From 971580a89f5ca720b2f8cf720e961428dc4a6543 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Matthias Urhahn <>
Date: Mon, 12 Oct 2020 13:29:59 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Fix behavior of last 3 hours test mode switch
 (EXPOSUREAPP-3179) (#1375)

* Improve test readability, create helper methods for locations,days,hours.

* Prepare better test data that allow for future 3+hours tests.

* Fix last 3 hours mode downloading key package files from yesterday instead of today,
due to being based of the latest server index day files. We need to get them for the latest day index file,
plus 1 day.

* Fix hour formatting, server uses hour format without leading zeros

Co-authored-by: harambasicluka <>
 .../download/KeyFileDownloader.kt             |  15 +-
 .../server/DiagnosisKeyServer.kt              |   2 +-
 .../download/KeyFileDownloaderTest.kt         | 426 ++++++++----------
 .../server/DiagnosisKeyServerTest.kt          |  51 ++-
 4 files changed, 240 insertions(+), 254 deletions(-)

diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloader.kt b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloader.kt
index 0d18d7a27..9b8830415 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloader.kt
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloader.kt
@@ -92,6 +92,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloader @Inject constructor(
                         Timber.tag(TAG).w("Missing keyfile for : %s", keyInfo)
                     } else {
+                        Timber.tag(TAG).v("Providing available key: %s", keyInfo)
@@ -171,11 +172,21 @@ class KeyFileDownloader @Inject constructor(
         availableCountries: List<LocationCode>,
         itemLimit: Int
     ): List<CountryHours> {
         val availableHours = availableCountries.flatMap { location ->
             var remainingItems = itemLimit
             // Descending because we go backwards newest -> oldest
-            keyServer.getDayIndex(location).sortedDescending().mapNotNull { day ->
+            val indexWithToday = keyServer.getDayIndex(location).let {
+                val lastDayInIndex = it.maxOrNull()
+                Timber.tag(TAG).v("Last day in index: %s", lastDayInIndex)
+                if (lastDayInIndex != null) {
+                } else {
+                    it
+                }
+            }
+            Timber.tag(TAG).v("Day index with (fake) today entry: %s", indexWithToday)
+            indexWithToday.sortedDescending().mapNotNull { day ->
                 // Limit reached, return null (filtered out) instead of new CountryHours object
                 if (remainingItems <= 0) return@mapNotNull null
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServer.kt b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServer.kt
index 7114ff634..decf192f7 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServer.kt
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServer.kt
@@ -110,6 +110,6 @@ class DiagnosisKeyServer @Inject constructor(
     companion object {
         private val TAG =
         private val DAY_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd")
-        private val HOUR_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("HH")
+        private val HOUR_FORMATTER = DateTimeFormat.forPattern("H")
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloaderTest.kt b/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloaderTest.kt
index a39102dbe..22f91097f 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloaderTest.kt
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/download/KeyFileDownloaderTest.kt
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import de.rki.coronawarnapp.diagnosiskeys.server.DiagnosisKeyServer
 import de.rki.coronawarnapp.diagnosiskeys.server.DownloadInfo
 import de.rki.coronawarnapp.diagnosiskeys.server.LocationCode
@@ -52,7 +53,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     private lateinit var legacyMigration: LegacyKeyCacheMigration
-    private lateinit var diagnosisKeyServer: DiagnosisKeyServer
+    private lateinit var server: DiagnosisKeyServer
     private lateinit var deviceStorage: DeviceStorage
@@ -63,6 +64,10 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     private val testDir = File(IO_TEST_BASEDIR, this::class.simpleName!!)
     private val keyRepoData = mutableMapOf<String, CachedKeyInfo>()
+    private val String.loc get() = LocationCode(this)
+    private val get() = LocalDate.parse(this)
+    private val String.hour get() = LocalTime.parse(this)
     fun setup() {
@@ -71,44 +76,38 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         every { settings.isLast3HourModeEnabled } returns false
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf(
-            LocationCode("DE"),
-            LocationCode("NL")
-        )
+        coEvery { server.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)
         coEvery { deviceStorage.requireSpacePrivateStorage(any()) } returns mockk<DeviceStorage.CheckResult>().apply {
             every { isSpaceAvailable } returns true
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf(
-            LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL")
-        )
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getDayIndex(LocationCode("DE")) } returns listOf(
-            LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"), LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02")
+        coEvery { server.getDayIndex("DE".loc) } returns listOf(
+            "2020-09-01".day, "2020-09-02".day
         coEvery {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.getHourIndex(LocationCode("DE"), LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"))
-        } returns listOf(
-            LocalTime.parse("18"), LocalTime.parse("19"), LocalTime.parse("20")
-        )
+            server.getHourIndex("DE".loc, "2020-09-01".day)
+        } returns (0..23).map { "$it".hour }
         coEvery {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.getHourIndex(LocationCode("DE"), LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"))
-        } returns listOf(
-            LocalTime.parse("20"), LocalTime.parse("21")
-        )
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getDayIndex(LocationCode("NL")) } returns listOf(
-            LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"), LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03")
-        )
+            server.getHourIndex("DE".loc, "2020-09-02".day)
+        } returns (0..23).map { "$it".hour }
         coEvery {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.getHourIndex(LocationCode("NL"), LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"))
-        } returns listOf(
-            LocalTime.parse("20"), LocalTime.parse("21"), LocalTime.parse("22")
+            server.getHourIndex("DE".loc, "2020-09-03".day)
+        } returns (0..12).map { "$it".hour }
+        coEvery { server.getDayIndex("NL".loc) } returns listOf(
+            "2020-09-01".day, "2020-09-02".day
         coEvery {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.getHourIndex(LocationCode("NL"), LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"))
-        } returns listOf(
-            LocalTime.parse("22"), LocalTime.parse("23")
-        )
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
+            server.getHourIndex("NL".loc, "2020-09-01".day)
+        } returns (0..23).map { "$it".hour }
+        coEvery {
+            server.getHourIndex("NL".loc, "2020-09-02".day)
+        } returns (0..23).map { "$it".hour }
+        coEvery {
+            server.getHourIndex("NL".loc, "2020-09-03".day)
+        } returns (0..12).map { "$it".hour }
+        coEvery { server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
                 locationCode = arg(0),
                 day = arg(1),
@@ -125,7 +124,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
             mockKeyCacheUpdateComplete(arg(0), arg(1))
         coEvery { keyCache.getEntriesForType(any()) } answers {
-            val type = arg<CachedKeyInfo.Type>(0)
+            val type = arg<Type>(0)
             keyRepoData.values.filter { it.type == type }.map { it to File(testDir, }
         coEvery { keyCache.getAllCachedKeys() } answers {
@@ -149,7 +148,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     private fun mockKeyCacheCreateEntry(
-        type: CachedKeyInfo.Type,
+        type: Type,
         location: LocationCode,
         dayIdentifier: LocalDate,
         hourIdentifier: LocalTime?
@@ -172,7 +171,8 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         checksum: String
     ) {
         keyRepoData[] = keyInfo.copy(
-            isDownloadComplete = checksum != null, checksumMD5 = checksum
+            isDownloadComplete = true,
+            checksumMD5 = checksum
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     private fun mockAddData(
-        type: CachedKeyInfo.Type,
+        type: Type,
         location: LocationCode,
         day: LocalDate,
         hour: LocalTime?,
@@ -215,7 +215,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     private fun createDownloader(): KeyFileDownloader {
         val downloader = KeyFileDownloader(
             deviceStorage = deviceStorage,
-            keyServer = diagnosisKeyServer,
+            keyServer = server,
             keyCache = keyCache,
             legacyKeyCache = legacyMigration,
             settings = settings
@@ -226,7 +226,6 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `wanted country list is empty, day mode`() = flakyTest {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
             downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(emptyList()) shouldBe emptyList()
@@ -253,7 +252,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         runBlocking {
             shouldThrow<InsufficientStorageException> {
-                downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf(LocationCode("DE")))
+                downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc))
@@ -270,20 +269,20 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         runBlocking {
             shouldThrow<InsufficientStorageException> {
-                downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf(LocationCode("DE")))
+                downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc))
     fun `error during country index fetch`() = flakyTest {
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getCountryIndex() } throws IOException()
+        coEvery { server.getCountryIndex() } throws IOException()
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
             shouldThrow<IOException> {
-                downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf(LocationCode("DE")))
+                downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc))
@@ -293,34 +292,32 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 4
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 4
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-02".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-02".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
@@ -332,17 +329,16 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `day fetch with existing data`() = flakyTest {
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-            location = LocationCode("DE"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+            location = "DE".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-01".day,
             hour = null,
             isCompleted = true
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-            location = LocationCode("NL"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+            location = "NL".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-02".day,
             hour = null,
             isCompleted = true
@@ -350,22 +346,20 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 4
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 4
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-02".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
@@ -378,21 +372,19 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `day fetch deletes stale data`() = flakyTest {
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getDayIndex(LocationCode("DE")) } returns listOf(
-            LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02")
-        )
+        coEvery { server.getDayIndex("DE".loc) } returns listOf("2020-09-02".day)
         val (staleKeyInfo, _) = mockAddData(
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-            location = LocationCode("DE"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+            location = "DE".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-01".day,
             hour = null,
             isCompleted = true
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-            location = LocationCode("NL"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+            location = "NL".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-02".day,
             hour = null,
             isCompleted = true
@@ -400,22 +392,20 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 3
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 3
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-02".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
@@ -427,7 +417,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `day fetch skips single download failures`() = flakyTest {
         var dlCounter = 0
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
+        coEvery { server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
             if (dlCounter == 2) throw IOException("Timeout")
@@ -442,9 +432,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 3
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 3
         // We delete the entry for the failed download
@@ -458,48 +446,46 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 6
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 6
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("21")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "12".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("20")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "11".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("20")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "10".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("23")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "12".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("22")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "11".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("22")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "10".hour
         coVerify(exactly = 6) { keyCache.markKeyComplete(any(), any()) }
@@ -515,17 +501,17 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         every { settings.isLast3HourModeEnabled } returns true
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-            location = LocationCode("DE"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
-            hour = LocalTime.parse("20"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+            location = "DE".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-03".day,
+            hour = "11".hour,
             isCompleted = true
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-            location = LocationCode("NL"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-            hour = LocalTime.parse("22"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+            location = "NL".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-03".day,
+            hour = "11".hour,
             isCompleted = true
@@ -533,45 +519,39 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         runBlocking {
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
+                listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)
             ).size shouldBe 6
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("21")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "12".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("20")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "10".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("23")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "12".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("22")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "10".hour
         coVerify(exactly = 4) {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any()
-            )
+            server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any())
         coVerify { deviceStorage.requireSpacePrivateStorage(90112L) }
@@ -581,79 +561,71 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         every { settings.isLast3HourModeEnabled } returns true
         val (staleKey1, _) = mockAddData(
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-            location = LocationCode("NL"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-            hour = LocalTime.parse("12"), // Stale hour
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+            location = "DE".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-02".day,
+            hour = "01".hour, // Stale hour
             isCompleted = true
         val (staleKey2, _) = mockAddData(
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-            location = LocationCode("NL"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"), // Stale day
-            hour = LocalTime.parse("22"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+            location = "NL".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-02".day, // Stale day
+            hour = "01".hour,
             isCompleted = true
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-            location = LocationCode("DE"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
-            hour = LocalTime.parse("20"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+            location = "DE".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-03".day,
+            hour = "10".hour,
             isCompleted = true
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-            location = LocationCode("NL"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-            hour = LocalTime.parse("22"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+            location = "NL".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-03".day,
+            hour = "10".hour,
             isCompleted = true
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 6
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 6
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("21")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "12".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-02"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("20")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "11".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("23")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "12".hour
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
-                location = LocationCode("NL"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-03"),
-                hourIdentifier = LocalTime.parse("22")
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_HOUR,
+                location = "NL".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-03".day,
+                hourIdentifier = "11".hour
         coVerify(exactly = 4) {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any()
-            )
+            server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any())
         coVerify(exactly = 1) { keyCache.delete(listOf(staleKey1, staleKey2)) }
@@ -663,7 +635,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         every { settings.isLast3HourModeEnabled } returns true
         var dlCounter = 0
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
+        coEvery { server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
             if (dlCounter == 2) throw IOException("Timeout")
@@ -678,9 +650,7 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 5
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 5
         // We delete the entry for the failed download
@@ -690,9 +660,9 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `not completed cache entries are overwritten`() = flakyTest {
-            type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-            location = LocationCode("DE"),
-            day = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+            type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+            location = "DE".loc,
+            day = "2020-09-01".day,
             hour = null,
             isCompleted = false
@@ -700,16 +670,14 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 4
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 4
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
@@ -727,42 +695,30 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"), LocationCode("NL"))
-            ).size shouldBe 3
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc, "NL".loc)).size shouldBe 3
         coVerify(exactly = 4) {
-            diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any(),
-                any()
-            )
+            server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any())
     fun `store server md5`() = flakyTest {
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf(LocationCode("DE"))
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getDayIndex(LocationCode("DE")) } returns listOf(
-            LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01")
-        )
+        coEvery { server.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf("DE".loc)
+        coEvery { server.getDayIndex("DE".loc) } returns listOf("2020-09-01".day)
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"))
-            ).size shouldBe 1
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc)).size shouldBe 1
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
@@ -775,11 +731,9 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `use local MD5 as fallback if there is none available from the server`() = flakyTest {
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf(LocationCode("DE"))
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.getDayIndex(LocationCode("DE")) } returns listOf(
-            LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01")
-        )
-        coEvery { diagnosisKeyServer.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
+        coEvery { server.getCountryIndex() } returns listOf("DE".loc)
+        coEvery { server.getDayIndex("DE".loc) } returns listOf("2020-09-01".day)
+        coEvery { server.downloadKeyFile(any(), any(), any(), any(), any()) } answers {
                 locationCode = arg(0),
                 day = arg(1),
@@ -793,16 +747,14 @@ class KeyFileDownloaderTest : BaseIOTest() {
         val downloader = createDownloader()
         runBlocking {
-            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(
-                listOf(LocationCode("DE"))
-            ).size shouldBe 1
+            downloader.asyncFetchKeyFiles(listOf("DE".loc)).size shouldBe 1
         coVerify {
-                type = CachedKeyInfo.Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
-                location = LocationCode("DE"),
-                dayIdentifier = LocalDate.parse("2020-09-01"),
+                type = Type.COUNTRY_DAY,
+                location = "DE".loc,
+                dayIdentifier = "2020-09-01".day,
                 hourIdentifier = null
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServerTest.kt b/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServerTest.kt
index bce772243..08aed5e5a 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServerTest.kt
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/test/java/de/rki/coronawarnapp/diagnosiskeys/server/DiagnosisKeyServerTest.kt
@@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ class DiagnosisKeyServerTest : BaseIOTest() {
     fun `download hour index for country and day`() {
         val downloadServer = createDownloadServer()
         coEvery { api.getHourIndex("DE", "2000-01-01") } returns listOf(
-            "20", "21"
+            "1", "2", "20", "21"
         runBlocking {
@@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ class DiagnosisKeyServerTest : BaseIOTest() {
             ) shouldBe listOf(
-                "20:00", "21:00"
+                "01:00", "02:00", "20:00", "21:00"
             ).map { LocalTime.parse(it) }
@@ -122,28 +122,51 @@ class DiagnosisKeyServerTest : BaseIOTest() {
-    fun `download key files for hour`() {
+    fun `download key files for hour and check hour format`() {
         val downloadServer = createDownloadServer()
-        coEvery {
-            api.downloadKeyFileForHour(
-                "DE",
-                "2000-01-01",
-                "01"
-            )
-        } returns Response.success("testdata-hour".toResponseBody())
-        val targetFile = File(testDir, "hour-keys")
         runBlocking {
+            coEvery {
+                api.downloadKeyFileForHour(
+                    "DE",
+                    "2000-01-01",
+                    "1" // no leading ZEROS!
+                )
+            } returns Response.success("testdata-hour".toResponseBody())
+            val targetFile = File(testDir, "hour-keys")
                 locationCode = LocationCode("DE"),
                 day = LocalDate.parse("2000-01-01"),
                 hour = LocalTime.parse("01:00"),
                 saveTo = targetFile
+            targetFile.exists() shouldBe true
+            targetFile.readText() shouldBe "testdata-hour"
-        targetFile.exists() shouldBe true
-        targetFile.readText() shouldBe "testdata-hour"
+        runBlocking {
+            coEvery {
+                api.downloadKeyFileForHour(
+                    "DE",
+                    "2000-01-01",
+                    "13"
+                )
+            } returns Response.success("testdata-hour".toResponseBody())
+            val targetFile = File(testDir, "hour-keys")
+            downloadServer.downloadKeyFile(
+                locationCode = LocationCode("DE"),
+                day = LocalDate.parse("2000-01-01"),
+                hour = LocalTime.parse("13:00"),
+                saveTo = targetFile
+            )
+            targetFile.exists() shouldBe true
+            targetFile.readText() shouldBe "testdata-hour"
+        }