Data Processing and Your Consent"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_first_point">"Your consent is voluntary."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_second_point">"You can retrieve your test result even if you do not choose to share it. But if you share your test result, you will help to protect others against infection."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_third_point">"Your identity will remain secret. Other users will not know who shared their test results."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_fourth_point">"You must be at least 16 years old to grant your consent."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Test Result"</string>
@@ -835,9 +863,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for for results next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_body">"Your test has been stored in the Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for pending test result next steps  -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Test result is not yet available"</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Your test result is not available yet."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of waiting test result page -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Please be patient, as the evaluation may take several days.\n\nYou will also receive your test result outside of the app. The public health authorities will notify you, should your test be positive.\n\nIn the event of a positive test result, please call the number shown under \"Request TAN\" to register your result in the app and warn others."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"As soon as your test result becomes available, it will be displayed in the app."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : refresh button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_pending_refresh_button">"Update"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : remove the test button -->
@@ -845,7 +873,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for negative test result next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_heading">"Your Test Result"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of test negative result -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_body">"The laboratory result indicates no verification that you have coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.\n\nPlease delete the test from the Corona-Warn-App, so that you can save a new test code here if necessary."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_body">"The laboratory result indicates no verification that you have the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.\n\nPlease delete the test from the Corona-Warn-App, so that you can save a new test code here if necessary."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: negative test result : remove the test button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_negative_remove_test_button">"Delete Test"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for other warnings screen  -->
@@ -873,7 +901,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for test removal  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"The test can only be scanned once."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"If you remove the test, you can no longer retrieve your test result. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"If you remove the test, you can no longer retrieve your test result. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for test removal -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Remove"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for test removal -->
@@ -882,6 +910,16 @@
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_title">"SARS-CoV-2 positive"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for test result card positive -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_body">"You have been diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result with consent given  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_heading">"Your Test Result"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Subtitle text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_subtitle">"Thank you for helping to stop the spread of coronavirus."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: body text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_body"><b>"Others you have had contact with will now be warned."</b>" "<br/><br/>"You can now help to improve the accuracy of the warnings. To do so, in the next step, tell us when you first developed symptoms. You can cancel this step at any time."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: button text for the 'break up' button option on test result consent given page -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_breakup_button">"Exit"</string>
     <!-- Submission Tan -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for TAN submission pge -->
@@ -903,7 +941,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for menu the at start of the submission process  -->
     <string name="submission_intro_headline">"This is how the Corona-Warn-App works"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction text -->
-    <string name="submission_intro_text">"For the app to work well, we are relying on the support of people who were diagnosed with COVID-19.\n\nSince only encrypted random IDs are exchanged, you will remain anonymous. You can now proceed as follows:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_intro_text">"For the app to work well, we are relying on the support of people who were diagnosed with coronavirus.\n\nSince only encrypted random IDs are exchanged, you will remain anonymous. You can now proceed as follows:"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Submission introduction next button-->
     <string name="submission_intro_button_next">"Next"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Submission intro - illustration description, explanation image -->
@@ -911,7 +949,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction bullet points -->
     <string-array name="submission_intro_bullet_points">
         <item>"If there is a QR code in your test document, you can scan this and register the test. As soon as the result is available, you can view it in the app."</item>
-        <item>"If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can warn others."</item>
+        <item>"If you have been diagnosed with coronavirus, you can warn others."</item>
         <item>"If you were given a TAN for a positive diagnosis, you can use this to register the test."</item>
         <item>"If you do not have a TAN, you can request one by telephone."</item>
@@ -920,25 +958,25 @@
     <!-- Dispatcher -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Selection"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Retrieve Test Result"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"What information do you have?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Retrieve your test result through the app and then warn others. You’ll protect yourself and help to stop the spread of coronavirus."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they have already been tested: QR and TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">"Have you been tested?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they already have a positive test: tele-TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">"Did you test positive for coronavirus?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for QR code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Document with QR code"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Test with QR Code"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for QR code dispatcher option -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_card_text">"Register your test by scanning the QR code of your test document."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TAN code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN Entry"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TAN code dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Register your test by entering your TAN manually."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Do you have a TAN? Continue to enter your TAN, so you can warn others. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TELE-TAN option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Request TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"No TAN yet?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TELE_TAN dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Please call us if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Call us and get a TAN."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Dispatcher Tan page title -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_accessibility_title">"What information do you have?"</string>
@@ -956,6 +994,25 @@
     <!-- XHED: Title for the interop country list-->
     <string name="submission_interoperability_list_title">"The following countries currently participate in transnational exposure logging:"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Because you tested positive for coronavirus, you can now warn others through the app."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"The warning function works in several countries. The following countries are currently participating:"</string>
+    <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_subtitle">"Please help all of us!"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: First bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_1"><b>"Share your test result and help protect others against infection."</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Second bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_2">"Your identity will remain secret. Other users will not know who shared their test results."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Third bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_3">"Please be sure to follow the instructions from your public health authority and stay home, so you don’t infect others."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Button for giving consent for key sharing -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_warn_others">"Warn Others"</string>
     <!-- Submission Country Selector -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the submission country selection page -->
     <string name="submission_positive_country_selection_title">"Europe-wide warnings"</string>
@@ -995,13 +1052,29 @@
     <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
     <string name="submission_done_illustration_description">"Have you experienced one or more of the following symptoms in the past few days?"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Done No Consent-->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_title">"Thank you"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page subtitle for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_subtitle">"Thank you for helping to stop the spread of coronavirus."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body_title">"Others will now be warned."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body">"You can now help to improve the accuracy of the warnings. To do so, in the next step, tell us when you first developed symptoms. You can cancel this step at any time."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue with symptom recording button -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_continue_with_symptom_recording">"Enter Symptoms"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue break flow button-->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_break_flow">"Exit"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_illustration_description">"Several people are looking at their smartphones."</string>
     <!-- Submission Symptoms -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for symptom screens -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_title">"Symptoms"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: headline text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Have you experienced one or more of the following symptoms?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Have you experienced one or more of the following symptoms in the last few days?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: explanation text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"You can indicate whether and when you noticed any corona symptoms, to allow the App to calculate more accurately the risk of infection to other app users. If you do not want to provide that information, just select \"no answer\"."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"You can indicate whether and when you noticed any corona symptoms, to allow the App to calculate more accurately the risk of infection to other app users. This step is voluntary. If you do not want to provide information about your symptoms, select “No answer”."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Bullet points for symptoms -->
     <string-array name="submission_symptom_symptom_bullets">
         <item>"Increased temperature or fever"</item>
@@ -1058,9 +1131,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for calendar page in submission symptom flow -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_title">"Start of Symptoms"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for calendar page in symptom submission flow -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"When did you first start to experience these symptoms? "</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"When did you first notice the symptoms?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for calendar page in symptom submission flow-->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Select the exact date in the calendar or, if you cannot remember the exact date, choose one of the other options."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Please specify the date as accurately as possible."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen less than 7 days button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_less_seven">"In the last 7 days"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen 1-2 weeks button -->
@@ -1072,13 +1145,13 @@
     <!-- Submission Status Card -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: fetching -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_fetching">"Data being retrieved...."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_fetching">"Data being retrieved..."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: unregistered -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_unregistered">"Have you been tested?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: pending -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Your result is not yet available"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Your test result is not available yet"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: available -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Your result is available"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Your test result is available"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: positive -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_positive">"Positive Diagnosis"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status fetch failed -->
@@ -1090,7 +1163,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: fetching -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_fetching">"You result is being updated"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: unregistered -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Help to break the infection chain by notifying others."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Help protect yourself and others."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: pending -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_pending">"The evaluation of your test is not yet done."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: invalid -->
@@ -1102,7 +1175,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status fetch failed -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Your test is more than 21 days old and is therefore no longer relevant. Please delete the test. You can then add another."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card unregistered button -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Learn More and Help"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Next Steps"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card show results button -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_button_show_results">"Display Test"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card fetch failed button -->
@@ -1140,7 +1213,51 @@
     <!-- XBUT Symptoms exact date button -->
-    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Exact date"</string>
+    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Date"</string>
+    <!-- Submission consent custom view -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_given">"Consent\n“Warn others” granted"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_not_given">"Consent\n“Warn others” not granted"</string>
+    <!--  Submission test result available -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for test results available step -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_title">"Your Test Result Is Available"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: Test result available illustration description -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_illustration_description">"A woman holds her smartphone in her hand. It is sending a signal to another smartphone."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_given">"Thank you for agreeing to share your test result and helping to warn others as a result. \n\n"<b>"In the next step, please share your test result by tapping “Share”."</b></string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_given">"Do you want to cancel?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_given">"Your entries will not be saved."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_not_given">"You have chosen to not share your test results. Others will not be warned. \n\nIn the next step, you have the opportunity to change your mind and share your test result after all, to help stop the spread of coronavirus and protect others."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_not_given">"Important:\nYou are about to cancel this process.\nYou have not warned others yet. Please complete the process and help to protect others."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_not_given">"Do you really want to cancel the process?"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup cancel button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_cancel_button">"Cancel"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup continue button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_continue_button">"Continue"</string>
+    <!-- Submission your consent screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_title">"Your Consent"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch label - next to a switch  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_subtitle">"Warn Others"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status on  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_on">"Active"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status off  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_off">"Stopped"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen about agreement  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_about_agreement">"You have granted the following consent:"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen agreement title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_title"><b>"Consent"</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen detailed information -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_details">"Detailed Information on Data Processing and Your Consent"</string>
     <!-- ####################################
           Button Tooltips for Accessibility
@@ -1215,8 +1332,6 @@
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_show_qr_code">"Show QR Code"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
-    <string name="test_api_button_submit_keys">"Submit keys to Server"</string>
-    <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_scan_qr_code">"Scan Exposure Key"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_switch_last_three_hours_from_server">"Last 3 Hours Mode"</string>
@@ -1309,7 +1424,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: First section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_first_section">"Several countries are working together to enable transnational alerts via a joint exchange server. For example, contacts with users of an official coronavirus app from other participating countries can also be taken into account for exposure logging."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Second section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
-    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"To do this, the app downloads a list, which is updated daily, of the random IDs of all users who have shared their random IDs via their own app. This list is then compared with the random IDs recorded by your smartphone. The daily download of the list with the random IDs is usually free of charge for you – you will not be charged for the data used by the app in this context, will roaming charges apply for this in other EU countries."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"To do this, the app downloads a list, which is updated daily, of the random IDs of all users who have shared their test results to warn others via their own app. This list is then compared with the random IDs recorded by your Android smartphone. The list downloads are usually free of charge for you. Specifically, this means that mobile network operators do not charge you for the data used by the app in this context, nor do they apply roaming charges for this in other EU countries. Please contact your mobile network operator for more information."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Header right above the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_list_title">"The following countries currently participate in transnational exposure logging:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Text right under the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
@@ -1320,9 +1435,9 @@
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step first section in interoperability after the title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_first_section">"Several countries have teamed up to enable transnational warnings. In other words, your potential exposure to users of the official corona apps in all participating countries can now be taken into account."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step second section in interoperability after the title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"When a user submits their random IDs to the exchange server jointly operated by the participating countries, users of the official corona apps in all these countries can be warned of potential exposure."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"When a user submits their positive test result (more specifically: their random IDs) to warn others through the exchange server jointly operated by the participating countries, all users of the official corona apps in all these countries can be warned of their potential exposure."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"The daily download of the list with the random IDs is usually free of charge for you. Specifically, this means that mobile network operators do not charge you for the data used by the app in this context, nor do they apply roaming charges for this in other EU countries. Please contact your mobile network operator for more information."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"The daily downloads of lists of random IDs from users who have shared positive test results are usually free of charge for you. Specifically, this means that mobile network operators do not charge you for the data used by the app in this context, nor do they apply roaming charges for this in other EU countries. Please contact your mobile network operator for more information."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Small header above the country list in the onboarding screen for interoperability. -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_title">"The following countries currently participate:"</string>
@@ -1337,9 +1452,9 @@
     <!-- XTXT: Description of the interoperability extension of the app. Below interoperability_onboarding_delta_title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_subtitle">"The features of the Corona-Warn-App have been enhanced. Many countries have joined up to enable international warnings, based on a jointly-operated exchange server. Exposure to users of official corona apps in other participating countries can now be taken into account when calculating your exposure risk."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"To do this, the app downloads a list, which is updated daily, of the random IDs of all users who have shared their random IDs via their own app. This list is then compared with the random IDs recorded by your device."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"To do this, the app downloads a list, which is updated daily, of the random IDs of all users who have shared their test results to warn others via their own app. This list is then compared with the random IDs recorded by your Android smartphone."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"The daily download of the list with the random IDs is usually free of charge for you. Specifically, this means that mobile network operators do not charge you for the data used by the app in this context, nor do they apply roaming charges for this in other EU countries. Please contact your mobile network operator for more information."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"The list downloads are usually free of charge for you. Specifically, this means that mobile network operators do not charge you for the data used by the app in this context, nor do they apply roaming charges for this in other EU countries. Please contact your mobile network operator for more information."</string>
     <!-- XACT: interoperability (eu) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="interoperability_eu_illustration_description">"A hand holds a smartphone. Europe and the European flag are illustrated in the background."</string>
@@ -1356,4 +1471,15 @@
     <!-- XBUT: Title for the interoperability onboarding Settings-Button if no network is available -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_button_title_no_network">"Open Device Settings"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_title">"Don’t you want to send a warning?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Message for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_message">"You have to share your test result if you want to warn others."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Positive button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_positive_button">"Warn others"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Negative button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_negative_button">"Do not warn others"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Abort button for test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_abort">"Cancel"</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index ef18e2c574040ff1b6ca17f5e68193dd03d0598c..ef490af341f9384344a40282f2626aab75451227 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_low_risk_no_encounters_body">"Brak narażenia do tej pory"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - Low risk state - Days with low risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_low_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Narażenia z niskim ryzykiem w ciągu %1$d dni"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Narażenia z niskim ryzykiem w ciągu jednego dnia"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Narażenia z niskim ryzykiem w ciągu %1$d dnia"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Narażenia z niskim ryzykiem w ciągu %1$d dni"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Narażenia z niskim ryzykiem w ciągu %1$d dni"</item>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_high_risk_no_encounters_body">"Brak narażenia do tej pory"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - High risk state - Days with high risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_high_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Narażenia w ciągu %1$d dnia z podwyższonym ryzykiem"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Narażenia w ciągu jednego dnia z podwyższonym ryzykiem"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Narażenia w ciągu %1$d dnia z podwyższonym ryzykiem"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Narażenia w ciągu %1$d dni z podwyższonym ryzykiem"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Narażenia w ciągu %1$d dni z podwyższonym ryzykiem"</item>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Ryzyko zakażenia"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Jeśli w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni miałeś(-aś) kontakt z osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19, aplikacja oblicza Twoje osobiste ryzyko zakażenia poprzez pomiar czasu trwania i bliskości kontaktu."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Jeśli w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni miałeś(-aś) kontakt z osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa, aplikacja oblicza Twoje osobiste ryzyko zakażenia poprzez pomiar czasu trwania i bliskości kontaktu."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk level list -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk_levels">"Może wyświetlić się następujący status ryzyka:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: App overview increased risk level -->
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for test procedure explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_test">"Powiadamianie innych użytkowników"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about rest procedure -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Inną kluczową funkcją jest rejestracja testu i pobranie wyniku. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie COVID-19 będziesz mieć możliwość powiadomienia innych i przerwania łańcucha zakażeń."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Inną kluczową funkcją jest rejestracja testu i pobranie wyniku. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie koronawirusa będziesz mieć możliwość powiadomienia innych i przerwania łańcucha zakażeń."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview headline for glossary -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_glossary">"Definicja terminów:"</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary key storage -->
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary keys -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_keys">"Identyfikator losowy"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary keys -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Losowe identyfikatory są kombinacją cyfr i liter generowanych losowo. Są one wymieniane pomiędzy smartfonami znajdującymi się w bliskiej odległości od siebie. Losowych identyfikatorów nie można przypisać do konkretnej osoby. Są one automatycznie usuwane po 14 dniach. Osoby, u których zdiagnozowano COVID-19, mogą zdecydować się na udostępnienie swoich losowych identyfikatorów z ostatnich 14 dni innym użytkownikom aplikacji."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Losowe identyfikatory są kombinacją cyfr i liter generowanych losowo. Są one wymieniane pomiędzy smartfonami znajdującymi się w bliskiej odległości od siebie. Losowych identyfikatorów nie można przypisać do konkretnej osoby. Są one automatycznie usuwane po 14 dniach. Osoby, u których zdiagnozowano koronawirusa, mogą zdecydować się na udostępnienie swoich losowych identyfikatorów z ostatnich 14 dni innym użytkownikom aplikacji."</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="main_overview_illustration_description">"Smartfon wyświetla różne treści oznaczone numerami od 1 do 3."</string>
     <!-- XACT: App main page title -->
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
     <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Dlaczego Twoje ryzyko zakażenia jest niskie"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na kontakt z osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19. Jednak na podstawie Twoich danych rejestrowania narażenia Twoje ryzyko zakażenia jest niskie. Ryzyko jest niskie, jeśli Twój kontakt trwał krótko lub zachowany został dystans. Nie musisz się martwić i podejmować żadnych działań. Zalecamy przestrzeganie obowiązujących reguł dotyczących dystansu i higieny."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na kontakt z osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa. Jednak Twoje ryzyko zakażenia obliczone na podstawie Twoich danych rejestrowania narażenia jest niskie. Ryzyko jest niskie, jeśli Twój kontakt trwał krótko lub zachowany został dystans. Nie musisz się martwić i podejmować żadnych działań. Zalecamy przestrzeganie obowiązujących reguł dotyczących zachowania dystansu i higieny."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
     <string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Wytyczne"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Zalecenia"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Zalecenia:"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - go/stay home, something like a bullet point -->
     <string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_home">"Jeśli to możliwe, idź do domu i w nim pozostań."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - get in touch with the corresponding people, something like a bullet point -->
@@ -327,23 +327,23 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Rejestrowanie narażenia obejmuje ostatnie 14 dni. W tym czasie funkcja rejestrowania w Twoim smartfonie była aktywna przez %1$s dni. Aplikacja automatycznie usuwa starsze dzienniki, ponieważ nie są one już istotne dla zapobiegania zakażeniom."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level was calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Sposób, w jaki obliczono Twoje ryzyko"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Sposób, w jaki obliczono Twoje ryzyko."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level will be calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"Sposób, w jaki obliczane jest Twoje ryzyko"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"Sposób, w jaki obliczane jest Twoje ryzyko."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - risk calculation wasn't possible for 24h, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_outdated_risk">"Rejestrowanie narażenia nie mogło zostać zaktualizowane przez okres dłuższy niż 24 godziny."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Masz niskie ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ nie zarejestrowano narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których później zdiagnozowano COVID-19, lub ponieważ Twoje kontakty trwały krótko przy zachowaniu odpowiednio dużej odległości."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Masz niskie ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ nie zarejestrowano narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których później zdiagnozowano koronawirusa, lub ponieważ Twoje kontakty trwały krótko przy zachowaniu odpowiednio dużej odległości."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane lokalnie na Twoim smartfonie na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia. Ta kalkulacja uwzględnia również dystans i czas trwania narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których zdiagnozowano COVID-19, a także potencjalną podatność na zakażenie. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane lokalnie na Twoim smartfonie na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia. Ta kalkulacja uwzględnia również dystans i czas trwania narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których zdiagnozowano koronawirusa, a także ich potencjalną zakaźność. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
-        <item quantity="one">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="other">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="zero">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="two">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="few">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="many">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dzień temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</item>
+        <item quantity="other">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dnia temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</item>
+        <item quantity="zero">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</item>
+        <item quantity="two">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</item>
+        <item quantity="few">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</item>
+        <item quantity="many">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</item>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia (czas trwania i bliskość kontaktu) lokalnie w smartfonie. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Większa ochrona dla Ciebie i dla nas wszystkich. Korzystając z aplikacji Corona-Warn-App, możemy znacznie szybciej przerwać łańcuchy zakażeń."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Zmień swój smartfon w system ostrzegania przed koronawirusem. Zapoznaj się ze swoim statusem ryzyka i dowiedz się, czy miałeś(-aś) bliski kontakt z osobą, u której w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Zmień swój smartfon w system ostrzegania przed koronawirusem. Zapoznaj się ze swoim statusem ryzyka i dowiedz się, czy miałeś(-aś) bliski kontakt z osobą, u której w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni zdiagnozowano koronawirusa."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
     <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Aplikacja rejestruje kontakty między osobami poprzez wymianę zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów między ich smartfonami bez uzyskiwania dostępu do danych osobowych."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
@@ -423,7 +423,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Aby ustalić występowanie ryzyka zakażenia, musisz aktywować funkcję rejestrowania narażenia."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Działanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twój smartfon za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich własnych, losowych identyfikatorów do ich smartfonów. Rejestrowanie narażenia można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie. "</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Działanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twój smartfon z systemem Android za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich własnych, losowych identyfikatorów do ich smartfonów. Rejestrowanie narażenia można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"Zaszyfrowane losowe identyfikatory przekazują innym osobom jedynie informacje o dacie kontaktu, czasie trwania i odległości (obliczonej na podstawie mocy sygnału) od innych użytkowników aplikacji. Ustalenie tożsamości osób na podstawie losowych identyfikatorów nie jest możliwe."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_button">"Otwórz ustawienia urządzenia"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (test) page title -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Strona wprowadzenia 5 z 6: Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Strona wprowadzenia 5 z 6: Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie koronawirusa"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - about positive tests -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie COVID-19..."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie koronawirusa..."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… zgłoś ten fakt w Corona-Warn-App. Udostępnianie wyników testu jest dobrowolne i bezpieczne. Zrób to ze względu na zdrowie innych osób."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
    ###################################### -->
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
-    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Limit wieku: 16 i więcej"</string>
+    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Ostrzeżenie dot. wieku (16 lat)"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
     <string name="sixteen_description_text">"Ta aplikacja jest przeznaczona dla osób, które ukończyły 16 lat i mieszkają w Niemczech."</string>
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Usługi lokalizacji dezaktywowane"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Musisz włączyć funkcję rejestrowania narażenia, aby aplikacja mogła ustalić, czy dotyczy Cię ryzyko zakażenia po kontakcie z zainfekowanym użytkownikiem aplikacji. Funkcja rejestrowania narażenia działa w skali międzynarodowej, co oznacza, że potencjalne narażenie użytkowników jest wykrywane również przez inne oficjalne aplikacje koronawirusowe.\n\nDziałanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twój smartfon za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich własnych, losowych identyfikatorów do ich smartfonów. Codziennie aplikacja pobiera listę losowych identyfikatorów – wraz z wszelkimi opcjonalnie podawanymi informacjami o wystąpieniu objawów – wszystkich użytkowników, którzy mieli pozytywny wynik testu na koronawirusa i dobrowolnie udostępnili tę informację poprzez aplikację. Lista jest następnie porównywana z losowymi identyfikatorami innych użytkowników, które zarejestrował Twój smartfon, w celu obliczenia prawdopodobieństwa Twojego zakażenia i ostrzeżenia Cię w razie potrzeby. Funkcję tę można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie.\n\nAplikacja nigdy nie gromadzi danych osobowych, takich jak imię i nazwisko, adres czy lokalizacja. Takie informacje nie są też przekazywane innym użytkownikom. Nie jest możliwe wykorzystanie losowych identyfikatorów w celu ustalenia tożsamości poszczególnych osób."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Musisz włączyć funkcję rejestrowania narażenia, aby aplikacja mogła ustalić, czy dotyczy Cię ryzyko zakażenia po kontakcie z zainfekowanym użytkownikiem aplikacji. Funkcja rejestrowania narażenia działa w skali międzynarodowej, co oznacza, że potencjalne narażenie użytkowników jest wykrywane również przez inne oficjalne aplikacje koronawirusowe.\n\nDziałanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twój smartfon z systemem Android za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich własnych, losowych identyfikatorów do ich smartfonów. Codziennie aplikacja pobiera listę losowych identyfikatorów – wraz z wszelkimi opcjonalnie podawanymi informacjami o wystąpieniu objawów – wszystkich użytkowników, którzy mieli pozytywny wynik testu na obecność koronawirusa i dobrowolnie udostępnili tę informację (a dokładnie swoje losowe identyfikatory) poprzez swoją aplikację. Lista ta jest następnie porównywana z zarejestrowanymi przez Twój smartfon z systemem Android losowymi identyfikatorami innych użytkowników, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt, w celu obliczenia prawdopodobieństwa Twojego zakażenia i ostrzeżenia Cię w razie potrzeby. Funkcję rejestrowania narażenia można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie.\n\nAplikacja nigdy nie gromadzi danych osobowych, takich jak imię i nazwisko, adres czy lokalizacja. Takie informacje nie są też przekazywane innym użytkownikom. Nie jest możliwe wykorzystanie losowych identyfikatorów do ustalenia tożsamości poszczególnych osób."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Aktywne"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -553,7 +553,7 @@
     <!--XHED : settings(tracing) - headline on card about the current status and what to do -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_headline">"Otwórz połączenie z Internetem"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains user what to do on card if connection is disabled -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_body">"Rejestrowanie narażenia wymaga połączenia z Internetem w celu obliczenia narażeń. Włącz WIFI lub dane mobilne w ustawieniach swojego urządzenia."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_body">"Rejestrowanie narażenia wymaga połączenia z Internetem w celu obliczenia narażeń. Włącz WIFI lub dane komórkowe w ustawieniach swojego urządzenia."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings(tracing) - go to operating system settings button on card -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_button">"Otwórz ustawienia urządzenia"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains the circle progress indicator to the right with the current value -->
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_risk">"Twoje ryzyko zakażenia zmieniło się"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
-    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Status Twojego testu na COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Status Twojego testu na obecność koronawirusa"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings(notification) - go to operating settings -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_button_open_settings">"Otwórz ustawienia urządzenia"</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, active -->
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
     <string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_inactive">"Kobieta dezaktywowała powiadomienia dla swojej aplikacji Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings - go to reset application -->
     <string name="settings_reset_title">"Resetuj aplikacjÄ™"</string>
-    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when he navigates to reset -->
+    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when navigating to reset -->
     <string name="settings_reset_body_description">"Usuń wszystkie swoje dane z aplikacji."</string>
     <!-- XHED: settings(reset) - multiline headline below illustration -->
     <string name="settings_reset_headline">"Czy na pewno chcesz resetować aplikację?"</string>
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Instytut Roberta Kocha (RKI) to niemiecka federalna instytucja zdrowia publicznego. RKI publikuje aplikację Corona-Warn-App w imieniu rządu federalnego. Aplikacja ta służy jako cyfrowe uzupełnienie już wprowadzonych środków ochrony zdrowia publicznego, takich jak zachowanie dystansu społecznego, dbanie o higienę oraz noszenie maseczek."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Osoby korzystające z aplikacji pomagają w śledzeniu i przerwaniu łańcuchów zakażeń. Aplikacja zapisuje kontakty z innymi osobami lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu. Otrzymasz powiadomienie, jeśli okaże się, że u osób, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt, zdiagnozowano później COVID-19. Twoja tożsamość i prywatność są zawsze chronione."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Osoby korzystające z aplikacji pomagają w śledzeniu i przerwaniu łańcuchów zakażeń. Aplikacja zapisuje kontakty z innymi osobami lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu. Otrzymasz powiadomienie, jeśli okaże się, że u osób, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt, zdiagnozowano później koronawirusa. Twoja tożsamość i prywatność są zawsze chronione."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Grupa osób korzysta ze smartfonów na mieście."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: qr -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title">"Niepoprawny kod QR"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test error: qr -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"Kod QR jest niepoprawny lub został już zarejestrowany na innym smartfonie. Otrzymasz swój wynik testu z ośrodka wykonującego testy lub laboratorium niezależnie od ważności kodu QR. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie COVID-19 otrzymasz powiadomienie z organu ds. zdrowia publicznego."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"Kod QR jest niepoprawny lub został już zarejestrowany na innym smartfonie. Otrzymasz swój wynik testu z ośrodka wykonującego testy lub laboratorium niezależnie od ważności kodu QR. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u koronawirusa otrzymasz powiadomienie z organu ds. zdrowia publicznego."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: tan -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title_tan">"TAN jest nieprawidłowy."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test via tan - error: tan -->
@@ -784,9 +784,9 @@
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_button_positive">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Czy chcesz anulować?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Czy chcesz anulować wprowadzanie objawów?"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Twoje wpisy nie zostanÄ… zapisane."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Przekazanie informacji o objawach pozwoli Ci na wysyłanie innym bardziej szczegółowych ostrzeżeń."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for keys submission process cancellation -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_positive">"Tak"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for keys submission process cancellation -->
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for invalid QR code  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_headline">"Niepoprawny kod QR"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for invalid QR code -->
-    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"Kod QR jest niepoprawny lub został już zarejestrowany na innym smartfonie. Otrzymasz swój wynik testu z ośrodka wykonującego testy lub laboratorium niezależnie od ważności kodu QR. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie COVID-19 organ ds. zdrowia publicznego zostanie powiadomiony przez ustanowiony prawnie kanał komunikacyjny i skontaktuje się z Tobą."</string>
+    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"Kod QR jest niepoprawny lub został już zarejestrowany na innym smartfonie. Otrzymasz swój wynik testu z ośrodka wykonującego testy lub laboratorium niezależnie od ważności kodu QR. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie koronawirusa organ ds. zdrowia publicznego zostanie powiadomiony przez ustanowiony prawnie kanał komunikacyjny i skontaktuje się z Tobą."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_positive">"Spróbuj ponownie."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -825,6 +825,34 @@
     <!-- YTXT: instruction text for QR code scanning  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_body">"Ustaw kod QR w ramce."</string>
+    <!-- QR Code Consent Screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for Submission consent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline">"Twoja zgoda"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submissionconsent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline_body">"Zanim pobierzesz wynik testu i będziesz ostrzegać innych musisz wyrazić zgodę."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent call test result  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result">"Pobierz wynik testu"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submission Consent call test result body  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_body">"W następnym kroku zeskanuj kod QR ze swojego testu i pobierz wynik testu."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 1 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_your_test_only">"Zeskanuj tylko swój własny test."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 2 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_test_only_once">"Test można zeskanować tylko raz. Aplikacja nie może zarządzać wieloma testami jednocześnie."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent help by warning others  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_headline">"Pomóż osobom, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt, ostrzegając ich!"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent help by warning others -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_body">"Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie koronawirusa, możesz ostrzec innych za pośrednictwem aplikacji. Funkcja ostrzegania działa w kilku krajach. Obecnie są to następujące kraje:"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page bottom text for consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_bottom_body">"Szczegółowe informacje na temat przetwarzania danych i Twojej zgodzie"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_first_point">"Twoja zgoda jest dobrowolna."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_second_point">"Możesz pobrać swój wynik testu, nawet jeśli nie zamierzasz go udostępniać. Jeśli jednak zdecydujesz się na jego udostępnienie, pomożesz chronić innych przed zakażeniem."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_third_point">"Twoja tożsamość nie zostanie ujawniona. Inni użytkownicy nie będą wiedzieć, kto udostępnił swoje wyniki testów."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_fourth_point">"Aby wyrazić zgodę, musisz mieć ukończone 16 lat."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Wynik testu"</string>
@@ -835,9 +863,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for for results next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_body">"Twój test został zapisany w Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for pending test result next steps  -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Wynik testu nie jest jeszcze dostępny"</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Twój wynik testu nie jest jeszcze dostępny."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of waiting test result page -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Prosimy o cierpliwość. Ustalenie wyniku może potrwać kilka dni.\n\nWynik testu otrzymasz również poza aplikacją. Organ ds. zdrowia publicznego powiadomi Cię, jeśli wynik testu będzie pozytywny.\n\nW przypadku pozytywnego wyniku testu zadzwoń na numer podany w sekcji „Poproś o TAN”, aby zarejestrować swój wynik w aplikacji i ostrzec innych."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Wynik testu zostanie wyświetlony w aplikacji, jak tylko będzie dostępny."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : refresh button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_pending_refresh_button">"Aktualizuj"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : remove the test button -->
@@ -873,7 +901,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for test removal  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"Test można zeskanować tylko raz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Jeśli usuniesz test, nie będziesz mieć możliwości pobrania wyniku swojego testu. Otrzymasz swój wynik testu z ośrodka wykonującego testy lub laboratorium niezależnie od ważności kodu QR. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie COVID-19 organ ds. zdrowia publicznego zostanie powiadomiony przez ustanowiony prawnie kanał komunikacyjny i skontaktuje się z Tobą."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Jeśli usuniesz test, nie będziesz mieć możliwości pobrania wyniku swojego testu. Otrzymasz swój wynik testu z ośrodka wykonującego testy lub laboratorium niezależnie od ważności kodu QR. W przypadku zdiagnozowania u Ciebie koronawirusa organ ds. zdrowia publicznego zostanie powiadomiony przez ustanowiony prawnie kanał komunikacyjny i skontaktuje się z Tobą."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for test removal -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Usuń"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for test removal -->
@@ -882,6 +910,16 @@
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_title">"Zakażenie SARS-CoV-2"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for test result card positive -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_body">"Zdiagnozowano u Ciebie wirusa SARS-CoV-2."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result with consent given  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_heading">"Twój wynik testu"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Subtitle text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_subtitle">"Dziękujemy za pomoc w powstrzymywaniu rozprzestrzeniania się koronawirusa."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: body text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_body"><b>"Inne osoby, z którymi miałeś(-a) kontakt, zostaną teraz ostrzeżone."</b>" "<br/><br/>" Możesz teraz pomóc zwiększyć dokładność ostrzeżeń. Aby to zrobić, w następnym kroku powiedz nam, kiedy wystąpiły u Ciebie pierwsze objawy. Możesz anulować ten krok w dowolnym momencie."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: button text for the 'break up' button option on test result consent given page -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_breakup_button">"Zakończ"</string>
     <!-- Submission Tan -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for TAN submission pge -->
@@ -903,7 +941,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for menu the at start of the submission process  -->
     <string name="submission_intro_headline">"Sposób działania Corona-Warn-App"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction text -->
-    <string name="submission_intro_text">"Skuteczność działania aplikacji zależy od pomocy osób, u których zdiagnozowano COVID-19.\n\nZawsze zachowujesz anonimowość, ponieważ wymienianie są tylko zaszyfrowane, losowe identyfikatory. Możesz teraz postąpić w poniższy sposób:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_intro_text">"Skuteczność działania aplikacji zależy od pomocy osób, u których zdiagnozowano koronawirusa.\n\nZawsze zachowujesz anonimowość, ponieważ wymienianie są tylko zaszyfrowane, losowe identyfikatory. Możesz teraz postąpić w poniższy sposób:"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Submission introduction next button-->
     <string name="submission_intro_button_next">"Dalej"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Submission intro - illustration description, explanation image -->
@@ -911,7 +949,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction bullet points -->
     <string-array name="submission_intro_bullet_points">
         <item>"Jeżeli w Twoim dokumencie testu znajduje się kod QR, możesz go zeskanować i zarejestrować test. Jak tylko wynik będzie dostępny, będziesz mieć możliwość sprawdzenia go w aplikacji."</item>
-        <item>"Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie COVID-19, możesz ostrzec inne osoby."</item>
+        <item>"Jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie koronawirusa, możesz ostrzec inne osoby."</item>
         <item>"Jeżeli otrzymałeś(-aś) numer TAN dla diagnozy zakażenia, możesz użyć go do zarejestrowania testu."</item>
         <item>"Jeśli nie masz numeru TAN, możesz poprosić o niego telefonicznie."</item>
@@ -920,25 +958,25 @@
     <!-- Dispatcher -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Wybór"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Pobierz wynik testu"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Jakie informacje posiadasz?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Pobierz wynik testu za pośrednictwem aplikacji, a następnie ostrzeż innych. Zadbasz o swoje bezpieczeństwo i pomożesz powstrzymać rozprzestrzenianie się koronawirusa."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they have already been tested: QR and TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">"Czy wykonano Ci test?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they already have a positive test: tele-TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">"Czy Twój wynik testu na obecność koronawirusa był pozytywny?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for QR code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Dokument z kodem QR"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Test z kodem QR"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for QR code dispatcher option -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_card_text">"Zarejestruj test poprzez zeskanowanie kodu QR dokumentu testu."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TAN code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"Wpis TAN"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TAN code dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Zarejestruj test poprzez ręczne wprowadzenie swojego numeru TAN."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Czy masz numer TAN? Wprowadź go, aby ostrzegać innych. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TELE-TAN option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"PoproÅ› o TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Nie masz jeszcze numeru TAN?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TELE_TAN dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Zadzwoń do nas, jeśli zdiagnozowano u Ciebie COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Zadzwoń i odbierz numer TAN."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Dispatcher Tan page title -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_accessibility_title">"Jakie informacje posiadasz?"</string>
@@ -956,6 +994,25 @@
     <!-- XHED: Title for the interop country list-->
     <string name="submission_interoperability_list_title">"Następujące kraje uczestniczą obecnie w międzynarodowym rejestrowaniu narażenia:"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Ze względu na pozytywny wynik testu na obecność koronawirusa możesz teraz ostrzegać innych za pośrednictwem aplikacji."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Funkcja ostrzegania działa w kilku krajach. Obecnie są to następujące kraje:"</string>
+    <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_subtitle">"Pomóż nam wszystkim!"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: First bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_1"><b>"Udostępnij swój wynik testu i pomóż chronić innych przed infekcją."</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Second bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_2">"Twoja tożsamość nie zostanie ujawniona. Inni użytkownicy nie będą wiedzieć, kto udostępnił swoje wyniki testów."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Third bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_3">"Postępuj zgodnie z poleceniami organu ds. zdrowia publicznego i zostań w domu, aby nie zarażać innych."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Button for giving consent for key sharing -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_warn_others">"Ostrzegaj innych"</string>
     <!-- Submission Country Selector -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the submission country selection page -->
     <string name="submission_positive_country_selection_title">"Ostrzeżenia obejmujące całą Europę"</string>
@@ -995,13 +1052,29 @@
     <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
     <string name="submission_done_illustration_description">"Czy w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni wystąpił u Ciebie jeden lub kilka z wymienionych poniżej objawów?"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Done No Consent-->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_title">"Dziękujemy"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page subtitle for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_subtitle">"Dziękujemy za pomoc w powstrzymywaniu rozprzestrzeniania się koronawirusa."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body_title">"Inne osoby zostaną teraz ostrzeżone."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body">"Możesz teraz pomóc zwiększyć dokładność ostrzeżeń. Aby to zrobić, w następnym kroku powiedz nam, kiedy wystąpiły u Ciebie pierwsze objawy. Możesz anulować ten krok w dowolnym momencie."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue with symptom recording button -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_continue_with_symptom_recording">"Wprowadź objawy"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue break flow button-->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_break_flow">"Zakończ"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_illustration_description">"Kilka osób patrzy na ekrany swoich smartfonów."</string>
     <!-- Submission Symptoms -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for symptom screens -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_title">"Objawy"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: headline text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Czy wystąpił u Ciebie jeden lub kilka z wymienionych poniżej objawów?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Czy w ciągu ostatnich kilku dni wystąpił u Ciebie jeden lub kilka z wymienionych poniżej objawów?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: explanation text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Możesz podać, czy i kiedy zauważyłeś(-łaś) objawy koronawirusa, aby umożliwić aplikacji dokładniejsze obliczenie ryzyka zakażenia innych użytkowników aplikacji. Jeśli nie chcesz podawać tych informacji, wybierz „brak odpowiedzi”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Możesz podać, czy i kiedy zauważyłeś(-łaś) objawy koronawirusa, aby umożliwić aplikacji dokładniejsze obliczenie ryzyka zakażenia innych użytkowników aplikacji. Ten krok jest dobrowolny. Jeśli nie chcesz podawać informacji o objawach, wybierz opcję „Brak odpowiedzi”."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Bullet points for symptoms -->
     <string-array name="submission_symptom_symptom_bullets">
         <item>"Podwyższona temperatura lub gorączka"</item>
@@ -1058,9 +1131,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for calendar page in submission symptom flow -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_title">"Początek wystąpienia objawów"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for calendar page in symptom submission flow -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Kiedy zacząłeś(-ęłaś) odczuwać te objawy? "</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Kiedy po raz pierwszy zauważyłeś(-aś) objawy?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for calendar page in symptom submission flow-->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Wybierz dokładną datę w kalendarzu lub, jeśli nie pamiętasz dokładnej daty, wybierz jedną z innych opcji."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Podaj jak najdokładniejszą datę."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen less than 7 days button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_less_seven">"W ciÄ…gu ostatnich 7 dni"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen 1-2 weeks button -->
@@ -1078,7 +1151,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: pending -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Twój wynik testu nie jest jeszcze dostępny"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: available -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Twój wynik jest dostępny"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Twój wynik testu jest dostępny"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: positive -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_positive">"Diagnoza zakażenia"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status fetch failed -->
@@ -1090,7 +1163,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: fetching -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_fetching">"Twój wynik jest aktualizowany"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: unregistered -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Pomóż przerwać łańcuch zakażeń, powiadamiając innych."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Pomóż chronić siebie i innych."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: pending -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_pending">"Ustalanie wyniku Twojego testu jeszcze się nie zakończyło."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: invalid -->
@@ -1100,9 +1173,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: negative -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_negative">"Nie zdiagnozowano u Ciebie zakażenia wirusem SARS-CoV-2."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status fetch failed -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Twój test ma więcej niż 21 dni i stracił ważność. Usuń tekst. Będziesz mieć wówczas możliwość dodania kolejnego."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Twój test ma więcej niż 21 dni i stracił ważność. Usuń test. Będziesz mieć wówczas możliwość dodania kolejnego."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card unregistered button -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Więcej informacji i pomoc"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Następne kroki"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card show results button -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_button_show_results">"Wyświetl test"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card fetch failed button -->
@@ -1140,7 +1213,51 @@
     <!-- XBUT Symptoms exact date button -->
-    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Dokładna data"</string>
+    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Data"</string>
+    <!-- Submission consent custom view -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_given">"Zgoda\nna „Ostrzeganie innych” udzielona"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_not_given">"Brak zgody\nna „Ostrzeganie innych”"</string>
+    <!--  Submission test result available -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for test results available step -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_title">"Twój wynik testu jest dostępny"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: Test result available illustration description -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_illustration_description">"Kobieta trzyma w dłoni smartfon, który wysyła sygnał do innego smartfona."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_given">"Dziękujemy za wyrażenie zgody na udostępnienie wyniku testu i pomoc w ostrzeganiu innych osób. \n\n"<b>"W następnym kroku udostępnij wynik testu, klikając opcję „Udostępnij”."</b></string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_given">"Czy chcesz anulować?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_given">"Twoje wpisy nie zostanÄ… zapisane."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_not_given">"Zdecydowałeś(-aś) się nie udostępniać wyników testu. Inne osoby nie zostaną ostrzeżone. \n\nW kolejnym kroku możesz zmienić zdanie i udostępnić wynik testu, aby powstrzymać rozprzestrzenianie się koronawirusa i uchronić inne osoby przed zakażeniem."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_not_given">"Ważne:\nTen proces zostanie anulowany.\nNie ostrzegłeś(-aś) jeszcze innych osób. Ukończ proces i pomóż chronić innych."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_not_given">"Czy na pewno chcesz anulować ten proces?"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup cancel button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_cancel_button">"Anuluj"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup continue button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_continue_button">"Kontynuuj"</string>
+    <!-- Submission your consent screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_title">"Twoja zgoda"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch label - next to a switch  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_subtitle">"Ostrzegaj innych"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status on  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_on">"Aktywne"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status off  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_off">"Zatrzymane"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen about agreement  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_about_agreement">"Udzieliłeś(-aś) następującej zgody:"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen agreement title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_title"><b>"Zgoda"</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen detailed information -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_details">"Szczegółowe informacje na temat przetwarzania danych i Twojej zgodzie"</string>
     <!-- ####################################
           Button Tooltips for Accessibility
@@ -1215,8 +1332,6 @@
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_show_qr_code">"Show QR Code"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
-    <string name="test_api_button_submit_keys">"Submit keys to Server"</string>
-    <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_scan_qr_code">"Scan Exposure Key"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_switch_last_three_hours_from_server">"Last 3 Hours Mode"</string>
@@ -1307,9 +1422,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Header of interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_title">"Rejestrowanie narażenia w różnych krajach"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: First section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
-    <string name="interoperability_configuration_first_section">"Wiele krajów współpracuje ze sobą w celu aktywacji transgranicznych alertów wysyłanych poprzez wspólny serwer wymiany danych. Na przykład przy rejestrowaniu narażenia można wziąć pod uwagę również kontakty z użytkownikami oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowyych z innych uczestniczących krajów."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_configuration_first_section">"Kilka krajów współpracuje ze sobą w zakresie aktywacji transgranicznych alertów wysyłanych poprzez wspólny serwer wymiany danych. Podczas rejestrowania narażenia można na przykład uwzględniać również kontakty z użytkownikami oficjalnej aplikacji koronawirusowej z innych uczestniczących krajów."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Second section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
-    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"W tym celu aplikacja pobiera listę, która jest aktualizowana codziennie, z losowymi identyfikatorami wszystkich użytkowników, którzy udostępnili swoje losowe identyfikatory poprzez własną aplikację. Lista jest następnie porównywana z losowymi identyfikatorami zarejestrowanymi przez Twój smartfon. Codzienne pobieranie listy z losowymi identyfikatorami jest z reguły bezpłatne – za dane używane przez aplikację w tym kontekście nie będą pobierane opłaty roamingowe w innych krajach UE."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"W tym celu aplikacja pobiera aktualizowaną codziennie listę losowych identyfikatorów wszystkich użytkowników, którzy udostępnili swoje wyniki testów za pośrednictwem swojej aplikacji, aby ostrzegać innych. Lista ta jest następnie porównywana z losowymi identyfikatorami zarejestrowanymi przez Twój smartfon z systemem Android. Pobieranie listy jest zazwyczaj bezpłatne. Oznacza to, że operatorzy sieci komórkowych nie pobierają opłat za transmisję danych używanych przez aplikację w tym celu ani też nie naliczają opłat roamingowych z tego tytułu w innych krajach UE. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się ze swoim operatorem sieci komórkowej."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Header right above the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_list_title">"Następujące kraje uczestniczą obecnie w międzynarodowym rejestrowaniu narażenia:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Text right under the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
@@ -1318,11 +1433,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: Sub header introducing interoperability in the tracing step of onboarding -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_title">"Rejestrowanie narażenia\nw różnych krajach"</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step first section in interoperability after the title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_first_section">"Wiele krajów współpracuje w zakresie aktywowania międzynarodowych ostrzeżeń. Innymi słowy, można teraz określić Twoje potencjalne narażenie wobec użytkowników oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowych we wszystkich uczestniczących krajach."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_first_section">"Kilka krajów podjęło współpracę w zakresie aktywowania międzynarodowych ostrzeżeń. W rezultacie można teraz analizować potencjalne narażenie na kontakt z użytkownikami oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowych we wszystkich uczestniczących krajach."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step second section in interoperability after the title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Gdy użytkownik prześle swój losowy identyfikator do serwera wymiany danych obsługiwanego wspólnie przez kraje uczestniczące, o potencjalnym narażeniu mogą zostać ostrzeżeni użytkownicy oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowych we wszystkich tych krajach."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Gdy użytkownik prześle swój pozytywny wynik testu (a dokładniej losowy identyfikator) poprzez serwer wymiany danych obsługiwany wspólnie przez kraje uczestniczące, aby ostrzec inne osoby, o potencjalnym narażeniu zostaną ostrzeżeni użytkownicy oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowych we wszystkich tych krajach."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Codzienne pobieranie listy z losowymi identyfikatorami jest z reguły bezpłatne. Oznacza to, że operatorzy sieci mobilnych nie będą pobierać opłat za transmisję danych używanych przez aplikację w tym kontekście ani też nie będą naliczane opłaty roamingowe z tego tytułu w innych krajach UE. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się ze swoim operatorem sieci mobilnej."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Codzienne pobieranie list losowych identyfikatorów użytkowników, którzy udostępnili pozytywne wyniki testów, jest z reguły bezpłatne. Oznacza to, że operatorzy sieci komórkowych nie pobierają opłat za transmisję danych używanych przez aplikację w tym celu ani też nie naliczają opłat roamingowych z tego tytułu w innych krajach UE. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się ze swoim operatorem sieci komórkowej."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Small header above the country list in the onboarding screen for interoperability. -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_title">"Obecnie uczestniczą następujące kraje:"</string>
@@ -1335,11 +1450,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: Header of the delta onboarding screen for interoperability. If the user opens the app for the first time after the interoperability update -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_title">"Rejestrowanie narażenia\nw różnych krajach"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Description of the interoperability extension of the app. Below interoperability_onboarding_delta_title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_subtitle">"Funkcje aplikacji Corona-Warn-App zostały rozszerzone. Wiele krajów połączyło siły w celu aktywacji międzynarodowych ostrzeżeń, na podstawie wspólnie obsługiwanego serwera wymiany. Podczas oceny swojego ryzyka narażenia możesz teraz uwzględnić narażenie na kontakt z użytkownikami oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowych w innych krajach uczestniczących."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_subtitle">"Funkcje aplikacji Corona-Warn-App zostały rozszerzone. Wiele krajów połączyło siły w celu aktywacji międzynarodowych ostrzeżeń przy wykorzystaniu wspólnie obsługiwanego serwera wymiany danych. Podczas oceny ryzyka narażenia można teraz uwzględniać narażenie na kontakt z użytkownikami oficjalnych aplikacji koronawirusowych w innych krajach uczestniczących."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"W tym celu aplikacja pobiera aktualizowaną codziennie listę losowych identyfikatorów wszystkich użytkowników, którzy udostępnili je za pośrednictwem swojej aplikacji. Ta lista jest następnie porównywana z losowymi identyfikatorami zarejestrowanymi przez Twoje urządzenie."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"W tym celu aplikacja pobiera aktualizowaną codziennie listę losowych identyfikatorów wszystkich użytkowników, którzy udostępnili swoje wyniki testów za pośrednictwem własnej aplikacji, aby ostrzegać innych. Lista ta jest następnie porównywana z losowymi identyfikatorami zarejestrowanymi przez Twój smartfonem z systemem Android."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Codzienne pobieranie listy z losowymi identyfikatorami jest z reguły bezpłatne. Oznacza to, że operatorzy sieci mobilnych nie będą pobierać opłat za transmisję danych używanych przez aplikację w tym kontekście ani też nie będą naliczane opłaty roamingowe z tego tytułu w innych krajach UE. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się ze swoim operatorem sieci mobilnej."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Pobieranie listy jest z reguły bezpłatne. Oznacza to, że operatorzy sieci komórkowych nie pobierają opłat za transmisję danych używanych przez aplikację w tym celu ani też nie naliczają opłat roamingowych z tego tytułu w innych krajach UE. Aby uzyskać więcej informacji, skontaktuj się ze swoim operatorem sieci komórkowej."</string>
     <!-- XACT: interoperability (eu) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="interoperability_eu_illustration_description">"Ręka trzyma smartfon. Europa i flaga europejska są przedstawione w tle."</string>
@@ -1356,4 +1471,15 @@
     <!-- XBUT: Title for the interoperability onboarding Settings-Button if no network is available -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_button_title_no_network">"Otwórz ustawienia urządzenia"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_title">"Nie chcesz wysłać ostrzeżenia?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Message for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_message">"Aby ostrzec inne osoby, musisz udostępnić swój wynik testu."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Positive button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_positive_button">"Ostrzegaj innych"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Negative button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_negative_button">"Nie ostrzegaj innych"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Abort button for test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_abort">"Anuluj"</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index f85f705e22acb6da1c7b576fa9c994c6367f6118..c92d31fefaf4c00edbec89beb92fb2e317d93cb6 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_low_risk_no_encounters_body">"Nicio expunere până acum"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - Low risk state - Days with low risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_low_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Expuneri cu risc redus în %1$d zi"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Expuneri cu risc redus într-o zi"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Expuneri cu risc redus în %1$d de zile"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Expuneri cu risc redus în %1$d zile"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Expuneri cu risc redus în %1$d zile"</item>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_high_risk_no_encounters_body">"Nicio expunere până acum"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - High risk state - Days with high risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_high_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"Expuneri cu risc crescut în %1$d zi"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Expuneri cu risc crescut într-o zi"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"Expuneri cu risc crescut în %1$d de zile"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"Expuneri cu risc crescut în %1$d zile"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"Expuneri cu risc crescut în %1$d zile"</item>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Risc de infectare"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Dacă în ultimele 14 zile ați intrat în contact cu o persoană care a fost diagnosticată cu COVID-19, aplicația calculează riscul dvs. personal de infectare. Face aceasta măsurând durata și proximitatea expunerii."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Dacă în ultimele 14 zile ați intrat în contact cu o persoană care a fost diagnosticată cu coronavirus, aplicația calculează riscul dvs. personal de infectare. Face aceasta măsurând durata și proximitatea expunerii."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk level list -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk_levels">"Poate fi afișată următoarea stare a riscului:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: App overview increased risk level -->
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for test procedure explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_test">"Notificarea altor utilizatori"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about rest procedure -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"O altă caracteristică centrală este înregistrarea testului și primirea rezultatului. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu COVID-19, îi puteți notifica pe ceilalți și puteți întrerupe lanțul de infectare."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"O altă caracteristică centrală este înregistrarea testului și primirea rezultatului. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu coronavirus, îi puteți notifica pe ceilalți și puteți întrerupe lanțul de infectare."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview headline for glossary -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_glossary">"Definiții ale termenilor:"</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary key storage -->
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary keys -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_keys">"ID aleatoriu"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary keys -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"ID-urile aleatorii sunt combinații de cifre și litere generate aleatoriu. Acestea sunt schimbate între smartphone-urile aflate în proximitate strânsă. ID-urile aleatorii nu pot fi asociate cu o persoană anume și sunt șterse automat după 14 zile. Persoanele diagnosticate cu COVID-19 pot opta să trimită ID-urile aleatorii din ultimele 14 zile și altor utilizatori ai aplicației."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"ID-urile aleatorii sunt combinații de cifre și litere generate aleatoriu. Acestea sunt schimbate între smartphone-urile aflate în proximitate strânsă. ID-urile aleatorii nu pot fi asociate cu o persoană anume și sunt șterse automat după 14 zile. Persoanele diagnosticate cu coronavirus pot opta să trimită ID-urile aleatorii din ultimele 14 zile și altor utilizatori ai aplicației."</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="main_overview_illustration_description">"Un smartphone afișează conținut variat, numerotat de la 1 la 3."</string>
     <!-- XACT: App main page title -->
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
     <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"De ce riscul dvs. de infectare este redus"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Ați avut o întâlnire cu o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19. Totuși, pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor, riscul dvs. de infectare este redus. Riscul este redus dacă întâlnirea dvs. a fost de scurtă durată sau s-a păstrat o anumită distanță. Nu este cazul să vă îngrijorați și nu este nevoie de nicio acțiune specială din partea dvs. Vă recomandăm să respectați regulile generale privind distanțarea și igiena."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Ați avut o întâlnire cu o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus. Totuși, pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor, riscul dvs. de infectare este redus. Riscul este redus dacă întâlnirea dvs. a fost de scurtă durată sau s-a păstrat o anumită distanță. Nu este cazul să vă îngrijorați și nu este nevoie de nicio acțiune specială din partea dvs. Vă recomandăm să respectați regulile generale privind distanțarea și igiena."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
     <string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Instrucțiuni"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Iată ce trebuie să faceți"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Iată ce trebuie să faceți:"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - go/stay home, something like a bullet point -->
     <string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_home">"Dacă este posibil, mergeți acasă și rămâneți în casă."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - get in touch with the corresponding people, something like a bullet point -->
@@ -325,7 +325,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged">"Riscul dvs. de infectare poate fi calculat doar pentru perioadele în care a fost activă înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor. Prin urmare, caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal trebuie să rămână permanent activă."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor acoperă ultimele 14 zile. În această perioadă, caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal de pe smartphone-ul dvs. a fost activă timp de %1$s (de) zile. Aplicația șterge automat înregistrările mai vechi din jurnal, întrucât acestea nu mai sunt relevante pentru prevenirea infectării."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor acoperă ultimele 14 zile. În această perioadă, caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal de pe smartphone-ul dvs. a fost activă timp de %1$s zile. Aplicația șterge automat înregistrările mai vechi din jurnal, întrucât acestea nu mai sunt relevante pentru prevenirea infectării."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level was calculated, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Modul în care a fost calculat riscul dvs."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level will be calculated, below behaviors -->
@@ -333,17 +333,17 @@
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - risk calculation wasn't possible for 24h, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_outdated_risk">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor dvs. nu a putut fi actualizată timp de peste 24 de ore."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Aveți un risc redus de infectare deoarece nu a fost înregistrată nicio expunere la persoane diagnosticate ulterior cu COVID-19 sau întâlnirile dvs. au fost limitate la o perioadă scurtă și la o distanță mai mare."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Aveți un risc redus de infectare deoarece nu a fost înregistrată nicio expunere la persoane diagnosticate ulterior cu coronavirus sau întâlnirile dvs. au fost limitate la o perioadă scurtă și la o distanță mai mare."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Riscul de infectare este calculat local pe smartphone-ul dvs., utilizând datele de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor. Calculul poate ține cont și de distanța și durata expunerii la persoane diagnosticate cu COVID-19, precum și de potențiala contagiozitate a acestora. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi observat sau transmis mai departe niciunei alte persoane."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Riscul de infectare este calculat local pe smartphone-ul dvs., utilizând datele de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor. Calculul poate ține cont și de distanța și durata expunerii la persoane diagnosticate cu coronavirus, precum și de potențiala contagiozitate a acestora. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi observat sau transmis mai departe niciunei alte persoane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
-        <item quantity="one">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zi pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="other">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s de zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="zero">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="two">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="few">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
-        <item quantity="many">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zi pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="other">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s de zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="zero">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="two">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="few">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus."</item>
+        <item quantity="many">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zile pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu coronavirus."</item>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Riscul dvs. de infectare este calculat pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor (durata și proximitatea) la nivel local pe smartphone-ul dvs. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi văzut de o altă persoană sau transmis unei alte persoane."</string>
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Mai multă protecție pentru dvs. și pentru noi toți. Utilizând Corona-Warn-App putem întrerupe mai ușor lanțul de infectare."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Transformați-vă smartphone-ul într-un sistem de avertizare împotriva coronavirusului. Obțineți un sumar al stării de risc și aflați dacă ați intrat în contact strâns cu persoane diagnosticate cu COVID-19 în ultimele 14 zile."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Transformați-vă smartphone-ul într-un sistem de avertizare împotriva coronavirusului. Obțineți un sumar al stării de risc și aflați dacă ați intrat în contact strâns cu persoane diagnosticate cu coronavirus în ultimele 14 zile."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
     <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Aplicația înregistrează în jurnal întâlnirile dintre persoane prin smartphone-urile acestora, care schimbă ID-uri aleatorii criptate, fără a accesa niciun fel de date personale."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
@@ -421,9 +421,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - how to enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline">"Cum se activează înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Pentru a identifica dacă sunteți supus riscului de infectare, trebuie să activați caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Pentru a identifica dacă sunteți supus riscului de infectare, trebuie să activați înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează astfel: smartphone-ul dvs. primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriile dvs. ID-uri aleatorii către smartphone-urile acestora. Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor poate fi oricând dezactivată. "</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează astfel: smartphone-ul dvs. Android primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriile dvs. ID-uri aleatorii către smartphone-urile acestora. Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor poate fi oricând dezactivată. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"ID-urile aleatorii criptate transmit informații doar despre dată, durată și proximitatea față de alte persoane (calculată prin intensitatea semnalului). Nu se pot identifica persoane individuale pe baza ID-urilor aleatorii."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_button">"Deschideți configurările dispozitivului"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (test) page title -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Pagina de înregistrare 5 din 6: Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Pagina de înregistrare 5 din 6: Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu coronavirus"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - about positive tests -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu COVID-19…"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu coronavirus…"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… vă rugăm să raportați acest lucru în Corona-Warn-App. Împărtășirea rezultatului testului este voluntară și securizată. Vă rugăm să faceți acest lucru pentru binele celorlalți."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
    ###################################### -->
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
-    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Limita de vârstă: începând cu 16 ani"</string>
+    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Avertizare: peste 16 ani"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
     <string name="sixteen_description_text">"Utilizarea acestei aplicații este destinată persoanelor care au vârsta de cel puțin 16 ani și care locuiesc în Germania."</string>
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Serviciile de localizare au fost dezactivate"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Trebuie să activați caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor, pentru ca aplicația să poată determina dacă aveți risc de infectare după ce ați întâlnit un utilizator al aplicației care este infectat. Caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează la nivel transnațional, ceea ce înseamnă că orice expunere posibilă care îi implică pe utilizatori este detectată și de alte aplicații oficiale împotriva coronavirusului.\n\nCaracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează astfel: smartphone-ul dvs. primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriul dvs. ID aleatoriu către smartphone-urile acestora. În fiecare zi, aplicația descarcă o listă ce conține ID-uri aleatorii – împreună cu orice alte informații voluntare despre debutul simptomelor – ale tuturor utilizatorilor testați pozitiv la virus și care au împărtășit voluntar aceste informații prin aplicația lor. Apoi, lista este comparată cu ID-urile aleatorii ale altor utilizatori care au fost înregistrate de smartphone-ul dvs., pentru a calcula probabilitatea ca și dvs. să fi fost infectat și să vă avertizeze dacă este necesar. Puteți utiliza comutatorul pentru a dezactiva în orice moment înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor.\n\nAplicația nu colectează niciodată date personale, precum numele, adresa sau locația dvs., iar aceste informații nu sunt transmise niciodată altor utilizatori. Nu se pot utiliza ID-urile aleatorii pentru a trage concluzii despre persoane individuale."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Trebuie să activați caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor, pentru ca aplicația să poată determina dacă aveți risc de infectare după ce ați întâlnit un utilizator al aplicației care este infectat. Caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează la nivel transnațional, ceea ce înseamnă că orice expunere posibilă care îi implică pe utilizatori este detectată și de alte aplicații oficiale împotriva coronavirusului.\n\nCaracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează astfel: smartphone-ul dvs. Android primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriul dvs. ID aleatoriu către smartphone-urile acestora. În fiecare zi, aplicația descarcă o listă ce conține ID-uri aleatorii – împreună cu orice alte informații voluntare despre debutul simptomelor – ale tuturor utilizatorilor testați pozitiv la virus și care au împărtășit voluntar aceste informații (mai exact: ID-urile lor aleatorii) prin intermediul aplicației lor. Apoi, lista este comparată cu ID-urile aleatorii ale altor utilizatori cu care v-ați întâlnit care au fost înregistrate de smartphone-ul dvs. Android, pentru a calcula probabilitatea ca și dvs. să fi fost infectat și să vă avertizeze dacă este necesar. Puteți utiliza comutatorul pentru a dezactiva în orice moment înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor.\n\nAplicația nu colectează niciodată date personale, precum numele, adresa sau locația dvs., iar aceste informații nu sunt transmise niciodată altor utilizatori. Nu se pot utiliza ID-urile aleatorii pentru a trage concluzii despre persoane individuale."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Activ"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_risk">"Riscul dvs. de infectare s-a modificat"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
-    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Starea testului COVID-19"</string>
+    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Starea testului dvs. coronavirus"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings(notification) - go to operating settings -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_button_open_settings">"Deschideți configurările dispozitivului"</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, active -->
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
     <string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_inactive">"O femeie a dezactivat notificările pentru Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings - go to reset application -->
     <string name="settings_reset_title">"Resetați aplicația"</string>
-    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when he navigates to reset -->
+    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when navigating to reset -->
     <string name="settings_reset_body_description">"Ștergeți toate datele dvs. din aplicație."</string>
     <!-- XHED: settings(reset) - multiline headline below illustration -->
     <string name="settings_reset_headline">"Sigur doriți să resetați aplicația?"</string>
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI) este un organism federal de sănătate publică din Germania. RKI a publicat aplicația Corona-Warn în numele Guvernului Federal. Aplicația are drept scop să completeze sub formă digitală măsurile de sănătate publică deja introduse: distanțarea socială, igiena și purtarea măștii."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Persoanele care utilizează aplicația ajută la urmărirea și întreruperea lanțurilor de infectare. Aplicația salvează local, pe dispozitivul dvs., întâlnirile cu alte persoane. Sunteți notificat dacă ați întâlnit persoane care au fost diagnosticate ulterior cu COVID-19. Identitatea și confidențialitatea dvs. sunt protejate întotdeauna."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Persoanele care utilizează aplicația ajută la urmărirea și întreruperea lanțurilor de infectare. Aplicația salvează local, pe dispozitivul dvs., întâlnirile cu alte persoane. Sunteți notificat dacă ați întâlnit persoane care au fost diagnosticate ulterior cu coronavirus. Identitatea și confidențialitatea dvs. sunt protejate întotdeauna."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Un grup de persoane își utilizează smartphone-urile prin oraș."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: qr -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title">"Codul QR este nevalabil"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test error: qr -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"Codul QR este nevalabil sau a fost deja înregistrat pe un alt smartphone. Veți primi rezultatul testului dvs. de la centrul sau laboratorul de testare, indiferent de valabilitatea codului QR. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu COVID-19, veți fi notificat de autoritatea de sănătate publică."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"Codul QR este nevalabil sau a fost deja înregistrat pe un alt smartphone. Veți primi rezultatul testului dvs. de la centrul sau laboratorul de testare, indiferent de valabilitatea codului QR. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu coronavirus, veți fi notificat de autoritatea de sănătate publică."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: tan -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title_tan">"TAN-ul este nevalabil"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test via tan - error: tan -->
@@ -784,9 +784,9 @@
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_button_positive">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Doriți să anulați?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Doriți să anulați introducerea simptomelor dvs.?"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Intrările dvs. nu vor fi salvate."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Dacă furnizați informații despre simptomele dvs., îi puteți avertiza pe ceilalți într-un mod mai exact."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for keys submission process cancellation -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_positive">"Da"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for keys submission process cancellation -->
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for invalid QR code  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_headline">"Codul QR este nevalabil"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for invalid QR code -->
-    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"Codul QR este nevalabil sau a fost deja înregistrat pe un alt smartphone. Veți primi rezultatul testului dvs. de la centrul sau laboratorul de testare, indiferent de valabilitatea codului QR. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu COVID-19, direcția de sănătate publică va fi notificată prin canalul de comunicare prevăzut în mod legal și vă va contacta."</string>
+    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"Codul QR este nevalabil sau a fost deja înregistrat pe un alt smartphone. Veți primi rezultatul testului dvs. de la centrul sau laboratorul de testare, indiferent de valabilitatea codului QR. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu coronavirus, direcția de sănătate publică va fi notificată prin canalul de comunicare prevăzut în mod legal și vă va contacta."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_positive">"Reîncercați."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -825,6 +825,34 @@
     <!-- YTXT: instruction text for QR code scanning  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_body">"Poziționați codul QR în cadru."</string>
+    <!-- QR Code Consent Screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for Submission consent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline">"Consimțământul dvs."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submissionconsent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline_body">"Consimțământul dvs. este necesar înainte de a putea regăsi rezultatul testului dvs. și a-i avertiza pe ceilalți."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent call test result  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result">"Aflarea rezultatului testului"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submission Consent call test result body  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_body">"La pasul următor, scanați codul QR de pe testul dvs. și aflați rezultatul testului."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 1 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_your_test_only">"Scanați doar codul propriului dvs. test."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 2 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_test_only_once">"Testul dvs. poate fi scanat o singură dată. Aplicația nu poate gestiona mai multe teste simultan."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent help by warning others  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_headline">"Vă rugăm să îi ajutați pe ceilalți cu care v-ați întâlnit, avertizându-i!"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent help by warning others -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_body">"Dacă ați fost diagnosticat cu coronavirus, puteți să îi avertizați pe ceilalți prin intermediul aplicației. Funcția de avertizare funcționează în câteva țări. Următoarele țări participă în prezent:"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page bottom text for consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_bottom_body">"Informații detaliate privind Prelucrarea datelor și Consimțământul dvs."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_first_point">"Consimțământul dvs. este voluntar."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_second_point">"Puteți afla rezultatul testului dvs. chiar dacă nu alegeți să îl partajați. Dar dacă partajați rezultatul testului dvs., vă vom ajuta să îi protejați pe ceilalți împotriva infecției."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_third_point">"Identitatea dvs. va rămâne secretă. Alți utilizatori nu vor ști cine a partajat rezultatele testelor respective."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_fourth_point">"Trebuie să aveți cel puțin 16 ani pentru a vă acorda consimțământul."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Rezultat test"</string>
@@ -835,9 +863,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for for results next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_body">"Testul dvs. a fost stocat în Corona-Warn-App."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for pending test result next steps  -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Rezultatul testului nu este încă disponibil"</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Rezultatul testului dvs. nu este încă disponibil."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of waiting test result page -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Vă rugăm să aveți răbdare, deoarece evaluarea poate dura câteva zile.\n\nDe asemenea, veți primi rezultatul testului în afara aplicației. Autoritățile de sănătate publică vă vor anunța dacă testul dvs. este pozitiv.\n\nÎn cazul unui rezultat pozitiv, apelați numărul indicat la „Solicitare TAN” pentru a vă înregistra rezultatul în aplicație și pentru a-i avertiza pe ceilalți."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Imediat ce devine disponibil, rezultatul testului dvs. va fi afișat în aplicație."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : refresh button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_pending_refresh_button">"Actualizare"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : remove the test button -->
@@ -873,7 +901,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for test removal  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"Testul poate fi scanat o singură dată."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Dacă eliminați testul, nu veți mai putea afla rezultatul testului. Veți primi rezultatul testului dvs. de la centrul sau laboratorul de testare, indiferent de valabilitatea codului QR. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu COVID-19, direcția de sănătate publică va fi notificată prin canalul de comunicare prevăzut în mod legal și vă va contacta."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Dacă eliminați testul, nu veți mai putea afla rezultatul testului. Veți primi rezultatul testului dvs. de la centrul sau laboratorul de testare, indiferent de valabilitatea codului QR. Dacă sunteți diagnosticat cu coronavirus, direcția de sănătate publică va fi notificată prin canalul de comunicare prevăzut în mod legal și vă va contacta."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for test removal -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Eliminare"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for test removal -->
@@ -882,6 +910,16 @@
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_title">"Pozitiv la SARS-CoV-2"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for test result card positive -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_body">"Ați fost diagnosticat cu virusul SARS-CoV-2."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result with consent given  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_heading">"Rezultatul testului dvs."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Subtitle text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_subtitle">"Vă mulțumim pentru ajutorul dat la oprirea răspândirii coronavirusului."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: body text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_body"><b>"Alte persoane cu care ați avut contact vor fi acum avertizate."</b>" "<br/><br/>"Acum puteți ajuta la îmbunătățirea preciziei avertizărilor. Pentru aceasta, la pasul următor, spuneți-ne când ați dezvoltat simptome pentru prima dată. Puteți anula acest pas în orice moment."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: button text for the 'break up' button option on test result consent given page -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_breakup_button">"Ieșire"</string>
     <!-- Submission Tan -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for TAN submission pge -->
@@ -903,7 +941,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for menu the at start of the submission process  -->
     <string name="submission_intro_headline">"Modul în care funcționează Corona-Warn-App"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction text -->
-    <string name="submission_intro_text">"Pentru ca aplicația să funcționeze bine, ne bazăm pe susținerea persoanelor care au fost diagnosticate cu COVID-19.\n\nDeoarece sunt schimbate doar ID-uri aleatorii criptate, dvs. veți rămâne anonim. Puteți continua astfel:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_intro_text">"Pentru ca aplicația să funcționeze bine, ne bazăm pe susținerea persoanelor care au fost diagnosticate cu coronavirus.\n\nDeoarece sunt schimbate doar ID-uri aleatorii criptate, dvs. veți rămâne anonim. Puteți continua astfel:"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Submission introduction next button-->
     <string name="submission_intro_button_next">"ÃŽnainte"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Submission intro - illustration description, explanation image -->
@@ -911,7 +949,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction bullet points -->
     <string-array name="submission_intro_bullet_points">
         <item>"Dacă există un cod QR în documentul dvs. de testare, îl puteți scana și înregistra testul. Imediat ce rezultatul este disponibil, îl puteți vedea în aplicație."</item>
-        <item>"Dacă ați fost diagnosticat cu COVID-19, îi puteți avertiza pe ceilalți."</item>
+        <item>"Dacă ați fost diagnosticat cu coronavirus, îi puteți avertiza pe ceilalți."</item>
         <item>"Dacă ați primit un cod TAN pentru un diagnostic pozitiv, îl puteți utiliza pentru a înregistra testul."</item>
         <item>"Dacă nu aveți un cod TAN, îl puteți solicita telefonic."</item>
@@ -920,25 +958,25 @@
     <!-- Dispatcher -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Selecție"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Aflarea rezultatului testului"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Ce informații aveți?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Aflați rezultatul testului dvs. prin intermediul aplicației și avertizați-i pe ceilalți. Vă veți proteja și veți opri răspândirea coronavirusului."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they have already been tested: QR and TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">"Ați fost testat?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they already have a positive test: tele-TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">"Ați fost testat pozitiv la coronavirus?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for QR code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Document cu cod QR"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Testarea cu cod QR"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for QR code dispatcher option -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_card_text">"Înregistrați-vă testul scanând codul QR al documentului de testare."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TAN code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"Intrare TAN"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TAN code dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Înregistrați-vă testul introducând manual codul TAN."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Aveți un cod TAN? Continuați să introduceți codul dvs. TAN pentru a-i putea avertiza pe ceilalți. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TELE-TAN option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Solicitare TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Nu aveți un cod TAN încă?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TELE_TAN dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Sunați-ne dacă ați fost diagnosticat cu COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Sunați-ne și obțineți un cod TAN."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Dispatcher Tan page title -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_accessibility_title">"Ce informații aveți?"</string>
@@ -956,6 +994,25 @@
     <!-- XHED: Title for the interop country list-->
     <string name="submission_interoperability_list_title">"Următoarele țări participă în prezent la înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor la nivel transnațional:"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Deoarece ați fost testat pozitiv la coronavirus, acum puteți să îi avertizați pe ceilalți prin intermediul aplicației."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Funcția de avertizare funcționează în câteva țări. Următoarele țări participă în prezent:"</string>
+    <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_subtitle">"Să ne ajutăm împreună!"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: First bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_1"><b>"Partajați rezultatul testului dvs. și ajutați la protejarea celorlalți împotriva infecției."</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Second bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_2">"Identitatea dvs. va rămâne secretă. Alți utilizatori nu vor ști cine a partajat rezultatele testelor respective."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Third bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_3">"Asigurați-vă că urmați instrucțiunile direcției dvs. de sănătate publică și că stați acasă, pentru a nu-i infecta pe ceilalți."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Button for giving consent for key sharing -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_warn_others">"Avertizați-i pe ceilalți"</string>
     <!-- Submission Country Selector -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the submission country selection page -->
     <string name="submission_positive_country_selection_title">"Avertizări la nivel european"</string>
@@ -995,13 +1052,29 @@
     <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
     <string name="submission_done_illustration_description">"Ați resimțit unul sau mai multe dintre următoarele simptome în ultimele zile?"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Done No Consent-->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_title">"Vă mulţumim"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page subtitle for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_subtitle">"Vă mulțumim pentru ajutorul dat la oprirea răspândirii coronavirusului."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body_title">"Ceilalți nu vor fi avertizați."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body">"Acum puteți ajuta la îmbunătățirea preciziei avertizărilor. Pentru aceasta, la pasul următor, spuneți-ne când ați dezvoltat simptome pentru prima dată. Puteți anula acest pas în orice moment."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue with symptom recording button -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_continue_with_symptom_recording">"Introducere simptome"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue break flow button-->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_break_flow">"Ieșire"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_illustration_description">"Câteva persoane se uită la smartphone-urile lor."</string>
     <!-- Submission Symptoms -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for symptom screens -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_title">"Simptome"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: headline text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Ați resimțit unul sau mai multe dintre următoarele simptome?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Ați resimțit unul sau mai multe dintre următoarele simptome în ultimele zile?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: explanation text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Puteți indica momentul când și dacă ați observat simptomele specifice coronavirusului pentru a-i permite aplicației să calculeze mai exact riscul de infectare al altor utilizatori ai aplicației. Dacă nu doriți să furnizați aceste informații, selectați „Nu răspund”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Puteți indica momentul când și dacă ați observat simptomele specifice coronavirusului pentru a-i permite aplicației să calculeze mai exact riscul de infectare al altor utilizatori ai aplicației. Acest pas este voluntar. Dacă nu doriți să furnizați informații despre simptomele dvs., selectați „Nu răspund”."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Bullet points for symptoms -->
     <string-array name="submission_symptom_symptom_bullets">
         <item>"Temperatură crescută sau febră"</item>
@@ -1058,9 +1131,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for calendar page in submission symptom flow -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_title">"ÃŽnceputul simptomelor"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for calendar page in symptom submission flow -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Când ați început să resimțiți aceste simptome? "</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Când ați observat pentru prima dată simptomele?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for calendar page in symptom submission flow-->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Selectați data exactă din calendar sau, în cazul în care nu țineți minte data exactă, alegeți una dintre celelalte opțiuni:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Specificați data cât mai exact posibil."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen less than 7 days button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_less_seven">"ÃŽn ultimele 7 zile"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen 1-2 weeks button -->
@@ -1072,13 +1145,13 @@
     <!-- Submission Status Card -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: fetching -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_fetching">"Datele sunt citite...."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_fetching">"Datele sunt citite..."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: unregistered -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_unregistered">"Ați fost testat?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: pending -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Rezultatul dvs. nu este încă disponibil"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Rezultatul testului dvs. nu este încă disponibil"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: available -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Rezultatul dvs. este disponibil"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Rezultatul testului dvs. este disponibil"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: positive -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_positive">"Diagnostic pozitiv"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status fetch failed -->
@@ -1090,7 +1163,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: fetching -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_fetching">"Rezultatul dvs. este în curs de actualizare"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: unregistered -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Ajutați la întreruperea lanțului de infectare prin notificarea altor persoane."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Ajutați la protejarea dvs. și a celorlalți."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: pending -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_pending">"Evaluarea testului dvs. nu este încă finalizată."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: invalid -->
@@ -1100,9 +1173,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: negative -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_negative">"Ați fost diagnosticat negativ la SARS-CoV-2."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status fetch failed -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Testul dvs. are o vechime de peste 21 de zile și, prin urmare, nu mai este relevant. Vă rugăm să ștergeți textul. Apoi puteți adăuga altul."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Testul dvs. are o vechime de peste 21 de zile și, prin urmare, nu mai este relevant. Vă rugăm să ștergeți testul. Apoi puteți adăuga altul."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card unregistered button -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Aflați mai multe și ajutor"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Pașii următori"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card show results button -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_button_show_results">"Afișare test"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card fetch failed button -->
@@ -1140,7 +1213,51 @@
     <!-- XBUT Symptoms exact date button -->
-    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Data exactă"</string>
+    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Dată"</string>
+    <!-- Submission consent custom view -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_given">"Consimțământ\n„Avertizați-i pe ceilalți” acordat"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_not_given">"Consimțământ\n„Avertizați-i pe ceilalți” neacordat"</string>
+    <!--  Submission test result available -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for test results available step -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_title">"Rezultatul testului dvs. este disponibil"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: Test result available illustration description -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_illustration_description">"O femeie își ține în mână smartphone-ul. Acesta trimite un semnal către un alt smartphone."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_given">"Vă mulțumim pentru că sunteți de acord să partajați rezultatul testului dvs. și să ajutați astfel la avertizarea celorlalți. \n\n"<b>"La pasul următor, partajați rezultatul testului dvs. apăsând „Partajare”."</b></string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_given">"Doriți să anulați?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_given">"Intrările dvs. nu vor fi salvate."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_not_given">"Ați ales să nu partajați rezultatele testului dvs. Ceilalți nu vor fi avertizați. \n\nLa pasul următor, aveți ocazia să vă răzgândiți și să partajați totuși rezultatul testului dvs., pentru a ajuta la oprirea răspândirii coronavirusului și a-i proteja pe ceilalți."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_not_given">"Important:\nSunteți pe punctul de a anula acest proces.\nÎncă nu i-ați avertizat pe ceilalți. Vă rugăm să finalizați procesul și să ajutați la protejarea celorlalți."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_not_given">"Sigur doriți să anulați acest proces?"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup cancel button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_cancel_button">"Anulare"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup continue button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_continue_button">"Continuare"</string>
+    <!-- Submission your consent screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_title">"Consimțământul dvs."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch label - next to a switch  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_subtitle">"Avertizați-i pe ceilalți"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status on  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_on">"Activ"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status off  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_off">"Oprit"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen about agreement  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_about_agreement">"V-ați dat următorul consimțământ:"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen agreement title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_title"><b>"Consimțământ"</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen detailed information -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_details">"Informații detaliate privind Prelucrarea datelor și Consimțământul dvs."</string>
     <!-- ####################################
           Button Tooltips for Accessibility
@@ -1215,8 +1332,6 @@
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_show_qr_code">"Show QR Code"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
-    <string name="test_api_button_submit_keys">"Submit keys to Server"</string>
-    <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_scan_qr_code">"Scan Exposure Key"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_switch_last_three_hours_from_server">"Last 3 Hours Mode"</string>
@@ -1309,7 +1424,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: First section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_first_section">"Mai multe țări colaborează pentru a susține alarmele transnaționale printr-un server de schimb comun. De exemplu, contactele cu utilizatorii unei aplicații oficiale anticoronavirus din alte țări participante pot fi, de asemenea, luate în considerare pentru înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Second section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
-    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"Pentru aceasta, aplicația descarcă o listă care este actualizată zilnic de ID-uri aleatorii ale tuturor utilizatorilor care și-au partajat ID-urile aleatorii prin propria aplicație. Această listă este apoi comparată cu ID-urile aleatorii înregistrate de smartphone-ul dvs. Descărcarea zilnică a listei de ID-uri aleatorii este, de obicei, gratuită pentru dvs. – nu veți suporta costuri pentru datele utilizate de aplicație în acest context și nu vor fi aplicate costuri de roaming pentru această opțiune în alte țări UE."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"Pentru aceasta, aplicația descarcă o listă, care este actualizată zilnic, de ID-uri aleatorii ale tuturor utilizatorilor care și-au partajat rezultatele testelor pentru a-i avertiza pe ceilalți prin intermediul propriei aplicații. Apoi, această listă este comparată cu ID-urile aleatorii înregistrate de smartphone-ul dvs. Android. Descărcările listelor sunt, de obicei, gratuite pentru dvs. În mod specific, aceasta înseamnă că operatorii de rețele mobile nu percep costuri pentru datele utilizate de aplicație în acest context și nu aplică niciun fel de costuri de roaming pentru această opțiune în alte țări UE. Contactați operatorul rețelei mobile pentru mai multe informații."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Header right above the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_list_title">"Următoarele țări participă în prezent la înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor la nivel transnațional:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Text right under the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
@@ -1320,9 +1435,9 @@
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step first section in interoperability after the title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_first_section">"Mai multe țări s-au asociat pentru a susține avertizarea la nivel transnațional. Cu alte cuvinte, acum poate fi luată în considerare posibila dvs. expunere la utilizatori ai aplicațiilor oficiale anticoronavirus din toate țările participante."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step second section in interoperability after the title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Când un utilizator transmite ID-urile sale aleatorii la serverul de schimb operat în comun de țările participante, utilizatorii aplicațiilor oficiale anticoronavirus din toate aceste țări pot fi avertizați de posibila expunere."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Când un utilizator transmite rezultatul pozitiv al testului său (mai exact: ID-urile sale aleatorii) pentru a-i avertiza pe ceilalți prin intermediul serverului de schimb operat în comun de țările participante, toți utilizatorii aplicațiilor oficiale anticoronavirus din toate aceste țări pot fi avertizați de posibila lor expunere."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Descărcarea zilnică a listei cu ID-uri aleatorii este, de obicei, gratuită pentru dvs. În mod specific, aceasta înseamnă că operatorii de rețele mobile nu percep costuri pentru datele utilizate de aplicație în acest context și nu aplică niciun fel de costuri de roaming pentru această opțiune în alte țări UE. Contactați operatorul rețelei mobile pentru mai multe informații."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Descărcările zilnice ale listelor cu ID-uri aleatorii de la utilizatori care au partajat rezultate pozitive ale testelor sunt, de obicei, gratuite pentru dvs. În mod specific, aceasta înseamnă că operatorii de rețele mobile nu percep costuri pentru datele utilizate de aplicație în acest context și nu aplică niciun fel de costuri de roaming pentru această opțiune în alte țări UE. Contactați operatorul rețelei mobile pentru mai multe informații."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Small header above the country list in the onboarding screen for interoperability. -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_title">"În prezent participă următoarele țări:"</string>
@@ -1337,9 +1452,9 @@
     <!-- XTXT: Description of the interoperability extension of the app. Below interoperability_onboarding_delta_title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_subtitle">"Caracteristicile aplicației Corona-Warn au fost extinse. Multe țări s-au asociat pentru a susține avertizarea la nivel internațional, pe baza unui server de schimb operat în comun. Acum poate fi luată în considerare posibila expunere la utilizatori ai aplicațiilor oficiale anticoronavirus din alte țări participante când se calculează riscul dvs. de expunere."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"Pentru aceasta, aplicația descarcă o listă, care este actualizată zilnic, de ID-uri aleatorii ale tuturor utilizatorilor care și-au partajat ID-urile aleatorii prin intermediul propriei aplicații. Apoi, această listă este comparată cu ID-urile aleatorii înregistrate de dispozitivul dvs."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"Pentru aceasta, aplicația descarcă o listă, care este actualizată zilnic, de ID-uri aleatorii ale tuturor utilizatorilor care și-au partajat rezultatele testelor pentru a-i avertiza pe ceilalți prin intermediul propriei aplicații. Apoi, această listă este comparată cu ID-urile aleatorii înregistrate de smartphone-ul dvs. Android."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Descărcarea zilnică a listei cu ID-urilor aleatorii este, de obicei, gratuită pentru dvs. În mod specific, aceasta înseamnă că operatorii de rețele mobile nu percep costuri pentru datele utilizate de aplicație în acest context și nu aplică niciun fel de costuri de roaming pentru această opțiune în alte țări UE. Contactați operatorul rețelei mobile pentru mai multe informații."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Descărcările listelor sunt, de obicei, gratuite pentru dvs. În mod specific, aceasta înseamnă că operatorii de rețele mobile nu percep costuri pentru datele utilizate de aplicație în acest context și nu aplică niciun fel de costuri de roaming pentru această opțiune în alte țări UE. Contactați operatorul rețelei mobile pentru mai multe informații."</string>
     <!-- XACT: interoperability (eu) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="interoperability_eu_illustration_description">"O mână ține un smartphone. În fundal sunt ilustrate Europa și steagul european."</string>
@@ -1356,4 +1471,15 @@
     <!-- XBUT: Title for the interoperability onboarding Settings-Button if no network is available -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_button_title_no_network">"Deschideți configurările dispozitivului"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_title">"Doriți să trimiteți o avertizare?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Message for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_message">"Trebuie să partajați rezultatul testului dvs. dacă doriți să îi avertizați pe ceilalți."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Positive button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_positive_button">"Avertizați-i pe ceilalți"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Negative button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_negative_button">"Nu îi avertizați pe ceilalți"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Abort button for test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_abort">"Anulare"</string>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index 143aabdff837caafe35e6d92a0027755de524b23..b308b2df25bde335f768b2e85c7fb8f4a58d1783 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_low_risk_no_encounters_body">"Şu ana dek hiçbir maruz kalma yok"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - Low risk state - Days with low risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_low_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"%1$d gün için düşük riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Bir gün için düşük riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"%1$d gün için düşük riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"%1$d gün için düşük riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"%1$d gün için düşük riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
     <string name="risk_card_high_risk_no_encounters_body">"Şu ana dek hiçbir maruz kalma yok"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: risk card - High risk state - Days with high risk encounters -->
     <plurals name="risk_card_high_risk_encounter_days_body">
-        <item quantity="one">"%1$d gün için artmış riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"Bir gün için artmış riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
         <item quantity="other">"%1$d gün için artmış riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
         <item quantity="zero">"%1$d gün için artmış riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
         <item quantity="two">"%1$d gün için artmış riskli maruz kalmalar"</item>
@@ -242,7 +242,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Enfeksiyon Riski"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Son 14 gün içerisinde COVID-19 tanısı konan biriyle temasınız olduysa uygulama kişisel enfeksiyon riskinizi hesaplar. Bunu, maruz kalma süresini ve yakınlığını ölçerek gerçekleştirir."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_risk">"Son 14 gün içerisinde koronavirüs tanısı konan biriyle temasınız olduysa uygulama kişisel enfeksiyon riskinizi hesaplar. Bunu, maruz kalma süresini ve yakınlığını ölçerek gerçekleştirir."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk level list -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk_levels">"Şu risk durumu gösterilebilir:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: App overview increased risk level -->
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for test procedure explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_test">"Diğer Kullanıcıları Bilgilendirme"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about rest procedure -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Diğer bir temel özellik, testinizi kaydetme ve sonucunu alma özelliğidir. COVID-19 tanısı konursa diğer kişileri bilgilendirerek enfeksiyon zincirini kırabilirsiniz."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_test">"Diğer bir temel özellik, testinizi kaydetme ve sonucunu alma özelliğidir. Koronavirüs tanısı alırsanız diğer kişileri bilgilendirerek enfeksiyon zincirini kırabilirsiniz."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview headline for glossary -->
     <string name="main_overview_headline_glossary">"Terimlerin Tanımı:"</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary key storage -->
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary keys -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_keys">"Rastgele Kimlik"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary keys -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Rastgele Kimlikler, rastgele oluşturulan rakam ve harf kombinasyonlarıdır. Yakın mesafedeki akıllı telefonlar arasında değiştirilir. Rastgele Kimlikler belirli bir kişiyi izlemek üzere kullanılamaz ve 14 günün sonunda otomatik olarak silinir. COVID-19 tanısı konan kişiler son 14 güne kadar rastgele kimliklerinin uygulamanın diğer kullanıcıları ile paylaşılmasını seçebilir."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Rastgele Kimlikler, rastgele oluşturulan rakam ve harf kombinasyonlarıdır. Yakın mesafedeki akıllı telefonlar arasında değiştirilir. Rastgele Kimlikler belirli bir kişiyi izlemek üzere kullanılamaz ve 14 günün sonunda otomatik olarak silinir. Koronavirüs tanısı konan kişiler son 14 güne kadar rastgele kimliklerinin uygulamanın diğer kullanıcıları ile paylaşılmasını seçebilir."</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="main_overview_illustration_description">"Bir akıllı telefon, 1 ila 3 olarak numaralandırılmış farklı içerikleri gösterir."</string>
     <!-- XACT: App main page title -->
@@ -293,11 +293,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
     <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz neden düşük?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Daha sonra COVID-19 tanısı konmuş bir kişiyle karşılaştınız. Ancak maruz kalma günlüğü verilerine göre enfeksiyon riskiniz düşük. Kısa süreyle ya da uzak mesafeyle karşılaşmanız durumunda risk düşük olur. Endişelenmeniz gerekmez ve eylem gerçekleştirmeniz özel bir ihtiyaç bulunmuyor. Mesafe ve hijyen konusunda belirlenen kurallara riayet etmenizi öneririz."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Daha sonra koronavirüs tanısı konmuş bir kişiyle karşılaştınız. Ancak maruz kalma günlüğü verilerine göre enfeksiyon riskiniz düşük. Kısa süreyle ya da uzak mesafeyle karşılaşmanız durumunda risk düşük olur. Endişelenmeniz gerekmez ve eylem gerçekleştirmeniz özel bir ihtiyaç bulunmuyor. Mesafe ve hijyen konusunda belirlenen kurallara riayet etmenizi öneririz."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
     <string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Talimatlar"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Yapmanız gerekenler"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"Yapmanız gerekenler:"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - go/stay home, something like a bullet point -->
     <string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_home">"Mümkünse lütfen eve gidin ve evde kalın."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - get in touch with the corresponding people, something like a bullet point -->
@@ -327,23 +327,23 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Maruz kalma günlüğü son 14 günü kapsar. Bu süre boyunca akıllı telefonunuzdaki günlüğe kaydetme özelliği %1$s gün etkindi. Uygulama, enfeksiyondan korunma için artık ilgili olmadığından daha eski kayıtları otomatik olarak siler."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level was calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Riskiniz bu şekilde hesaplandı"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"Riskiniz bu şekilde hesaplandı."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level will be calculated, below behaviors -->
-    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"Riskiniz bu şekilde hesaplanır"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"Riskiniz bu şekilde hesaplanır."</string>
     <!-- XMSG: risk details - risk calculation wasn't possible for 24h, below behaviors -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_outdated_risk">"Maruz kalma günlüğünüz 24 saatten uzun süre için güncellenemedi."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Daha sonra COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilere maruz kaldığınıza dair bir günlük kaydı oluşturulmadığı veya bu kişilerle yalnızca kısa süreyle ve uzak mesafeden karşılaştığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz düşüktür."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Daha sonra koronavirüs tanısı konan kişilere maruz kaldığınıza dair bir günlük kaydı oluşturulmadığı veya bu kişilerle yalnızca kısa süreyle ve uzak mesafeden karşılaştığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz düşüktür."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz, maruz kalma günlüğünün verileri kullanılarak yerel olarak akıllı telefonunuzda hesaplanır. Hesaplamada COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilere maruz kalma mesafesi ve süresinin yanında potansiyel enfeksiyon bulaştırma durumu da göz önünde bulundurulur. Enfeksiyon riskiniz bir başkası tarafından görüntülenemez ya da bir başkasına aktarılamaz."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz, maruz kalma günlüğünün verileri kullanılarak yerel olarak akıllı telefonunuzda hesaplanır. Hesaplamada koronavirüs tanısı konan kişilere maruz kalma mesafesi ve süresinin yanında potansiyel enfeksiyon bulaştırma durumu da göz önünde bulundurulur. Enfeksiyon riskiniz bir başkası tarafından görüntülenemez ya da bir başkasına aktarılamaz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
-        <item quantity="one">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
-        <item quantity="other">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
-        <item quantity="zero">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
-        <item quantity="two">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
-        <item quantity="few">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
-        <item quantity="many">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
+        <item quantity="one">"En son %1$s gün önce, koronavirüs tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
+        <item quantity="other">"En son %1$s gün önce, koronavirüs tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
+        <item quantity="zero">"En son %1$s gün önce, koronavirüs tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
+        <item quantity="two">"En son %1$s gün önce, koronavirüs tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
+        <item quantity="few">"En son %1$s gün önce, koronavirüs tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
+        <item quantity="many">"En son %1$s gün önce, koronavirüs tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz, akıllı telefonunuzda yerel olarak bulunan maruz kalma günlüğü verileri (süre ve mesafe) kullanılarak hesaplanır. Enfeksiyon riskiniz başkaları tarafından görüntülenemez veya başkalarına aktarılmaz."</string>
@@ -404,7 +404,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Sizin için ve hepimiz için daha fazla koruma. Corona-Warn-App uygulamasını kullanarak enfeksiyon zincirlerini çok daha kısa süre içinde kırabiliriz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Akıllı telefonunuzu koronavirüs uyarı sistemine dönüştürün. Risk durumunuza ilişkin genel bir bakış elde edin ve son 14 gün içinde COVID-19 tanısı konan herhangi biri ile yakın temasa geçip geçmediğinizi öğrenin."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Akıllı telefonunuzu koronavirüs uyarı sistemine dönüştürün. Risk durumunuza ilişkin genel bir bakış elde edin ve son 14 gün içinde koronavirüs tanısı konan herhangi biri ile yakın temasa geçip geçmediğinizi öğrenin."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
     <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Uygulama kişilerin akıllı telefonları arasında şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikleri paylaşarak karşılaşma günlüğü oluşturur ve bu sırada hiçbir kişisel veriye erişim sağlanmaz."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
@@ -421,9 +421,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - how to enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline">"Maruz Kalma Günlüğünü Etkinleştirme"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Enfeksiyon riski taşıyıp taşımadığınızı belirlemek için maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Enfeksiyon riski taşıyıp taşımadığınızı belirlemek için maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirmeniz gerekir."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Maruz kalma günlüğü, akıllı telefonunuzun Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimlikleri diğer kullanıcıların akıllı telefonlarına aktarmasıyla çalışır. Maruz kalma günlüğü, dilediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakılabilir. "</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Maruz kalma günlüğü, Android akıllı telefonunuzun Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimlikleri diğer kullanıcıların akıllı telefonlarına aktarmasıyla çalışır. Maruz kalma günlüğü, dilediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakılabilir. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"Şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikler diğer kullanıcılara yalnızca tarih, süre ve yakınlık (sinyal gücü ile hesaplanır) hakkındaki bilgileri aktarır. Kişilerin kimlikleri rastgele kimliklere göre belirlenemez."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -471,9 +471,9 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_button">"Cihaz Ayarlarını Aç"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (test) page title -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Etkinleştirme sayfası 5/6: COVID-19 Tanısı Aldıysanız"</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Etkinleştirme sayfası 5/6: Koronavirüs Tanısı Aldıysanız"</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - about positive tests -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"COVID-19 tanısı aldıysanız..."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_headline">"Koronavirüs tanısı aldıysanız..."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… lütfen bunu Corona-Warn-App\'te belirtin. Test sonuçlarınızı paylaşmanız gönüllülük esasına dayalıdır ve güvenlidir. Lütfen herkesin sağlığı için bunu yapın."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
@@ -496,7 +496,7 @@
    ###################################### -->
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
-    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"Yaş Sınırı: 16 ve Üzeri"</string>
+    <string name="sixteen_title_text">"16 Yaş Uyarısı"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
     <string name="sixteen_description_text">"Bu uygulama, 16 yaş ve üzerinde olan ve Almanya\'da yaşayan kişilerin kullanması için hazırlanmıştır."</string>
@@ -525,7 +525,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Konum hizmetleri devre dışı bırakıldı"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Uygulamanın, enfekte olan bir kullanıcı ile karşılaşmanızın ardından risk altında olup olmadığınızı belirleyebilmesi için maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir. Maruz kalma günlüğü özelliği uluslararası olarak çalışır; yani, kullanıcılara ilişkin tüm olası maruz kalmalar da diğer resmi koronavirüs uygulamalarıyla tespit edilir.\n\nMaruz kalma günlüğü özelliği, akıllı telefonunuzun Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimlikleri diğer kullanıcıların akıllı telefonlarına aktarmasıyla çalışır. Uygulama her gün, virüs testi pozitif olan ve uygulamaları aracılığıyla bu bilgileri gönüllü olarak paylaşan tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerini içeren bir liste ile birlikte bu kullanıcıların semptomlarının başlangıcına ilişkin gönüllü olarak verilen tüm bilgileri indirir. Ardından bu liste, sizin de enfekte olma olasılığınızı hesaplamak ve gereken durumlarda sizi uyarmak için akıllı telefonunuzun kaydetttiği diğer kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır. Düğmeyi kullanarak dilediğiniz zaman maruz kalma günlüğünü devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.\n\nUygulama hiçbir durumda adınız, adresiniz veya konumunuz gibi kişisel verileri toplamaz ve bu bilgileri diğer kullanıcılara aktarmaz. Rastgele kimlikleri kullanarak kişilerin kimlikleri hakkında sonuçlar çıkarılamaz."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Uygulamanın, enfekte olan bir kullanıcı ile karşılaşmanızın ardından risk altında olup olmadığınızı belirleyebilmesi için maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir. Maruz kalma günlüğü özelliği uluslararası olarak çalışır; yani, kullanıcılara ilişkin tüm olası maruz kalmalar da diğer resmi koronavirüs uygulamalarıyla tespit edilir.\n\nMaruz kalma günlüğü özelliği, Android akıllı telefonunuzun Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimlikleri diğer kullanıcıların akıllı telefonlarına aktarmasıyla çalışır. Uygulama her gün, virüs testi pozitif olan ve uygulamaları aracılığıyla bu bilgileri (özellikle rastgele kimliklerini) gönüllü olarak paylaşan tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerini içeren bir liste ile birlikte bu kullanıcıların semptomlarının başlangıcına ilişkin gönüllü olarak verilen tüm bilgileri indirir. Ardından bu liste, sizin de enfekte olma olasılığınızı hesaplamak ve gereken durumlarda sizi uyarmak için Android akıllı telefonunuzun kaydetttiği ve karşılaştığınız diğer kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır. Düğmeyi kullanarak dilediğiniz zaman maruz kalma günlüğünü devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz.\n\nUygulama hiçbir durumda adınız, adresiniz veya konumunuz gibi kişisel verileri toplamaz ve bu bilgileri diğer kullanıcılara aktarmaz. Rastgele kimlikleri kullanarak kişilerin kimlikleri hakkında sonuçlar çıkarılamaz."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Etkin"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_risk">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz deÄŸiÅŸti"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
-    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"COVID-19 testinizin durumu"</string>
+    <string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Koronavirüs testinizin durumu"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings(notification) - go to operating settings -->
     <string name="settings_notifications_button_open_settings">"Cihaz Ayarlarını Aç"</string>
     <!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, active -->
@@ -604,7 +604,7 @@
     <string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_inactive">"Bir kadın Corona-Warn-App bildirimlerini devre dışı bıraktı."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: settings - go to reset application -->
     <string name="settings_reset_title">"Uygulamayı Sıfırla"</string>
-    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when he navigates to reset -->
+    <!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when navigating to reset -->
     <string name="settings_reset_body_description">"Uygulamadaki tüm verilerinizi silin."</string>
     <!-- XHED: settings(reset) - multiline headline below illustration -->
     <string name="settings_reset_headline">"Uygulamayı sıfırlamak istediğinizden emin misiniz?"</string>
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Almanya\'nın federal kamu sağlığı kurumudur. RKI, Federal Hükûmet adına Corona-Warn-App uygulamasını yayınlamaktadır. Uygulama, daha önce açıklanan kamu sağlığı önlemlerine ilişkin dijital bir tamamlayıcı niteliğindedir: sosyal mesafe, hijyen uygulamaları ve yüz maskeleri."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Uygulamayı kullanan kişiler, enfeksiyon zincirlerinin takip edilmesine ve kırılmasına yardımcı olur. Uygulama, diğer kişilerle karşılaşmaları cihazınızda yerel olarak kaydeder. Daha sonra COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilerle karşılaşmışsanız size bildirim gönderilir. Kimliğiniz ve gizliliğiniz daima koruma altındadır."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Uygulamayı kullanan kişiler, enfeksiyon zincirlerinin takip edilmesine ve kırılmasına yardımcı olur. Uygulama, diğer kişilerle karşılaşmaları cihazınızda yerel olarak kaydeder. Daha sonra koronavirüs tanısı konan kişilerle karşılaşmışsanız size bildirim gönderilir. Kimliğiniz ve gizliliğiniz daima koruma altındadır."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Bölgedeki bir grup insan akıllı telefonlarını kullanıyor."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -754,7 +754,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: qr -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title">"QR kod geçersiz"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test error: qr -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"QR kod geçersiz veya başka bir akıllı telefona zaten kaydedilmiş. QR kod geçerli olsun veya olmasın test sonucunuzu test merkezinden veya laboratuvardan alacaksınız. COVID-19 tanısı alırsanız kamu sağlığı yetkilisi tarafından bilgilendirileceksiniz."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"QR kod geçersiz veya başka bir akıllı telefona zaten kaydedilmiş. QR kod geçerli olsun veya olmasın test sonucunuzu test merkezinden veya laboratuvardan alacaksınız. Koronavirüs tanısı alırsanız kamu sağlığı yetkilisi tarafından bilgilendirileceksiniz."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: tan -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title_tan">"TAN geçersiz"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test via tan - error: tan -->
@@ -784,9 +784,9 @@
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_button_positive">"Tamam"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Ä°ptal etmek istiyor musunuz?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Belirtilerinizi girmeyi iptal etmek istiyor musunuz?"</string>
     <!-- XMSG: Dialog body for keys submission process cancellation -->
-    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"GiriÅŸleriniz kaydedilmeyecektir."</string>
+    <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Belirtilerinizle ilgili olarak bilgi verirseniz diğer kullanıcıları daha net bir biçimde uyarabilir."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for keys submission process cancellation -->
     <string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_positive">"Evet"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for keys submission process cancellation -->
@@ -814,7 +814,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for invalid QR code  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_headline">"QR kod geçersiz"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for invalid QR code -->
-    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"QR kod yanlış veya başka bir akıllı telefona zaten kaydedilmiş. QR kod geçerli olsun veya olmasın test sonucunuzu test merkezinden veya laboratuvardan alacaksınız. COVID-19 tanısı alırsanız kamu sağlığı yetkilisi yasal olarak belirlenen kanal üzerinden bilgilendirilecektir ve kamu sağlığı yetkilisi sizinle iletişime geçecektir."</string>
+    <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"QR kod yanlış veya başka bir akıllı telefona zaten kaydedilmiş. QR kod geçerli olsun veya olmasın test sonucunuzu test merkezinden veya laboratuvardan alacaksınız. Koronavirüs tanısı alırsanız kamu sağlığı yetkilisi yasal olarak belirlenen kanal üzerinden bilgilendirilecektir ve kamu sağlığı yetkilisi sizinle iletişime geçecektir."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_positive">"Lütfen tekrar deneyin."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -825,6 +825,34 @@
     <!-- YTXT: instruction text for QR code scanning  -->
     <string name="submission_qr_code_scan_body">"QR kodu çerçeveye sığdırın."</string>
+    <!-- QR Code Consent Screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for Submission consent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline">"Onayınız"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submissionconsent  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_headline_body">"Test sonucunuzu alabilmeniz ve diğer kullanıcıları uyarabilmeniz için onayınız gereklidir."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent call test result  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result">"Test Sonucunu Al"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for Submission Consent call test result body  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_body">"Sonraki adımda, testinizdeki QR kodu tarayın ve test sonucunuzu alın."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 1 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_your_test_only">"Yalnızca kendi testinizi tarayın."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT:  Body sub text 2 for Submission Consent call test result   -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_call_test_result_scan_test_only_once">"Testiniz yalnızca bir kez taranabilir. Uygulama aynı anda birden fazla testi yönetememektedir."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for consent help by warning others  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_headline">"Lütfen karşılaştığınız diğer kullanıcıları uyararak onlara yardımcı olun!"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent help by warning others -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_help_by_warning_others_body">"Koronavirüs tanısı aldıysanız uygulama üzerinden diğer kullanıcıları uyarabilirsiniz. Uyarı işlevi birden fazla ülkede etkindir. Şu anda aşağıdaki ülkeler katılmaktadır:"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page bottom text for consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_bottom_body">"Veri İşleme ve Onayınız Hakkında Ayrıntılı Bilgiler"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_first_point">"Onayınız gönüllülük esasına dayalıdır."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_second_point">"Paylaşmamayı seçseniz de test sonucunuzu alabilirsiniz. Ancak test sonucunuzu paylaşırsanız diğer kullanıcıların enfeksiyona karşı korunmasına yardımcı olursunuz."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_third_point">"Kimliğiniz gizli tutulacaktır. Diğer kullanıcılar, kimin test sonucunu paylaştığını bilmeyecektir."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for consent main section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_main_fourth_point">"Onay vermek için 16 yaşın üzerinde olmanız gerekir."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Test Sonucu"</string>
@@ -835,9 +863,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for for results next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_body">"Testiniz Corona-Warn-App\'e kaydedildi."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for pending test result next steps  -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Test sonucu henüz çıkmadı"</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Test sonucunuz henüz çıkmadı."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of waiting test result page -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Değerlendirme birkaç gün sürebilir, bu nedenle lütfen sabırlı olun.\n\nTest sonucunuz uygulama dışından da tarafınıza iletilecektir. Testinizin pozitif sonuç vermesi halinde kamu sağlığı yetkilileri sizi bilgilendirecektir.\n\nTest sonucunun pozitif olması halinde sonucu uygulamaya kaydetmek ve diğer kullanıcıları uyarmak için lütfen \"TAN Talebi\" başlığının altında görüntülenen numarayı arayın."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Test sonucunuz çıkar çıkmaz uygulamada görüntülenecektir."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : refresh button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_pending_refresh_button">"Güncelle"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: test result pending : remove the test button -->
@@ -845,7 +873,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for negative test result next steps  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_heading">"Test Sonucunuz"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of test negative result -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_body">"Laboratuvar sonucuna göre koronavirüs SARS-CoV-2 olduğunuza dair bir doğrulama yok.\n\nGerekirse yeni bir test kodu kaydedebilmeniz için lütfen testi Corona-Warn-App\'ten silin."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_body">"Laboratuvar sonucuna göre SARS-CoV-2 koronavirüs olduğunuza dair bir doğrulama yok.\n\nGerekirse yeni bir test kodu kaydedebilmeniz için lütfen testi Corona-Warn-App\'ten silin."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: negative test result : remove the test button -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_negative_remove_test_button">"Testi Sil"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for other warnings screen  -->
@@ -873,7 +901,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog title for test removal  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"Test yalnızca bir kez taranabilir."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal -->
-    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Testi kaldırırsanız test sonucunuzu alamazsınız. QR kod geçerli olsun veya olmasın test sonucunuzu test merkezinden veya laboratuvardan alacaksınız. COVID-19 tanısı alırsanız kamu sağlığı yetkilisi yasal olarak belirlenen kanal üzerinden bilgilendirilecektir ve kamu sağlığı yetkilisi sizinle iletişime geçecektir."</string>
+    <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"Testi kaldırırsanız test sonucunuzu alamazsınız. QR kod geçerli olsun veya olmasın test sonucunuzu test merkezinden veya laboratuvardan alacaksınız. Koronavirüs tanısı alırsanız kamu sağlığı yetkilisi yasal olarak belirlenen kanal üzerinden bilgilendirilecektir ve kamu sağlığı yetkilisi sizinle iletişime geçecektir."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Positive button for test removal -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Kaldır"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Negative button for test removal -->
@@ -882,6 +910,16 @@
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_title">"SARS-CoV-2 pozitif"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for test result card positive -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_body">"SARS-CoV-2 virüsü tanısı aldınız."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result with consent given  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_heading">"Test Sonucunuz"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Subtitle text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_subtitle">"Koronavirüsün yayılmasını durdurmaya yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: body text for test result card with consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_body"><b>"Şimdi temasta bulunduğunuz diğer kullanıcılar uyarılacak."</b>" "<br/><br/>"Uyarıların daha doğru olmasını sağlamaya yardımcı olabilirsiniz. Bunun için sonraki adımda belirtilerinizin ilk kez ne zaman görülmeye başladığını belirtin. Bu adımı dilediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: button text for the 'break up' button option on test result consent given page -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_consent_given_breakup_button">"Çıkış"</string>
     <!-- Submission Tan -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for TAN submission pge -->
@@ -903,7 +941,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for menu the at start of the submission process  -->
     <string name="submission_intro_headline">"Corona-Warn-App bu şekilde çalışır"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction text -->
-    <string name="submission_intro_text">"Uygulamanın düzgün çalışması için COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilerin desteğine güveniyoruz.\n\nYalnızca şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikler gönderilip alındığından kimliğiniz gizli kalır. Şu şekilde devam edebilirsiniz:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_intro_text">"Uygulamanın düzgün çalışması için koronavirüs tanısı konan kişilerin desteğine güveniyoruz.\n\nYalnızca şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikler gönderilip alındığından kimliğiniz gizli kalır. Şu şekilde devam edebilirsiniz:"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: Submission introduction next button-->
     <string name="submission_intro_button_next">"Sonraki"</string>
     <!-- XACT: Submission intro - illustration description, explanation image -->
@@ -911,7 +949,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: submission introduction bullet points -->
     <string-array name="submission_intro_bullet_points">
         <item>"Test belgenizde bir QR kod varsa bu kodu tarayıp testi kaydedebilirsiniz. Sonuç çıkar çıkmaz sonucu uygulamada görüntüleyebilirsiniz."</item>
-        <item>"Size COVID-19 tanısı konduysa diğer insanları uyarabilirsiniz."</item>
+        <item>"Size koronavirüs tanısı konduysa diğer insanları uyarabilirsiniz."</item>
         <item>"Pozitif tanı için TAN verildiyse bunu kullanarak testi kaydedebilirsiniz."</item>
         <item>"TAN verilmediyse telefonla talep edebilirsiniz."</item>
@@ -920,25 +958,25 @@
     <!-- Dispatcher -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Seçim"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Test Sonucunu Al"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher menu  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Hangi bilgilere sahipsiniz?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"Uygulama üzerinden test sonucunuzu alın ve ardından diğer kullanıcıları uyarın. Kendinizi koruyacak ve koronavirüsün yayılmasını durdurmaya yardımcı olacaksınız."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they have already been tested: QR and TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_needs_testing_subheadline">"Test yaptırdınız mı?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher options asking if they already have a positive test: tele-TAN  -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">""</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_already_positive_subheadline">"Koronavirüs testinizin sonucu pozitif mi?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for QR code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"QR kod ile belgeleyin"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"QR Kodlu Test"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for QR code dispatcher option -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_card_text">"Test belgenizin QR kodunu tarayarak testinizi kaydedin."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TAN code option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN GiriÅŸi"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TAN code dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"TAN\'yi manüel olarak girerek kaydedin."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"TAN\'niz var mı? Diğer kullanıcıları uyarabilmek için TAN\'nizi girmek üzere devam edin. "</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TELE-TAN option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"TAN Talebi"</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"TAN yok mu?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for TELE_TAN dispatcher option -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"COVID-19 tanısı konduysa lütfen bizi arayın."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Bizi arayın ve TAN alın."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Dispatcher Tan page title -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_accessibility_title">"Hangi bilgilere sahipsiniz?"</string>
@@ -956,6 +994,25 @@
     <!-- XHED: Title for the interop country list-->
     <string name="submission_interoperability_list_title">"Aşağıdaki ülkeler, uluslararası maruz kalma günlüğüne katılmaktadır:"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Koronavirüs testinizin sonucu pozitif olduğu için şimdi diğer kullanıcıları uygulama üzerinden uyarabilirsiniz."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Uyarı işlevi birden fazla ülkede etkindir. Şu anda aşağıdaki ülkeler katılmaktadır:"</string>
+    <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_subtitle">"Lütfen hepimize yardımcı olun!"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: First bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_1"><b>"Test sonucunuzu paylaşın ve diğer kullanıcıların enfeksiyondan korunmasına yardımcı olun."</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Second bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_2">"Kimliğiniz gizli tutulacaktır. Diğer kullanıcılar, kimin test sonucunu paylaştığını bilmeyecektir."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Third bullet point when test result is positive and consent is requested for key sharing-->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_text_3">"Başka insanların enfeksiyona yakalanmaması için lütfen kamu sağlığı yetkilinizin talimatlarına uyun ve evde kalın."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Button for giving consent for key sharing -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_warn_others">"Diğer Kullanıcıları Uyarın"</string>
     <!-- Submission Country Selector -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the submission country selection page -->
     <string name="submission_positive_country_selection_title">"Avrupa geneli uyarılar"</string>
@@ -995,13 +1052,29 @@
     <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
     <string name="submission_done_illustration_description">"Son birkaç günde aşağıdaki belirtilerden birini veya daha fazlasını yaşadınız mı?"</string>
+    <!-- Submission Done No Consent-->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_title">"Teşekkür ederiz"</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page subtitle for completed submission page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_subtitle">"Koronavirüsün yayılmasını durdurmaya yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body_title">"Şimdi diğer kullanıcılar uyarılacak."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Page body for submission no consent page -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_body">"Uyarıların daha doğru olmasını sağlamaya yardımcı olabilirsiniz. Bunun için sonraki adımda belirtilerinizin ilk kez ne zaman görülmeye başladığını belirtin. Bu adımı dilediğiniz zaman iptal edebilirsiniz."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue with symptom recording button -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_continue_with_symptom_recording">"Semptomları Gir"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: submission continue break flow button-->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_break_flow">"Çıkış"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: submission finished - illustration description, explanation image -->
+    <string name="submission_done_no_consent_illustration_description">"Birden fazla kişi akıllı telefonlarına bakıyor."</string>
     <!-- Submission Symptoms -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for symptom screens -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_title">"Belirtiler"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: headline text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Aşağıdaki belirtilerden birini veya daha fazlasını yaşadınız mı?"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_headline">"Son birkaç günde aşağıdaki belirtilerden birini veya daha fazlasını yaşadınız mı?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: explanation text for initial symptom screen -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Uygulamanın, diğer kullanıcılar açısından enfeksiyon riskini daha doğru bir biçimde hesaplayabilmesi için herhangi bir korona belirtisi fark edip etmediğinizi ve ne zaman fark ettiğinizi belirtebilirsiniz. Bu bilgileri sağlamak istemiyorsanız \"bilgi yok\" seçeneğini belirlemeniz yeterlidir."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_initial_explanation">"Uygulamanın, diğer kullanıcılar açısından enfeksiyon riskini daha doğru bir biçimde hesaplayabilmesi için herhangi bir korona belirtisi fark edip etmediğinizi ve ne zaman fark ettiğinizi belirtebilirsiniz. Bu adım gönüllülük esasına dayanır. Belirtilerinizle ilgili bilgi vermek istemiyorsanız \"Bilgi yok\" seçeneğini belirlemeniz yeterlidir."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Bullet points for symptoms -->
     <string-array name="submission_symptom_symptom_bullets">
         <item>"Artan vücut sıcaklığı veya ateş"</item>
@@ -1058,9 +1131,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for calendar page in submission symptom flow -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_title">"Belirtilerin başlangıcı"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for calendar page in symptom submission flow -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Bu belirtileri ilk kez ne zaman yaşamaya başladınız? "</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_headline">"Belirtileri ilk kez ne zaman fark ettiniz?"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for calendar page in symptom submission flow-->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Takvimde tam tarihi seçin veya tam tarihi hatırlayamıyorsanız diğer seçeneklerden birini seçin."</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_calendar_body">"Lütfen mümkün olduğunca doğru şekilde tarih belirtin."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen less than 7 days button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_less_seven">"Son 7 gün içinde"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen 1-2 weeks button -->
@@ -1076,9 +1149,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: unregistered -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_unregistered">"Test yaptırdınız mı?"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: pending -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Sonucunuz henüz çıkmadı"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_pending">"Test sonucunuz henüz çıkmadı"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: available -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Sonucunuz çıktı"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_title_available">"Test sonucunuz çıktı"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: positive -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_title_positive">"Pozitif Tanı"</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status fetch failed -->
@@ -1090,7 +1163,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: fetching -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_fetching">"Sonucunuz güncelleniyor"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: unregistered -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Diğer kullanıcıları uyararak enfeksiyon zincirini kırmaya yardımcı olun."</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_body_unregistered">"Kendinizi ve diğer kullanıcıları korumaya yardımcı olun."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: pending -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_pending">"Testinize ilişkin değerlendirme henüz tamamlanmadı."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status: invalid -->
@@ -1102,7 +1175,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for submission status fetch failed -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_body_failed">"Testiniz 21 günden eski ve bu nedenle artık geçerli değil. Lütfen testi silin. Ardından başka bir test ekleyebilirsiniz."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card unregistered button -->
-    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Daha Fazla Bilgi ve Yardım"</string>
+    <string name="submission_status_card_button_unregistered">"Sonraki Adımlar"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card show results button -->
     <string name="submission_status_card_button_show_results">"Testi Görüntüle"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission status card fetch failed button -->
@@ -1140,7 +1213,51 @@
     <!-- XBUT Symptoms exact date button -->
-    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Tam tarih"</string>
+    <string name="symptoms_calendar_exact_date_button">"Tarih"</string>
+    <!-- Submission consent custom view -->
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_given">"“Diğer kullanıcıları uyar”\nonayı verildi"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_consent_view_consent_not_given">"“Diğer kullanıcıları uyar”\nonayı verilmedi"</string>
+    <!--  Submission test result available -->
+    <!-- XHED: Page title for test results available step -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_title">"Test Sonucunuz Çıktı"</string>
+    <!-- XACT: Test result available illustration description -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_illustration_description">"Bir kadın elinde akıllı telefonunu tutuyor. Bu telefondan başka bir akıllı telefona sinyal gönderiliyor."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_given">"Test sonucunuzu paylaşmayı kabul ederek diğer kullanıcıların uyarılmasına yardımcı olduğunuz için teşekkür ederiz. \n\n"<b>"Sonraki adımda lütfen “Paylaş” seçeneğine dokunarak test sonucunuzu paylaşın."</b></string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_given">"Ä°ptal etmek istiyor musunuz?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_given">"GiriÅŸleriniz kaydedilmeyecektir."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_text_consent_not_given">"Test sonuçlarınızı paylaşmamayı seçtiniz. Diğer kullanıcılar uyarılmayacak. \n\nSonraki adımda dilerseniz fikrinizi değiştirip test sonucunuzu paylaşarak koronavirüsün yayılmasını durdurmaya ve diğer kullanıcıların korunmasına yardımcı olabilirsiniz."</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Close screen popup title for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_title_consent_not_given">"Önemli:\nBu işlemi iptal etmek üzeresiniz.\nHenüz diğer kullanıcıları uyarmadınız. Lütfen bu işlemi tamamlayın ve diğer kullanıcıların korunmasına yardımcı olun."</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Close screen popup text for consent NOT given -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_body_consent_not_given">"İşlemi gerçekten iptal etmek istiyor musunuz?"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup cancel button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_cancel_button">"Ä°ptal"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Close screen popup continue button -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_available_close_dialog_continue_button">"Devam"</string>
+    <!-- Submission your consent screen -->
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_title">"Ä°zniniz"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch label - next to a switch  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_subtitle">"Diğer Kullanıcıları Uyarın"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status on  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_on">"Etkin"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen switch status off  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_switch_status_off">"Durduruldu"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen about agreement  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_about_agreement">"Şu onayı verdiniz:"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Your consent screen agreement title  -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_title"><b>"Onay"</b></string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Your consent screen detailed information -->
+    <string name="submission_your_consent_agreement_details">"Veri İşleme ve Onayınız Hakkında Ayrıntılı Bilgiler"</string>
     <!-- ####################################
           Button Tooltips for Accessibility
@@ -1215,8 +1332,6 @@
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_show_qr_code">"Show QR Code"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
-    <string name="test_api_button_submit_keys">"Submit keys to Server"</string>
-    <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_button_scan_qr_code">"Scan Exposure Key"</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="test_api_switch_last_three_hours_from_server">"Last 3 Hours Mode"</string>
@@ -1309,7 +1424,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: First section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_first_section">"Bazı ülkeler, ortak bir exchange sunucusu üzerinden uluslararası uyarıları etkinleştirmek üzere birlikte çalışma yürütmektedir. Örneğin, diğer katılımcı ülkelerin resmi koronavirüs uygulamasının kullanıcıları ile temaslar da maruz kalma günlüğünde hesaba katılabilir."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Second section after the header of the interoperability information/configuration view -->
-    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"Bunun için uygulama, uygulamaları aracılığıyla kendi rastgele kimliklerini paylaşan tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerinin bir listesini (günlük olarak güncellenir) indirir. Ardından bu liste, akıllı telefonunuzun kaydettiği rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır. Normal koşullarda, rastgele kimlikleri içeren listenin günlük olarak indirilmesi için ücret alınmaz, bu bağlamda uygulamanın kullandığı veriler için de ücret alınmaz ve diğer AB ülkelerinde bunun için dolaşım ücretleri de alınmaz."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_configuration_second_section">"Bunun için uygulama kendi uygulamalarından diğer kullanıcıları uyarmak için test sonuçlarını paylaşan tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerinden oluşan ve günlük olarak güncellenen bir listeyi indirir. Ardından bu liste Android akıllı telefonunuzun kaydettiği rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır. Liste indirmeleri genellikle ücretsizdir. Buna göre, mobil ağ operatörleri uygulamanın bu bağlamda kullandığı veriler için ücret almaz ve bu doğrultuda, diğer AB ülkelerindeki kullanımlar için dolaşım ücreti almaz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen mobil ağ operatörünüzle iletişime geçin."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Header right above the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
     <string name="interoperability_configuration_list_title">"Aşağıdaki ülkeler, uluslararası maruz kalma günlüğüne katılmaktadır:"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Text right under the country list in the interoperability information/configuration view -->
@@ -1320,9 +1435,9 @@
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step first section in interoperability after the title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_first_section">"Bazı ülkeler uluslararası uyarıları etkinleştirmek üzere iş birliği yapmaktadır. Diğer bir ifadeyle, tüm katılımcı ülkelerdeki resmi korona uygulamalarının kullanıcılarına maruz kalma olasılığınız da artık hesaba katılabilir."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step second section in interoperability after the title -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Bir kullanıcı, katılımcı ülkeler tarafından ortak olarak işletilen exchange sunucusuna rastgele kimliklerini gönderdiğinde tüm bu ülkelerdeki resmi korona uygulamalarının kullanıcıları maruz kalma olasılığı konusunda uyarılabilir."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_second_section">"Bir kullanıcı, diğer kullanıcıları uyarmak için uygulama üzerinden pozitif test sonucunu (daha doğru bir ifadeyle rastgele kimliklerini) katılımcı ülkeler tarafından ortak olarak işletilen exchange sunucusuna gönderdiğinde tüm bu ülkelerdeki resmi korona uygulamalarının tüm kullanıcıları maruz kalma olasılığı konusunda uyarılabilir."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Rastgele kimlikleri içeren bu listenin günlük olarak indirilmesi için ücret alınmaz. Buna göre, mobil ağ operatörleri uygulamanın bu bağlamda kullandığı veriler için ücret almaz ve bu doğrultuda, diğer AB ülkelerindeki kullanımlar için dolaşım ücreti almaz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen mobil ağ operatörünüzle iletişime geçin."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_randomid_download_free">"Pozitif test sonuçlarını paylaşan kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerini içeren listelerin günlük olarak indirilmesi için ücret alınmaz. Buna göre, mobil ağ operatörleri uygulamanın bu bağlamda kullandığı veriler için ücret almaz ve bu doğrultuda, diğer AB ülkelerindeki kullanımlar için dolaşım ücreti almaz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen mobil ağ operatörünüzle iletişime geçin."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: Small header above the country list in the onboarding screen for interoperability. -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_title">"Şu anda aşağıdaki ülkeler katılmaktadır:"</string>
@@ -1337,9 +1452,9 @@
     <!-- XTXT: Description of the interoperability extension of the app. Below interoperability_onboarding_delta_title -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_subtitle">"Corona-Warn-App\'in özellikleri genişletildi. Çok sayıda ülke, ortak olarak işletilen bir exchange sunucusu bazında uluslararası uyarıları etkinleştirmek üzere iş birliği yapmıştır. Maruz kalma riskiniz hesaplanırken diğer katılımcı ülkelerdeki resmi korona uygulamalarının kullanıcılarına maruz kalıp kalmadığınız da artık hesaba katılabilir."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"Bunun için uygulama, rastgele kimliklerini kendi uygulamaları üzerinden paylaşan tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerinden oluşan ve günlük olarak güncellenen bir listeyi indirir. Ardından bu liste cihazınızın kaydettiği rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_randomid">"Bunun için uygulama, diğer kullanıcıları uyarmak üzere test sonuçlarını kendi uygulamaları üzerinden paylaşan tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerinden oluşan ve günlük olarak güncellenen bir listeyi indirir. Ardından bu liste Android akıllı telefonunuzun kaydettiği rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır."</string>
     <!-- YMSG: Onboarding tracing step third section in interoperability after the title. -->
-    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Rastgele kimlikleri içeren bu listenin günlük olarak indirilmesi için ücret alınmaz. Buna göre, mobil ağ operatörleri uygulamanın bu bağlamda kullandığı veriler için ücret almaz ve bu doğrultuda, diğer AB ülkelerindeki kullanımlar için dolaşım ücreti almaz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen mobil ağ operatörünüzle iletişime geçin."</string>
+    <string name="interoperability_onboarding_delta_free_download">"Liste indirmeleri genellikle ücretsizdir. Buna göre, mobil ağ operatörleri uygulamanın bu bağlamda kullandığı veriler için ücret almaz ve bu doğrultuda, diğer AB ülkelerindeki kullanımlar için dolaşım ücreti almaz. Daha fazla bilgi için lütfen mobil ağ operatörünüzle iletişime geçin."</string>
     <!-- XACT: interoperability (eu) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
     <string name="interoperability_eu_illustration_description">"Birinin elinde akıllı telefon tutuluyor. Arka planda Avrupa ve Avrupa bayrağı gösterilmektedir."</string>
@@ -1356,4 +1471,15 @@
     <!-- XBUT: Title for the interoperability onboarding Settings-Button if no network is available -->
     <string name="interoperability_onboarding_list_button_title_no_network">"Cihaz Ayarlarını Aç"</string>
+    <!-- XHED: Title for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen  -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_title">"Uyarı göndermek istiyor musunuz?"</string>
+    <!-- XTXT: Message for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_message">"Diğer kullanıcıları uyarmak istiyorsanız test sonucunuzu paylaşmanız gereklidir."</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Positive button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_positive_button">"Diğer kullanıcıları uyar"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Negative button for the dialog on test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_dialog_negative_button">"Diğer kullanıcıları uyarma"</string>
+    <!-- XBUT: Abort button for test result positive no consent screen -->
+    <string name="submission_test_result_positive_no_consent_button_abort">"Ä°ptal"</string>
\ No newline at end of file