diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index b34a979f3b9cde949f588bc8b5e3a23f6232b326..da665711ed4f46ffb1bc77f251c25025a172941d 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for tracing explanation-->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_tracing">"Регистриране на излаганията на риск"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about tracing -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск е една от трите основни функции на приложението. Когато е активирана, всички осъществени контакти между устройства се записват, без да е необходимо да правите друго."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск е една от трите основни функции на приложението. Когато е активирана, всички осъществени контакти между смартфоните се записват, без да е необходимо да правите друго."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Риск от заразяване"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Вашето ниво на риск от заразяване е ниско, защото нямате регистрирани контакти с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с COVID-19, или ако сте имали такива, те са били краткотрайни и от по-голямо разстояние."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Рискът от заразяване се изчислява локално на устройството Ви въз основа на регистрираните данни за излагане. Изчислението включва също така разстоянието от и продължителността на всички контакти с лица, диагностицирани с COVID-19., както и възможността им да заразят околните. Никой освен Вас не може да види или да получи данни за Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Рискът от заразяване се изчислява локално на смартфона Ви въз основа на регистрираните данни за излагане. Изчислението включва също така разстоянието от и продължителността на всички контакти с лица, диагностицирани с COVID-19., както и възможността им да заразят околните. Никой освен Вас не може да види или да получи данни за Вашето ниво на риск."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
         <item quantity="one">"Изложени сте на повишен риск от заразяване, защото преди %1$s дни сте имали продължителен и близък контакт с поне едно лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</item>
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Повече защита за Вас и за всички нас. С помощта на приложението Corona-Warn-App можем да прекъснем веригите на заразяване много по-бързо."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Превърнете устройството си в предупредителна система за коронавирус. Прегледайте своя статус на риск и разберете дали през последните 14 дни сте имали близък контакт с лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Превърнете смартфона си в предупредителна система за коронавирус. Прегледайте своя статус на риск и разберете дали през последните 14 дни сте имали близък контакт с лице, диагностицирано с COVID-19."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
     <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Приложението регистрира контакти на лица посредством обмяна на криптирани случайни ИД кодове между устройствата им, без да осъществява достъп до каквито и да било лични данни."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"За да установите дали сте застрашени от заразяване, трябва да активирате функцията за регистриране на излагания на риск."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск се извършва с помощта на Bluetooth връзка, при която Вашето устройство получава криптираните случайни ИД кодове на други потребители и изпраща до техните устройства Вашите случайни ИД кодове. Функцията може да бъде дезактивирана по всяко време."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск се извършва с помощта на Bluetooth връзка, при която Вашият смартфон получава криптираните случайни ИД кодове на други потребители и изпраща до техните смартфони Вашите случайни ИД кодове. Функцията може да бъде дезактивирана по всяко време."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"Криптираните случайни ИД кодове предават само информация за дата, продължителност и близост на контакта с други лица (посредством силата на сигнала). Лични данни от типа на име, адрес и местоположение не се записват и идентифицирането на лицата е невъзможно."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - headline for consent information -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline_consent">"Поверителност"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - body for consent information -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the “Enable” button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your device sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App’s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the \"Enable\" button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your smartphone sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App\'s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_button_next">"Активиране на регистрирането на излагания на риск"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing permission declined -->
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"... моля съобщете за това в приложението Corona-Warn-App. Споделянето на резултатите от Вашите тестове е доброволно и безопасно. Направете го в името на общото здраве."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Вашето известие се криптира с висока степен на сигурност и се обработва на защитен сървър. Лицата, чиито криптирани случайни ИД кодове са запазени на Вашето устройство, ще получат предупреждение, както и информация относно това, което трябва да направят."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Вашето известие се криптира с висока степен на сигурност и се обработва на защитен сървър. Лицата, чиито криптирани случайни ИД кодове са запазени на Вашия смартфон, ще получат предупреждение, както и информация относно това, което трябва да направят."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(test) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_illustration_description">"Криптираният положителен резултат от тест се изпраща в системата, за да бъдат предупредени останалите потребители."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (datashare) page title -->
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Услугите за споделяне на местоположението са дезактивирани"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск се извършва с помощта на Bluetooth връзка, при която Вашето устройство получава криптираните случайни идентификатори на други потребители и изпраща до техните устройства Вашите случайни идентификатори. Функцията може да бъде дезактивирана по всяко време."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Криптираните случайни ИД кодове предават само информация за дата, продължителност и близост на контакта с други лица (изчислена чрез силата на сигнала). Лични данни от типа на име, адрес и местоположение не се записват и идентифицирането на лицата е невъзможно."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Регистрирането на излагания на риск се извършва с помощта на Bluetooth връзка, при която Вашият смартфон получава криптираните случайни идентификатори на други потребители и изпраща до техните устройства Вашите случайни идентификатори. Функцията може да бъде дезактивирана по всяко време."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Криптираните случайни ИД кодове предават само информация за дата, продължителност и близост на контакта с други лица (изчислена чрез силата на сигнала). Лични данни от типа на име, адрес и местоположение не се записват и идентифицирането на лицата е невъзможно."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Активно"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Институтът „Роберт Кох“ (RKI) е федералната служба за обществено здравеопазване в Германия. Той е издател на приложението Corona-Warn-App по поръчка на федералното правителство. Приложението е предназначено да бъде дигитално допълнение на вече въведените мерки за опазване на общественото здраве: социално дистанциране, поддържане на висока хигиена и носене на маски."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Всеки, който използва приложението, помага за проследяване и прекъсване на веригите на заразяване. Приложението запазва във Вашето устройство данните за контактите Ви с други хора. Получавате известие, ако сте били в контакт с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с COVID-19. Вашата самоличност и неприкосновеността на данните Ви са защитени по всяко време."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Всеки, който използва приложението, помага за проследяване и прекъсване на веригите на заразяване. Приложението запазва във Вашия смартфон данните за контактите Ви с други хора. Получавате известие, ако сте били в контакт с лица, които впоследствие са били диагностицирани с COVID-19. Вашата самоличност и неприкосновеността на данните Ви са защитени по всяко време."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Група лица използват смартфоните си, придвижвайки се из града."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for dispatcher QR prviacy dialog  -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_headline">"Поверителност"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for dispatcher QR privacy dialog -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping on “Accept”, you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_button_positive">"Приемам"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -942,15 +942,15 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for the positive result additional warning page-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_headline">"Моля, помогнете на всички нас!"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Като следваща стъпка може да позволите на Corona-Warn-App да сподели Вашите случайни ИД кодове за последните 14 дни с останалите потребители. По този начин може да предупредите други хора и да помогнете за прекъсване на веригата на заразяване.\n\nТъй като се разменят само случайни идентификатори, несъдържащи лични данни, анонимността Ви е гарантирана."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Като следваща стъпка може да позволите на Corona-Warn-App да сподели Вашите случайни ИД кодове за последните 14 дни с останалите потребители. По този начин може да предупредите други хора и да помогнете за прекъсване на веригата на заразяване.\n\nТъй като риск от заразяване може да съществува и преди проявата на заболяването и може да варира във времето, Ви молим също да заявите кога за пръв път сте забелязали симптоми на инфеция с коронавирус (напр. висока температура или кашлица). Това ще позволи на приложението да изчисли по-точно риска от заразяване за другите потребители, с които сте имали контакт. Изборът дали да предоставите информация за развитието на симптомите е Ваш. Ако нямате симтоми или не желаете да споделите тази информация, можете да изберете опцията \"без отговор\"."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Title for the privacy card-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_title">"Поверителност"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the privacy card-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"By tapping “Accept”, you consent to the App sending your positive test result to the App’s server system along with your random IDs from the last 14 days, so that other App users who have enabled the exposure logging feature can be automatically notified that they may have been exposed to a risk of infection. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person. \n\nTransmitting your test result via the App is voluntary. You will not be penalized if you do not transmit your test result. Since it is not possible to trace or check whether and how you use the App, nobody but you will know whether you have transmitted the information that you are infected.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the App. This withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent prior to the withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App sending your positive test result to the App\'s server system along with your random IDs from the last 14 days, so that other App users who have enabled the exposure logging feature can be automatically notified that they may have been exposed to a risk of infection. If you provide optional information about the onset of your symptoms, the random IDs transmitted will also include a risk value derived from your information, indicating your risk of having infected others on the day the random ID is valid. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person.\n\nTransmitting your test result via the App is voluntary. You will not be penalized if you do not transmit your test result. Since it is not possible to trace or check whether and how you use the App, nobody but you will know whether you have transmitted the information that you are infected.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the App. This withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent prior to the withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"App Information\" &gt; \"Data Privacy\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: other warning continue button -->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_button">"Приемам"</string>
     <!-- XACT: other warning - illustration description, explanation image -->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"Устройство предава на системата информация за положителен резултат от тест."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"Смартфонът предава на системата информация за положителен резултат от тест."</string>
     <!-- Submission Done -->
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen no button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_negative_button">"Не"</string>
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen no information button -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_no_information_button">"Без коментар"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_no_information_button">"Без отговор"</string>
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen continue button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_further_button">"Напред"</string>
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen more than 2 weeks button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_more_two_weeks">"Преди повече от 2 седмици"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen verify button -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_verify">"Без коментар"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_verify">"Без отговор"</string>
     <!-- Submission Status Card -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: fetching -->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
index 3f9469b81bf7f494dadacc2bd68721cf22c60466..3a25c81bc271cccf2a637db8fb3f9b9e473dc6ef 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for tracing explanation-->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_tracing">"Exposure Logging"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about tracing -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Exposure logging is one of the three central features of the app. When you activate it, encounters with people\'s devices are logged. You don\'t have to do anything else."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Exposure logging is one of three central features of the app. Once you activate it, encounters with people\'s smartphones are logged. You don\'t have to do anything else."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Risk of Infection"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"You have a low risk of infection because no exposure to people later diagnosed with COVID-19 was logged, or because your encounters were only for a short time and at a greater distance."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"The risk of infection is calculated locally on your device, using exposure logging data. The calculation also takes into account distance and duration of any exposure to persons diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as their potential infectiousness. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by or passed on to anyone else."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"The risk of infection is calculated locally on your smartphone, using exposure logging data. The calculation also takes into account distance and duration of any exposure to persons diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as their potential infectiousness. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by or passed on to anyone else."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
         <item quantity="one">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as low. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as low. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your smartphone. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for increased risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as increased. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else. When you get home, please also avoid close contact with members of your family or household."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as increased. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your smartphone. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else. When you get home, please also avoid close contact with members of your family or household."</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="risk_details_button_update">@string/risk_card_button_update</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"More protection for you and for us all. By using the Corona-Warn-App we can break infection chains much quicker."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Turn your device into a coronavirus warning system. Get an overview of your risk status and find out whether you\'ve had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Turn your smartphone into a coronavirus warning system. Get an overview of your risk status and find out whether you\'ve had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"The app logs encounters between individuals by exchanging encrypted, random IDs between their devices, whereby no personal data whatsoever is accessed."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"The app logs encounters between individuals by exchanging encrypted, random IDs between their smartphones, whereby no personal data whatsoever is accessed."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_illustration_description">"A group of persons use their smartphones around town."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (privacy) page title -->
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"To identify whether you are at risk of infection, you must activate the exposure logging feature."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Exposure logging works by your device receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your own random ID to their devices. This feature can be deactivated at any time."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Exposure logging works by your smartphone receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your own random ID to their smartphones. This feature can be deactivated at any time."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"The encrypted random IDs only pass information about date, duration and proximity (using signal strength) to other people. Personal data such as name, address, location is never recorded. Individuals cannot be identified."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - headline for consent information -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline_consent">"Declaration of Consent"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - body for consent information -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the “Enable” button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your device sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App’s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the \"Enable\" button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your smartphone sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App\'s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_button_next">"Activate Exposure Logging"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing permission declined -->
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking button -->
     <string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_button">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - illustraction description, header image -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Three people have activated exposure logging on their devices, which will log their encounters with each other."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Three persons have activated exposure logging on their smartphones, which will log their encounters with each other."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth headline -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_headline">"Allow location access"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth body text -->
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… please report this in the Corona-Warn-App. Sharing your test results is voluntary and secure. Please do this for the sake of everyone\'s health."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Your notification is encrypted securely and processed on a secure server. People whose encrypted random IDs your device has collected will now receive a warning along with information about what they should now do."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Your notification is encrypted securely and processed on a secure server. Persons whose encrypted random IDs your smartphone has collected will now receive a warning along with information about what they should now do."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(test) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_illustration_description">"An encrypted positive test diagnosis is transmitted to the system, which will now warn other users."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (datashare) page title -->
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Location services deactivated"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"You have to activate the exposure logging feature to identify whether you are at risk of infection. Risk identification works by your device receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your random ID to their devices. You can disable this feature any time."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Encrypted random IDs only pass information about date, duration, and proximity to other persons (calculated by signal strength). Personal data such as name, address, and location is never recorded. Individuals cannot be identified."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"You have to activate the exposure logging feature to identify whether you are at risk of infection. Risk identification works by your smartphone receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your random ID to their smartphones. You can disable this feature any time."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Encrypted random IDs only pass information about date, duration, and proximity to other persons (calculated by signal strength). Personal data such as name, address, and location is never recorded. Individuals cannot be identified."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Active"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
         <item quantity="many">"Exposure logging has been active for %1$s days.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Three people have activated exposure logging on their devices, which will log their encounters with each other."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Three persons have activated exposure logging on their smartphones, which will log their encounters with each other."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_inactive">"A person has deactivated exposure logging on their smartphone, so an encounter with two other persons is not logged."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is Germany’s federal public health body. The RKI publishes the Corona-Warn-App on behalf of the Federal Government. The app is intended as a digital complement to public health measures already introduced: social distancing, hygiene, and face masks."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Whoever uses the app helps to trace and break chains of infection. The app saves encounters with other people locally on your device. You are notified if you have encountered people who were later diagnosed with COVID-19. Your identity and privacy are always protected."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Whoever uses the app helps to trace and break chains of infection. The app saves encounters with other persons locally on your smartphone. You are notified if you have encountered persons who were later diagnosed with COVID-19. Your identity and privacy are always protected."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"A group of persons use their smartphones around town."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for dispatcher QR prviacy dialog  -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_headline">"Declaration of Consent"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for dispatcher QR privacy dialog -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping on “Accept”, you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_button_positive">"Accept"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -942,15 +942,15 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for the positive result additional warning page-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_headline">"Please help all of us!"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Next, you can make sure that the Corona-Warn-App shares your random IDs of the last 14 days with others. By doing this, you can warn other people and help to break the infection chain.\n\nSince only impersonal random IDs are transmitted, your identity will remain anonymous."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Next, you can make sure that the Corona-Warn-App shares your random IDs of the last 14 days with others. By doing this, you can warn other people and help to break the infection chain.\n\nSince a risk of infection can exist before the onset of illness and can vary over time, we also ask you to state when you first noticed any coronavirus symptoms (e.g. fever or cough). This will allow the App to calculate more accurately the risk of infection to other app users whom you have encountered. Providing information about the onset of your symptoms is optional. If you do not have any symptoms or do not wish to share this information, you can select \"no answer\"."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Title for the privacy card-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_title">"Data Privacy"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the privacy card-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"By tapping “Accept”, you consent to the App sending your positive test result to the App’s server system along with your random IDs from the last 14 days, so that other App users who have enabled the exposure logging feature can be automatically notified that they may have been exposed to a risk of infection. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person. \n\nTransmitting your test result via the App is voluntary. You will not be penalized if you do not transmit your test result. Since it is not possible to trace or check whether and how you use the App, nobody but you will know whether you have transmitted the information that you are infected.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the App. This withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent prior to the withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App sending your positive test result to the App\'s server system along with your random IDs from the last 14 days, so that other App users who have enabled the exposure logging feature can be automatically notified that they may have been exposed to a risk of infection. If you provide optional information about the onset of your symptoms, the random IDs transmitted will also include a risk value derived from your information, indicating your risk of having infected others on the day the random ID is valid. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person.\n\nTransmitting your test result via the App is voluntary. You will not be penalized if you do not transmit your test result. Since it is not possible to trace or check whether and how you use the App, nobody but you will know whether you have transmitted the information that you are infected.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the App. This withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent prior to the withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"App Information\" &gt; \"Data Privacy\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: other warning continue button -->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_button">"Accept"</string>
     <!-- XACT: other warning - illustration description, explanation image -->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"A device transmits an encrypted positive test diagnosis to the system."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"A smartphone transmits an encrypted positive test diagnosis to the system."</string>
     <!-- Submission Done -->
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen no button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_negative_button">"No"</string>
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen no information button -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_no_information_button">"No comment"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_no_information_button">"No statement"</string>
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen continue button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_further_button">"Next"</string>
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen more than 2 weeks button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_more_two_weeks">"More than 2 weeks ago"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen verify button -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_verify">"No comment"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_verify">"No statement"</string>
     <!-- Submission Status Card -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: fetching -->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 2b43331da8bd5a3ba585f59fc0436457664d7671..952dbe18ce1e4aceab4f00547f2b3858014c016a 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for tracing explanation-->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_tracing">"Rejestrowanie narażenia"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about tracing -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Rejestrowanie narażenia jest jedną z trzech głównych funkcji aplikacji. Po jej aktywacji rejestrowane są kontakty z urządzeniami innych osób. Nie musisz robić nic więcej."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Rejestrowanie narażenia jest jedną z trzech głównych funkcji aplikacji. Po jej aktywacji rejestrowane są kontakty ze smartfonami innych osób. Nie musisz robić nic więcej."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Ryzyko zakażenia"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
@@ -299,9 +299,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
     <string name="risk_details_additional_info_title">"Narażenia z niskim ryzykiem"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Dlaczego Twoje ryzyko zarażenia jest niskie"</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Dlaczego Twoje ryzyko zakażenia jest niskie"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na kontakt z osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19. Jednak na podstawie Twoich danych rejestracji narażenia Twoje ryzyko zarażenia jest niskie. Ryzyko jest niskie, jeśli Twój kontakt trwał krótko lub zachowany został dystans. Nie musisz się martwić i podejmować żadnych działań. Zalecamy przestrzeganie obowiązujących reguł dotyczących dystansu i higieny."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"Byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na kontakt z osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19. Jednak na podstawie Twoich danych rejestracji narażenia Twoje ryzyko zakażenia jest niskie. Ryzyko jest niskie, jeśli Twój kontakt trwał krótko lub zachowany został dystans. Nie musisz się martwić i podejmować żadnych działań. Zalecamy przestrzeganie obowiązujących reguł dotyczących dystansu i higieny."</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
     <string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Wytyczne"</string>
     <!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Masz niskie ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ nie zarejestrowano narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których później zdiagnozowano COVID-19, lub ponieważ Twoje kontakty trwały krótko przy zachowaniu odpowiednio dużej odległości."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Ryzyko zarażenia jest obliczane lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia. Ta kalkulacja uwzględnia również dystans i czas trwania narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których zdiagnozowano COVID-19, a także potencjalną podatność na zarażenie. Twoje ryzyko zarażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane lokalnie na Twoim smartfonie na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia. Ta kalkulacja uwzględnia również dystans i czas trwania narażenia na kontakt z osobami, u których zdiagnozowano COVID-19, a także potencjalną podatność na zakażenie. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
         <item quantity="one">"Masz podwyższone ryzyko zakażenia, ponieważ %1$s dni temu byłeś(-aś) narażony(-a) na dłuższy, bliski kontakt z co najmniej jedną osobą, u której zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</item>
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia (czas trwania i bliskość kontaktu) lokalnie w urządzeniu. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Dlatego Twoje ryzyko zakażenia zostało ocenione jako niskie. Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia (czas trwania i bliskość kontaktu) lokalnie w urządzeniu. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Dlatego Twoje ryzyko zakażenia zostało ocenione jako niskie. Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia (czas trwania i bliskość kontaktu) lokalnie na smartfonie. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for increased risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Dlatego Twoje ryzyko zakażenia zostało ocenione jako podwyższone. Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia (czas trwania i bliskość kontaktu) lokalnie w urządzeniu. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane. Po powrocie do domu unikaj również bliskiego kontaktu z członkami rodziny lub gospodarstwa domowego."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Dlatego Twoje ryzyko zakażenia zostało ocenione jako podwyższone. Ryzyko zakażenia jest obliczane na podstawie danych rejestrowania narażenia (czas trwania i bliskość kontaktu) lokalnie na smartfonie. Twoje ryzyko zakażenia nie jest widoczne dla nikogo ani nikomu przekazywane. Po powrocie do domu unikaj również bliskiego kontaktu z członkami rodziny lub gospodarstwa domowego."</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="risk_details_button_update">@string/risk_card_button_update</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Większa ochrona dla Ciebie i dla nas wszystkich. Korzystając z aplikacji Corona-Warn-App, możemy znacznie szybciej przerwać łańcuchy zakażeń."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Zmień swoje urządzenie w system ostrzegania przed koronawirusem. Zapoznaj się ze swoim statusem ryzyka i dowiedz się, czy miałeś(-aś) bliski kontakt z osobą, u której w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Zmień swój smartfon w system ostrzegania przed koronawirusem. Zapoznaj się ze swoim statusem ryzyka i dowiedz się, czy miałeś(-aś) bliski kontakt z osobą, u której w ciągu ostatnich 14 dni zdiagnozowano COVID-19."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Aplikacja rejestruje kontakty między osobami poprzez wymianę zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów między ich urządzeniami bez uzyskiwania dostępu do danych osobowych."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Aplikacja rejestruje kontakty między osobami poprzez wymianę zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów między ich smartfonami bez uzyskiwania dostępu do danych osobowych."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_illustration_description">"Grupa osób korzysta ze smartfonów na mieście."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (privacy) page title -->
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Aby ustalić występowanie ryzyka zakażenia, musisz aktywować funkcję rejestrowania narażenia."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Działanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twoje urządzenie za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich własnych, losowych identyfikatorów do ich urządzeń. Funkcję tę można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Działanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twój smartfon za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich własnych, losowych identyfikatorów do ich smartfonów. Funkcję tę można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"Identyfikatory przekazują w sposób zaszyfrowany wyłącznie informacje o dacie, czasie trwania i odległości (przy wykorzystaniu mocy sygnału) od innych użytkowników aplikacji. Dane osobowe, takie jak nazwisko, adres, lokalizacja, nie są nigdy rejestrowane. Ustalenie tożsamości osób nie jest możliwe."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - headline for consent information -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline_consent">"Oświadczenie o wyrażeniu zgody"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - body for consent information -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the “Enable” button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your device sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App’s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the \"Enable\" button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your smartphone sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App\'s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_button_next">"Aktywuj rejestrowanie narażenia"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing permission declined -->
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking button -->
     <string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_button">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - illustraction description, header image -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Trzy osoby aktywowały rejestrowanie narażenia na swoich urządzeniach, które będą rejestrować ich wzajemne kontakty."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Trzy osoby aktywowały rejestrowanie narażenia na swoich smartfonach, które będą rejestrować ich wzajemne kontakty."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth headline -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_headline">"Zezwól na dostęp do lokalizacji"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth body text -->
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… zgłoś ten fakt w Corona-Warn-App. Udostępnianie wyników testu jest dobrowolne i bezpieczne. Zrób to ze względu na zdrowie innych osób."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Twoje powiadomienie jest szyfrowane w bezpieczny sposób i przetwarzane na bezpiecznym serwerze. Osoby, których zaszyfrowane losowe identyfikatory zostały zgromadzone przez Twoje urządzenie, otrzymają wtedy ostrzeżenie wraz z informacją na temat dalszych kroków postępowania."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Twoje powiadomienie jest szyfrowane w bezpieczny sposób i przetwarzane na bezpiecznym serwerze. Osoby, których zaszyfrowane losowe identyfikatory zostały zgromadzone przez Twój smartfon, otrzymają wtedy ostrzeżenie wraz z informacją na temat dalszych kroków postępowania."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(test) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_illustration_description">"Zaszyfrowana diagnoza zakażenia jest przesyłana do systemu, który będzie teraz ostrzegał innych użytkowników."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (datashare) page title -->
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Usługi lokalizacji dezaktywowane"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Działanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twoje urządzenie za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich losowych identyfikatorów do ich urządzeń. Funkcję tę można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie. "<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Identyfikatory przekazują w sposób zaszyfrowany wyłącznie informacje o dacie, czasie trwania i odległości (przy wykorzystaniu mocy sygnału) od innych użytkowników aplikacji. Dane osobowe, takie jak nazwisko, adres, lokalizacja, nie są nigdy rejestrowane. Ustalenie tożsamości osób nie jest możliwe."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Działanie funkcji rejestrowania narażenia polega na odbieraniu przez Twój smartfon za pomocą Bluetooth zaszyfrowanych, losowych identyfikatorów innych użytkowników i przekazywaniu Twoich losowych identyfikatorów do ich smartfonów. Funkcję tę można wyłączyć w dowolnym momencie. "<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Identyfikatory przekazują w sposób zaszyfrowany wyłącznie informacje o dacie, czasie trwania i odległości (przy wykorzystaniu mocy sygnału) od innych użytkowników aplikacji. Dane osobowe, takie jak nazwisko, adres, lokalizacja, nie są nigdy rejestrowane. Ustalenie tożsamości osób nie jest możliwe."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Aktywne"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
         <item quantity="many">"Rejestrowanie narażenia jest aktywne od %1$s dni.\nSprawdzanie narażeń jest wiarygodne tylko wtedy, gdy rejestracja narażenia jest aktywowana na stałe."</item>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Trzy osoby aktywowały rejestrowanie narażenia na swoich urządzeniach, które będą rejestrować ich wzajemne kontakty."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Trzy osoby aktywowały rejestrowanie narażenia na swoich smartfonach, które będą rejestrować ich wzajemne kontakty."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_inactive">"Jedna osoba dezaktywowała rejestrowanie narażenia na swoim smartfonie, więc kontakt z dwiema pozostałymi osobami nie jest rejestrowany."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Instytut Roberta Kocha (RKI) to niemiecka federalna instytucja zdrowia publicznego. RKI publikuje aplikację Corona-Warn-App w imieniu rządu federalnego. Aplikacja ta służy jako cyfrowe uzupełnienie już wprowadzonych środków ochrony zdrowia publicznego, takich jak zachowanie dystansu społecznego, dbanie o higienę oraz noszenie maseczek."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Wszystkie osoby korzystające z aplikacji pomagają w śledzeniu i przerwaniu łańcuchów zakażeń. Aplikacja zapisuje kontakty z innymi osobami lokalnie na Twoim urządzeniu. Otrzymasz powiadomienie, jeśli okaże się, że u osób, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt, zdiagnozowano później COVID-19. Twoja tożsamość i prywatność są zawsze chronione."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Wszystkie osoby korzystające z aplikacji pomagają w śledzeniu i przerwaniu łańcuchów zakażeń. Aplikacja zapisuje kontakty z innymi osobami lokalnie na Twoim smartfonie. Otrzymasz powiadomienie, jeśli okaże się, że u osób, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt, zdiagnozowano później COVID-19. Twoja tożsamość i prywatność są zawsze chronione."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Grupa osób korzysta ze smartfonów na mieście."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for dispatcher QR prviacy dialog  -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_headline">"Oświadczenie o wyrażeniu zgody"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for dispatcher QR privacy dialog -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping on “Accept”, you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_button_positive">"Akceptuj"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -942,11 +942,11 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for the positive result additional warning page-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_headline">"Pomóż nam wszystkim!"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Teraz możesz aktywować udostępnianie Twoich losowych identyfikatorów z ostatnich 14 dni. W ten sposób ostrzeżesz inne osoby i pomożesz w przerwaniu łańcucha zakażeń.\n\nZachowasz anonimowość, ponieważ przekazywane są tylko bezosobowe, losowe identyfikatory."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Teraz możesz aktywować udostępnianie Twoich losowych identyfikatorów z ostatnich 14 dni. W ten sposób ostrzeżesz inne osoby i pomożesz w przerwaniu łańcucha zakażeń.\n\nZe względu na to, że ryzyko zakażenia może istnieć przed wystąpieniem choroby i może się zmieniać w czasie, prosimy również o podanie momentu zauważenia pierwszych objawów koronawirusa (takich jak na przykład gorączka lub kaszel). Dzięki temu aplikacja będzie mogła dokładniej obliczyć ryzyko zakażenia dla innych użytkowników aplikacji, z którymi miałeś(-aś) kontakt. Podanie informacji o wystąpieniu objawów jest opcjonalne. Jeśli nie masz żadnych objawów lub nie chcesz udostępnić tych informacji, możesz wybrać opcję „brak odpowiedzi”."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Title for the privacy card-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_title">"Prywatność danych"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the privacy card-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"By tapping “Accept”, you consent to the App sending your positive test result to the App’s server system along with your random IDs from the last 14 days, so that other App users who have enabled the exposure logging feature can be automatically notified that they may have been exposed to a risk of infection. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person. \n\nTransmitting your test result via the App is voluntary. You will not be penalized if you do not transmit your test result. Since it is not possible to trace or check whether and how you use the App, nobody but you will know whether you have transmitted the information that you are infected.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the App. This withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent prior to the withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App sending your positive test result to the App\'s server system along with your random IDs from the last 14 days, so that other App users who have enabled the exposure logging feature can be automatically notified that they may have been exposed to a risk of infection. If you provide optional information about the onset of your symptoms, the random IDs transmitted will also include a risk value derived from your information, indicating your risk of having infected others on the day the random ID is valid. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person. The random IDs transmitted for this purpose do not contain any information that would allow conclusions to be drawn about your identity or your person.\n\nTransmitting your test result via the App is voluntary. You will not be penalized if you do not transmit your test result. Since it is not possible to trace or check whether and how you use the App, nobody but you will know whether you have transmitted the information that you are infected.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by deleting the App. This withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of the processing carried out based on the consent prior to the withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"App Information\" &gt; \"Data Privacy\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: other warning continue button -->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_button">"Akceptuj"</string>
     <!-- XACT: other warning - illustration description, explanation image -->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index cbcc88284abfc41b988d42d536e00801301a16c7..d1cad73f8b381618f6fa6c414a388f1de8a7cac7 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for tracing explanation-->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_tracing">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about tracing -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor este una dintre cele trei caracteristici centrale ale aplicației. Când o activați, sunt înregistrate întâlnirile cu dispozitivele altor persoane. Nu trebuie să faceți nimic altceva."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor este una dintre cele trei caracteristici centrale ale aplicației. Când o activați, sunt înregistrate întâlnirile cu smartphone-urile altor persoane. Nu trebuie să faceți nimic altceva."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Risc de infectare"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Aveți un risc redus de infectare deoarece nu a fost înregistrată nicio expunere la persoane diagnosticate ulterior cu COVID-19 sau întâlnirile au fost limitate la o perioadă scurtă și la o distanță mai mare."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Riscul de infectare este calculat local pe dispozitivul dvs., utilizând datele de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor. Calculul poate ține cont și de distanța și durata expunerii la persoane diagnosticate cu COVID-19, precum și de potențiala contagiozitate a acestora. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi observat sau transmis mai departe niciunei alte persoane."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Riscul de infectare este calculat local pe smartphone-ul dvs., utilizând datele de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor. Calculul poate ține cont și de distanța și durata expunerii la persoane diagnosticate cu COVID-19, precum și de potențiala contagiozitate a acestora. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi observat sau transmis mai departe niciunei alte persoane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
         <item quantity="one">"Aveți un risc crescut de infectare deoarece ați fost expus ultima dată acum %1$s zi pe o perioadă mai lungă de timp și în strânsă proximitate cu cel puțin o persoană diagnosticată cu COVID-19."</item>
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Riscul dvs. de infectare este calculat pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor (durata și proximitatea) la nivel local pe dispozitivul dvs. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi văzut de o altă persoană sau transmis unei alte persoane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Prin urmare, riscul dvs. de infectare a fost clasificat ca redus. Riscul dvs. de infectare este calculat pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor (durata și proximitatea) la nivel local pe dispozitivul dvs. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi văzut de o altă persoană sau transmis unei alte persoane."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Prin urmare, riscul dvs. de infectare a fost clasificat ca redus. Riscul dvs. de infectare este calculat pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor (durata și proximitatea) la nivel local pe smartphone-ul dvs. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi văzut de o altă persoană sau transmis unei alte persoane."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for increased risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Prin urmare, riscul dvs. de infectare a fost clasificat ca fiind crescut. Riscul dvs. de infectare este calculat pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor (durata și proximitatea) la nivel local pe dispozitivul dvs. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi văzut de o altă persoană sau transmis unei alte persoane. Când ajungeți acasă, evitați contactul strâns cu membrii familiei sau cu cei din gospodăria dvs."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Prin urmare, riscul dvs. de infectare a fost clasificat ca fiind crescut. Riscul dvs. de infectare este calculat pe baza datelor de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor (durata și proximitatea) la nivel local pe smartphone-ul dvs. Riscul dvs. de infectare nu poate fi văzut de o altă persoană sau transmis unei alte persoane. Când ajungeți acasă, evitați contactul strâns cu membrii familiei sau cu cei din gospodăria dvs."</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="risk_details_button_update">@string/risk_card_button_update</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Mai multă protecție pentru dvs. și pentru noi toți. Utilizând Corona-Warn-App putem întrerupe mai ușor lanțul de infectare."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Transformați-vă dispozitivul într-un sistem de avertizare împotriva coronavirusului. Obțineți un sumar al stării de risc și aflați dacă ați intrat în contact strâns cu persoane diagnosticate cu COVID-19 în ultimele 14 zile."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Transformați-vă smartphone-ul într-un sistem de avertizare împotriva coronavirusului. Obțineți un sumar al stării de risc și aflați dacă ați intrat în contact strâns cu persoane diagnosticate cu COVID-19 în ultimele 14 zile."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Aplicația înregistrează în jurnal întâlnirile dintre persoane prin dispozitivele acestora, care schimbă ID-uri aleatorii criptate, fără a accesa niciun fel de date personale."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Aplicația înregistrează în jurnal întâlnirile dintre persoane prin smartphone-urile acestora, care schimbă ID-uri aleatorii criptate, fără a accesa niciun fel de date personale."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_illustration_description">"Un grup de persoane își utilizează smartphone-urile prin oraș."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (privacy) page title -->
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Pentru a identifica dacă sunteți supus riscului de infectare, trebuie să activați caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează astfel: dispozitivul dvs. primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriul dvs. ID aleatoriu către dispozitivele acestora. Această caracteristică poate fi oricând dezactivată."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor funcționează astfel: smartphone-ul dvs. primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriul dvs. ID aleatoriu către smartphone-urile acestora. Această caracteristică poate fi oricând dezactivată."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"ID-urile aleatorii criptate transmit informații doar despre dată, durată și proximitatea față de alte persoane (utilizând intensitatea semnalului). Datele personale, precum numele, adresa, locația nu sunt înregistrate niciodată. Nu se pot identifica persoanele individuale."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - headline for consent information -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline_consent">"Declarație de consimțământ"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - body for consent information -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the “Enable” button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your device sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App’s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"To find out whether you have been in contact with an infected person and whether there is a risk that you yourself have been infected, you need to enable the App’s exposure logging feature. By tapping the \"Enable\" button, you agree to the enabling of the App’s exposure logging feature and the associated data processing."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"In order to use the App’s exposure logging feature, you will have to enable the \"Exposure Notifications\" functionality provided by Google on your smartphone and grant the Corona-Warn-App permission to use this."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"When exposure logging is enabled, your smartphone continuously generates and transmits random IDs via Bluetooth, which other Android or Apple smartphones in your vicinity can receive if exposure logging is also enabled on them. Your smartphone, in turn, receives the random IDs of the other smartphones. Your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones are recorded in the exposure log and stored there for 14 days."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To identify your risk of infection, the App loads a list – several times a day or on request – of the random IDs of all users who have told the App that they have been infected with the coronavirus. This list is then compared with the random IDs stored in the exposure log. If the App detects that you may have been in contact with an infected user, it will inform you of this and tell you that there is a risk that you are also infected. In this case, the App is also given access to other data stored in your smartphone’s exposure log (date, duration and Bluetooth signal strength of the contact)."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The Bluetooth signal strength is used to derive the physical distance (the stronger the signal, the smaller the distance). The App then analyzes this information in order to assess your likelihood of having been infected with the coronavirus and to give you recommendations for what to do next. This analysis is only performed locally on your smartphone. Apart from you, nobody (not even the RKI) will know whether you have been in contact with an infected person and what risk has been identified for you."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"To withdraw your consent to the exposure logging feature, you can disable the feature using the toggle switch in the App or delete the App. If you decide to use the exposure logging feature again, you can toggle the feature back on or reinstall the App. If you disable the exposure logging feature, the App will no longer check whether you have been in contact with an infected user. If you also wish to stop your smartphone sending and receiving random IDs, you will need to disable COVID-19 Exposure Logging in your smartphone settings. Please note that your own random IDs and those received from other smartphones which are stored in the exposure log will not be deleted in the App. You can only permanently delete the data stored in the exposure log in your smartphone settings."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"The App\'s privacy notice (including an explanation of the data processing carried out for the exposure logging feature) can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_button_next">"Activați înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing permission declined -->
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking button -->
     <string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_button">"OK"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - illustraction description, header image -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Trei persoane și-au activat pe dispozitiv înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor, ceea ce va duce la înregistrarea întâlnirilor lor."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Trei persoane și-au activat pe smartphone înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor, ceea ce va duce la înregistrarea întâlnirilor lor."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth headline -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_headline">"Permiteți accesul la locație"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth body text -->
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… vă rugăm să raportați acest lucru în Corona-Warn-App. Împărtășirea rezultatului testului este voluntară și securizată. Vă rugăm să faceți acest lucru pentru binele celorlalți."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Notificarea dvs. este criptată în mod securizat și este prelucrată pe un server sigur. Persoanele ale căror ID-uri aleatorii criptate au fost colectate de dispozitivul dvs. vor primi acum o avertizare împreună cu informații despre pașii de urmat."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Notificarea dvs. este criptată în mod securizat și este prelucrată pe un server sigur. Persoanele ale căror ID-uri aleatorii criptate au fost colectate de smartphone-ul dvs. vor primi acum o avertizare împreună cu informații despre pașii de urmat."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(test) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_illustration_description">"Un diagnostic de test pozitiv criptat este transmis la sistem, iar acesta va avertiza apoi ceilalți utilizatori."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (datashare) page title -->
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Serviciile de localizare au fost dezactivate"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Trebuie să activați caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor, pentru a identifica dacă sunteți supus riscului de infectare. Identificarea riscului funcționează astfel: dispozitivul dvs. primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriul dvs. ID aleatoriu către dispozitivele acestora. Puteți dezactiva oricând această caracteristică."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"ID-urile aleatorii criptate transmit informații doar despre dată, durată și proximitatea față de alte persoane (calculate utilizând intensitatea semnalului). Datele personale, precum numele, adresa și locația nu sunt înregistrate niciodată. Nu se pot identifica persoanele individuale."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Trebuie să activați caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor, pentru a identifica dacă sunteți supus riscului de infectare. Identificarea riscului funcționează astfel: smartphone-ul dvs. primește prin Bluetooth ID-uri aleatorii criptate ale altor utilizatori și transmite propriul dvs. ID aleatoriu cătresmartphone-urile acestora. Puteți dezactiva oricând această caracteristică."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"ID-urile aleatorii criptate transmit informații doar despre dată, durată și proximitatea față de alte persoane (calculate utilizând intensitatea semnalului). Datele personale, precum numele, adresa și locația nu sunt înregistrate niciodată. Nu se pot identifica persoanele individuale."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Activă"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
         <item quantity="many">"Înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor a fost activă %1$s zile.\nO verificare a expunerii poate fi de încredere doar dacă înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor este activată permanent."</item>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Trei persoane și-au activat pe dispozitiv înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor, ceea ce va duce la înregistrarea întâlnirilor lor."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Trei persoane și-au activat pe smartphone înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor, ceea ce va duce la înregistrarea întâlnirilor lor."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_inactive">"O persoană și-a dezactivat de pe smartphone înregistrarea în jurnal a expunerilor și, prin urmare, întâlnirea cu alte două persoane nu este înregistrată."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI) este un organism federal de sănătate publică din Germania. RKI a publicat aplicația Corona-Warn în numele Guvernului Federal. Aplicația are drept scop să completeze sub formă digitală măsurile de sănătate publică deja introduse: distanțarea socială, igiena și purtarea măștii."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Persoanele care utilizează aplicația ajută la urmărirea și întreruperea lanțurilor de infectare. Aplicația salvează local, pe dispozitivul dvs., întâlnirile cu alte persoane. Sunteți notificat dacă ați întâlnit persoane care au fost diagnosticate ulterior cu COVID-19. Identitatea și confidențialitatea dvs. sunt protejate întotdeauna."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Persoanele care utilizează aplicația ajută la urmărirea și întreruperea lanțurilor de infectare. Aplicația salvează local, pe smartphone-ul dvs., întâlnirile cu alte persoane. Sunteți notificat dacă ați întâlnit persoane care au fost diagnosticate ulterior cu COVID-19. Identitatea și confidențialitatea dvs. sunt protejate întotdeauna."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Un grup de persoane își utilizează smartphone-urile prin oraș."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -920,7 +920,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: Dialog headline for dispatcher QR prviacy dialog  -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_headline">"Declarație de consimțământ"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for dispatcher QR privacy dialog -->
-    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping on “Accept”, you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping \"Accept\", you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under \"Data Privacy Information\"."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - positive button (right) -->
     <string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_button_positive">"Accept"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - negative button (left) -->
@@ -942,15 +942,15 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for the positive result additional warning page-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_headline">"Să ne ajutăm împreună!"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Apoi, puteți să vă asigurați că aplicația Corona-Warn trimite altor persoane ID-urile aleatorii din ultimele 14 zile. Prin aceasta, puteți avertiza și alte persoane și puteți contribui la întreruperea lanțului de infectare\n\nPentru că sunt transmise doar ID-uri aleatorii impersonale, identitatea dvs. va rămâne anonimă."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Apoi, puteți să vă asigurați că aplicația Corona-Warn trimite altor persoane ID-urile aleatorii din ultimele 14 zile. Prin aceasta, puteți avertiza și alte persoane și puteți contribui la întreruperea lanțului de infectare\n\nDeoarece poate exista un risc de infectare înainte de instalarea bolii și acesta poate varia în timp, vă putem solicita să menționați când ați observat prima dată orice simptom de coronavirus (de exemplu, febră sau tuse). Acest lucru va permite Aplicației să calculeze mai precis riscul de infectare pentru alți utilizatori ai aplicației cu care v-ați întâlnit. Furnizarea informațiilor privind instalarea simptomelor dvs. este opțională. Dacă nu aveți niciun fel de simptopme sau nu doriți să partajați aceste informații, puteți selecta „niciun răspuns”."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Title for the privacy card-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_title">"Confidențialitatea datelor"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the privacy card-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"Apăsând pe „Accept”, consimțiți ca aplicația să trimită rezultatul pozitiv al testului dvs. către sistemul de servere al aplicației, împreună cu ID-urile dvs. aleatorii din ultimele 14 zile, pentru ca ceilalți utilizatori ai aplicației care au activat caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor să poată fi notificați automat că se poate să fi fost expuși la riscul de infectare. ID-urile aleatorii transmise în acest scop nu conțin informații care să poată permite tragerea unor concluzii privind identitatea dvs. sau persoana dvs. \n\nTransmiterea rezultatului testului prin intermediul aplicației este voluntară. Nu veți fi penalizat dacă nu transmiteți rezultatul testului. Din moment ce nu este posibilă urmărirea sau verificarea modului în care utilizați aplicația sau dacă o utilizați sau nu, doar dvs. veți ști dacă ați transmis informațiile că sunteți infectat.\n\nPuteți oricând să vă retrageți consimțământul prin ștergerea acestei aplicații. Retragerea consimțământului nu va afecta legalitatea procesării efectuate în baza consimțământului acordat înainte de retragerea acestuia. Pentru informații suplimentare, consultați meniul din „Confidențialitatea datelor”."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"Apăsând pe „Accept”, consimțiți ca aplicația să trimită rezultatul pozitiv al testului dvs. către sistemul de servere al aplicației, împreună cu ID-urile dvs. aleatorii din ultimele 14 zile, pentru ca ceilalți utilizatori ai aplicației care au activat caracteristica de înregistrare în jurnal a expunerilor să poată fi notificați automat că se poate să fi fost expuși la riscul de infectare. Dacă furnizați informații opționale privind instalarea simptomelor dvs., ID-urile aleatorii transmise vor include și o valoare a riscului derivată din informațiile dvs., indicând riscul infectării de către dvs. a altor persoane în ziua în care respectivul ID aleatoriu este valabil. ID-urile aleatorii transmise în acest scop nu conțin informații care să poată permite tragerea unor concluzii privind identitatea dvs. sau persoana dvs. \n\nTransmiterea rezultatului testului prin intermediul aplicației este voluntară. Nu veți fi penalizat dacă nu transmiteți rezultatul testului. Din moment ce nu este posibilă urmărirea sau verificarea modului în care utilizați aplicația sau dacă o utilizați sau nu, doar dvs. veți ști dacă ați transmis informațiile că sunteți infectat.\n\nPuteți oricând să vă retrageți consimțământul prin ștergerea acestei aplicații. Retragerea consimțământului nu va afecta legalitatea procesării efectuate în baza consimțământului acordat înainte de retragerea acestuia. Pentru informații suplimentare, consultați meniul din „Informații aplicație” &gt; „Confidențialitatea datelor”."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: other warning continue button -->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_button">"Accept"</string>
     <!-- XACT: other warning - illustration description, explanation image -->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"Un dispozitiv transmite un diagnostic de test pozitiv criptat către sistem."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"Un smartphone transmite un diagnostic de test pozitiv criptat către sistem."</string>
     <!-- Submission Done -->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index 37da8aabb8cba5c6415109d67a207c791a12169d..ab5b6ffbecdb70634154f19dc39ddd692144579f 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -246,7 +246,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for tracing explanation-->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_tracing">"Maruz Kalma Günlüğü"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about tracing -->
-    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Maruz kalma günlüğü, uygulamanın üç temel özelliğinden biridir. Bu özelliği etkinleştirdiğinizde, diğer kişilerin cihazlarıyla karşılaşmalarınız günlüğe kaydedilir. Başka bir işlem yapmanız gerekmez."</string>
+    <string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Maruz kalma günlüğü, uygulamanın üç temel özelliğinden biridir. Bu özelliği etkinleştirdiğinizde, diğer kişilerin akıllı telefonlarıyla karşılaşmalarınız günlüğe kaydedilir. Başka bir işlem yapmanız gerekmez."</string>
     <!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
     <string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Enfeksiyon Riski"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
@@ -345,7 +345,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"Daha sonra COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilere maruz kaldığınıza dair bir günlük kaydı oluşturulmadığı veya bu kişilerle yalnızca kısa süreyle ve uzak mesafeden karşılaştığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz düşüktür."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz, maruz kalma günlüğünün verileri kullanılarak yerel olarak cihazınızda hesaplanır. Hesaplamada COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilere maruz kalma mesafesi ve süresinin yanında potansiyel enfeksiyon bulaştırma durumu da göz önünde bulundurulur. Enfeksiyon riskiniz bir başkası tarafından görüntülenemez ya da bir başkasına aktarılamaz."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz, maruz kalma günlüğünün verileri kullanılarak yerel olarak akıllı telefonunuzda hesaplanır. Hesaplamada COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilere maruz kalma mesafesi ve süresinin yanında potansiyel enfeksiyon bulaştırma durumu da göz önünde bulundurulur. Enfeksiyon riskiniz bir başkası tarafından görüntülenemez ya da bir başkasına aktarılamaz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
     <plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
         <item quantity="one">"En son %1$s gün önce, COVID-19 tanısı konan en az bir kişiyle daha uzun süreyle ve yakın mesafeden maruz kalma yaşadığınız için enfeksiyon riskiniz daha yüksektir."</item>
@@ -358,9 +358,9 @@
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
     <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Enfeksiyon riskiniz, cihazınızda yerel olarak bulunan maruz kalma günlüğü verileri (süre ve mesafe) kullanılarak hesaplanır. Enfeksiyon riskiniz başkaları tarafından görüntülenemez veya başkalarına aktarılmaz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for low risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Bu nedenle enfeksiyon riskiniz düşük olarak derecelendirilmiştir. Enfeksiyon riskiniz, cihazınızda yerel olarak bulunan maruz kalma günlüğü verileri (süre ve mesafe) kullanılarak hesaplanır. Enfeksiyon riskiniz başkaları tarafından görüntülenemez veya başkalarına aktarılmaz."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Bu nedenle enfeksiyon riskiniz düşük olarak derecelendirilmiştir. Enfeksiyon riskiniz, akıllı telefonunuzda yerel olarak bulunan maruz kalma günlüğü verileri (süre ve mesafe) kullanılarak hesaplanır. Enfeksiyon riskiniz başkaları tarafından görüntülenemez veya başkalarına aktarılmaz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for increased risk -->
-    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Bu nedenle enfeksiyon riskiniz artmış olarak derecelendirilmiştir. Enfeksiyon riskiniz, cihazınızda yerel olarak bulunan maruz kalma günlüğü verileri (süre ve mesafe) kullanılarak hesaplanır. Enfeksiyon riskiniz başkaları tarafından görüntülenemez veya başkalarına aktarılmaz. Eve gittiğinizde lütfen aile fertleriniz veya ev arkadaşlarınızla yakın temastan kaçının."</string>
+    <string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Bu nedenle enfeksiyon riskiniz artmış olarak derecelendirilmiştir. Enfeksiyon riskiniz, akıllı telefonunuzda yerel olarak bulunan maruz kalma günlüğü verileri (süre ve mesafe) kullanılarak hesaplanır. Enfeksiyon riskiniz başkaları tarafından görüntülenemez veya başkalarına aktarılmaz. Eve gittiğinizde lütfen aile fertleriniz veya ev arkadaşlarınızla yakın temastan kaçının."</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
     <string name="risk_details_button_update">@string/risk_card_button_update</string>
     <!-- NOTR -->
@@ -396,9 +396,9 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_subtitle">"Sizin için ve hepimiz için daha fazla koruma. Corona-Warn-App uygulamasını kullanarak enfeksiyon zincirlerini çok daha kısa süre içinde kırabiliriz."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body">"Cihazınızı koronavirüs uyarı sistemine dönüştürün. Risk durumunuza ilişkin genel bir bakış elde edin ve son 14 gün içinde COVID-19 tanısı konan herhangi biri ile yakın temasa geçip geçmediğinizi öğrenin."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body">"Akıllı telefonunuzu koronavirüs uyarı sistemine dönüştürün. Risk durumunuza ilişkin genel bir bakış elde edin ve son 14 gün içinde COVID-19 tanısı konan herhangi biri ile yakın temasa geçip geçmediğinizi öğrenin."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
-    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Uygulama kişilerin cihazları arasında şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikleri paylaşarak karşılaşma günlüğü oluşturur ve bu sırada hiçbir kişisel veriye erişim sağlanmaz."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"Uygulama kişilerin akıllı telefonları arasında şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikleri paylaşarak karşılaşma günlüğü oluşturur ve bu sırada hiçbir kişisel veriye erişim sağlanmaz."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_illustration_description">"Bölgedeki bir grup insan akıllı telefonlarını kullanıyor."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (privacy) page title -->
@@ -415,7 +415,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"Enfeksiyon riski taşıyıp taşımadığınızı belirlemek için maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Maruz kalma günlüğü, cihazınızın Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimliği diğer kullanıcıların cihazlarına aktarmasıyla çalışır. Bu özellik dilediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakılabilir."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Maruz kalma günlüğü, akıllı telefonunuzun Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimliği diğer kullanıcıların akıllı telefonlarına aktarmasıyla çalışır. Bu özellik dilediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakılabilir."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"Şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikler yalnızca tarih, süre ve yakınlık (sinyal gücünü kullanarak) hakkındaki bilgileri aktarır. Ad, adres, konum gibi kişisel veriler asla kaydedilmez. Kişilerin kimliği belirlenemez."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
@@ -425,7 +425,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - headline for consent information -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_headline_consent">"Kabul Beyanı"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - body for consent information -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"Enfekte olan biriyle temas halinde olup olmadığınızı ve sizin de enfeksiyon riski altında olup olmadığınızı öğrenmek için Uygulamanın maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir. \"Etkinleştir\" düğmesine dokunarak Uygulamanın maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeyi ve ilişkili verilerin işlenmesini kabul edersiniz."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Uygulamanın maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini kullanmak için akıllı telefonunuzda Google tarafından sunulan \"Maruz Kalma Bildirimleri\" işlevini etkinleştirmeniz ve Corona-Warn-App\'e bu işlevi kullanma izni vermeniz gerekecektir."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Maruz kalma günlüğü etkinleştirildiğinde akıllı telefonunuz sürekli olarak rastgele kimlikler oluşturur ve bu rastgele kimlikleri maruz kalma günlüğü etkinleştirilmiş olan yakınınızdaki diğer Android veya Apple akıllı telefonlara Bluetooth üzerinden aktarır. Bunun karşılığında akıllı telefonunuz diğer akıllı telefonların rastgele kimliklerini alır. Size ait olan ve diğer akıllı telefonlardan alınan rastgele kimlikler, maruz kalma günlüğüne kaydedilir ve 14 gün süreyle burada saklanır."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Uygulama, enfeksiyon riskinizi belirlemek için koronavirüs enfeksiyonu olduğunu Uygulamada belirten tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerinin listesini (günde birkaç kez veya talep üzerine) yükler. Ardından bu liste maruz kalma günlüğünde tutulan rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır. Uygulama enfekte olan bir kullanıcı ile temas halinde olabileceğinizi saptadığında bu konuda bilgilendirilirsiniz ve sizin de enfeksiyon riski taşıdığınız belirtilir. Bu durumda Uygulama akıllı telefonunuzun maruz kalma günlüğünde tutulan diğer verilere (tarih, süre ve temas sırasındaki Bluetooth sinyalinin gücü) erişir."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Bluetooth sinyal gücü, fiziksel mesafenin belirlenmesi için kullanılır (sinyal ne kadar güçlü olursa mesafe o kadar kısa olur). Ardından Uygulama, koronavirüs enfeksiyonu olasılığınızı değerlendirmek ve sonraki adımlara yönelik öneriler sunmak üzere bu bilgileri analiz eder. Bu analiz akıllı telefonunuzda yalnızca yerel olarak gerçekleştirilir. Sizin dışınızda hiç kimse (RKI bile) enfekte olan biriyle temas ettiğinizi ve sizin için belirlenen riski bilmez."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Maruz kalma günlüğüne verdiğiniz onayı geri çekmek için Uygulamadaki düğmeyi kullanarak veya Uygulamayı silerek özelliği devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. Maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini yeniden kullanmaya karar verirseniz özelliği geri açabilir veya Uygulamayı yeniden yükleyebilirsiniz. Maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini devre dışı bırakırsanız Uygulama artık enfekte olan bir kullanıcı ile temas halinde olup olmadığınızı kontrol etmez. Cihazınızın rastgele kimlik göndermesini ve almasını durdurmak isterseniz de akıllı telefonunuzun ayarlarında COVID-19\'a Maruz Kalma Günlüğü özelliğini devre dışı bırakmanız gerekir. Size ait olan ve diğer akıllı telefonlardan alınan maruz kalma günlüğündeki rastgele kimliklerin Uygulamada silinmeyeceğini unutmayın. Akıllı telefonunuzun ayarlarında yalnızca maruz kalma günlüğünde tutulan verileri kalıcı olarak silebilirsiniz."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Uygulamanın gizlilik bildirimini (maruz kalma günlüğü özelliği için gerçekleştirilen veri işlemeye ilişkin açıklama dahil) menüde \"Veri Gizliliği Bilgileri\" başlığında bulabilirsiniz."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_body_consent">"Enfekte olan biriyle temas halinde olup olmadığınızı ve sizin de enfeksiyon riski altında olup olmadığınızı öğrenmek için Uygulamanın maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir. \"Etkinleştir\" düğmesine dokunarak Uygulamanın maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeyi ve ilişkili verilerin işlenmesini kabul edersiniz."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Uygulamanın maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini kullanmak için akıllı telefonunuzda Google tarafından sunulan \"Maruz Kalma Bildirimleri\" işlevini etkinleştirmeniz ve Corona-Warn-App\'e bu işlevi kullanma izni vermeniz gerekecektir."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Maruz kalma günlüğü etkinleştirildiğinde akıllı telefonunuz sürekli olarak rastgele kimlikler oluşturur ve bu rastgele kimlikleri maruz kalma günlüğü etkinleştirilmiş olan yakınınızdaki diğer Android veya Apple akıllı telefonlara Bluetooth üzerinden aktarır. Bunun karşılığında akıllı telefonunuz diğer akıllı telefonların rastgele kimliklerini alır. Size ait olan ve diğer akıllı telefonlardan alınan rastgele kimlikler, maruz kalma günlüğüne kaydedilir ve 14 gün süreyle burada saklanır."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Uygulama, enfeksiyon riskinizi belirlemek için koronavirüs enfeksiyonu olduğunu Uygulamada belirten tüm kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerinin listesini (günde birkaç kez veya talep üzerine) yükler. Ardından bu liste maruz kalma günlüğünde tutulan rastgele kimliklerle karşılaştırılır. Uygulama enfekte olan bir kullanıcı ile temas halinde olabileceğinizi saptadığında bu konuda bilgilendirilirsiniz ve sizin de enfeksiyon riski taşıdığınız belirtilir. Bu durumda Uygulama akıllı telefonunuzun maruz kalma günlüğünde tutulan diğer verilere (tarih, süre ve temas sırasındaki Bluetooth sinyalinin gücü) erişir."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Bluetooth sinyal gücü, fiziksel mesafenin belirlenmesi için kullanılır (sinyal ne kadar güçlü olursa mesafe o kadar kısa olur). Ardından Uygulama, koronavirüs enfeksiyonu olasılığınızı değerlendirmek ve sonraki adımlara yönelik öneriler sunmak üzere bu bilgileri analiz eder. Bu analiz akıllı telefonunuzda yalnızca yerel olarak gerçekleştirilir. Sizin dışınızda hiç kimse (RKI bile) enfekte olan biriyle temas ettiğinizi ve sizin için belirlenen riski bilmez."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Maruz kalma günlüğüne verdiğiniz onayı geri çekmek için Uygulamadaki düğmeyi kullanarak veya Uygulamayı silerek özelliği devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz. Maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini yeniden kullanmaya karar verirseniz özelliği geri açabilir veya Uygulamayı yeniden yükleyebilirsiniz. Maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini devre dışı bırakırsanız Uygulama artık enfekte olan bir kullanıcı ile temas halinde olup olmadığınızı kontrol etmez. Akıllı telefonunuzun rastgele kimlik göndermesini ve almasını durdurmak isterseniz de akıllı telefonunuzun ayarlarında COVID-19\'a Maruz Kalma Günlüğü özelliğini devre dışı bırakmanız gerekir. Size ait olan ve diğer akıllı telefonlardan alınan maruz kalma günlüğündeki rastgele kimliklerin Uygulamada silinmeyeceğini unutmayın. Akıllı telefonunuzun ayarlarında yalnızca maruz kalma günlüğünde tutulan verileri kalıcı olarak silebilirsiniz."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Uygulamanın gizlilik bildirimini (maruz kalma günlüğü özelliği için gerçekleştirilen veri işlemeye ilişkin açıklama dahil) menüde \"Veri Gizliliği Bilgileri\" başlığında bulabilirsiniz."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_button_next">"Maruz Kalma Günlüğünü Etkinleştir"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing permission declined -->
@@ -459,7 +459,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking button -->
     <string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_button">"Tamam"</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - illustraction description, header image -->
-    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Üç kişi cihazlarında maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirdi ve birbirleri ile karşılaşmaları günlüğe kaydedilecektir."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Üç kişi akıllı telefonlarında maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirdi ve birbirleri ile karşılaşmaları günlüğe kaydedilecektir."</string>
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth headline -->
     <string name="onboarding_tracing_location_headline">"Konum eriÅŸimine izin ver"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth body text -->
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… lütfen bunu Corona-Warn-App\'te belirtin. Test sonuçlarınızı paylaşmanız gönüllülük esasına dayalıdır ve güvenlidir. Lütfen herkesin sağlığı için bunu yapın."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
-    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Bildiriminiz güvenli olarak şifrelenir ve güvenli bir sunucuda işlenir. Cihazınızda şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikleri toplanan kişilere bundan sonra atmaları gereken adımlarla birlikte bir uyarı gönderilir."</string>
+    <string name="onboarding_test_body">"Bildiriminiz güvenli olarak şifrelenir ve güvenli bir sunucuda işlenir. Akıllı telefonunuza şifrelenmiş rastgele kimlikleri toplanan kişilere bundan sonra atmaları gereken adımlarla birlikte bir uyarı gönderilir."</string>
     <!-- XACT: onboarding(test) - illustraction description, header image -->
     <string name="onboarding_test_illustration_description">"Şifrelenmiş bir pozitif test tanısı sisteme aktarılır ve diğer kullanıcılar uyarılır."</string>
     <!-- XACT: Onboarding (datashare) page title -->
@@ -521,7 +521,7 @@
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Konum hizmetleri devre dışı bırakıldı"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Enfeksiyon riski taşıyıp taşımadığınızı belirlemek için maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir. Risk belirleme, cihazınızın Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimlikleri diğer kullanıcıların cihazlarına göndermesi ile çalışır. Bu özelliği dilediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerde diğer kişilere yalnızca tarih, süre ve yakınlık bilgileri (sinyal gücüne göre hesaplanır) gönderilir. Ad, adres ve konum gibi kişisel veriler hiçbir durumda kaydedilmez. Kişilerin kimlikleri belirlenemez."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"Enfeksiyon riski taşıyıp taşımadığınızı belirlemek için maruz kalma günlüğü özelliğini etkinleştirmeniz gerekir. Risk belirleme, akıllı telefonunuzun Bluetooth üzerinden diğer kullanıcıların rastgele kimliklerini alması ve size ait rastgele kimlikleri diğer kullanıcıların akıllı telefonlarına göndermesi ile çalışır. Bu özelliği dilediğiniz zaman devre dışı bırakabilirsiniz."<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Şifrelenmiş rastgele kimliklerde diğer kişilere yalnızca tarih, süre ve yakınlık bilgileri (sinyal gücüne göre hesaplanır) gönderilir. Ad, adres ve konum gibi kişisel veriler hiçbir durumda kaydedilmez. Kişilerin kimlikleri belirlenemez."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Etkin"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
@@ -562,7 +562,7 @@
         <item quantity="many">"Maruz kalma günlüğü %1$s gündür etkin.\nMaruz kalma denetimi yalnızca maruz kalma günlüğünün kalıcı olarak etkinleştirilmesi durumunda güvenilir olabilir."</item>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
-    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Üç kişi cihazlarında maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirdi ve birbirleri ile karşılaşmaları günlüğe kaydedilecektir."</string>
+    <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Üç kişi akıllı telefonlarında maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirdi ve birbirleri ile karşılaşmaları günlüğe kaydedilecektir."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
     <string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_inactive">"Bir kişi akıllı telefonunda maruz kalma günlüğünü devre dışı bıraktı. Bu nedenle iki diğer kişi ile karşılaşma günlüğe kaydedilmez."</string>
     <!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
@@ -656,7 +656,7 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
     <string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI), Almanya\'nın federal kamu sağlığı kurumudur. RKI, Federal Hükûmet adına Corona-Warn-App uygulamasını yayınlamaktadır. Uygulama, daha önce açıklanan kamu sağlığı önlemlerine ilişkin dijital bir tamamlayıcı niteliğindedir: sosyal mesafe, hijyen uygulamaları ve yüz maskeleri."</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
-    <string name="information_about_body">"Uygulamayı kullanan herkes, enfeksiyon zincirlerinin takip edilmesine ve kırılmasına yardımcı olur. Uygulama, diğer kişilerle karşılaşmaları cihazınızda yerel olarak kaydeder. Daha sonra COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilerle karşılaşmışsanız size bildirim gönderilir. Kimliğiniz ve gizliliğiniz daima koruma altındadır."</string>
+    <string name="information_about_body">"Uygulamayı kullanan herkes, enfeksiyon zincirlerinin takip edilmesine ve kırılmasına yardımcı olur. Uygulama, diğer kişilerle karşılaşmaları akıllı telefonunuzda yerel olarak kaydeder. Daha sonra COVID-19 tanısı konan kişilerle karşılaşmışsanız size bildirim gönderilir. Kimliğiniz ve gizliliğiniz daima koruma altındadır."</string>
     <!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
     <string name="information_about_illustration_description">"Bölgedeki bir grup insan akıllı telefonlarını kullanıyor."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
@@ -942,15 +942,15 @@
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for the positive result additional warning page-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_headline">"Lütfen hepimize yardımcı olun!"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Corona-Warn-App\'in son 14 güne ait rastgele kimliklerinizi diğer kullanıcılarla paylaşmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Bu sayede diğer kullanıcıları uyarabilir ve enfeksiyon zincirini kırabilirsiniz.\n\nYalnızca kişisel olmayan rastgele kimlikler aktarıldığından kimliğiniz gizli kalacaktır."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Corona-Warn-App\'in son 14 güne ait rastgele kimliklerinizi diğer kullanıcılarla paylaşmasını sağlayabilirsiniz. Bu sayede başkalarını uyarabilir ve enfeksiyon zincirini kırmaları için onlara yardımcı olabilirsiniz.\n\nEnfeksiyon riski, hastalığın başlangıcından önce meydana geldiğinden ve zaman içerisinde değişebileceğinden, olası korona bulgularının (ör. ateş ya da öksürük) ilk ne zaman ortaya çıktığını da bildirmenizi rica ederiz. Bu sayede, sizinle temas eden diğer uygulama kullanıcılarının enfeksiyon riski de daha doğru hesaplanabilir. Bulgu başlangıcına ilişkin bildirim, isteğe bağlıdır. Bulgu yoksa ya da bilgi vermek istemiyorsanız, \"Bilgi yok\" seçeneğini seçebilirsiniz."</string>
     <!-- XHED: Title for the privacy card-->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_title">"Veri GizliliÄŸi"</string>
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the privacy card-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"\"Kabul Et\" seçeneğine dokunduğunuzda, Uygulamanın pozitif test sonucunuzu son 14 güne ait rastgele kimliklerinizle birlikte uygulamanın sunucu sistemine göndermesine izin vermiş olursunuz, bu sayede maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirmiş olan diğer Uygulama kullanıcıları otomatik şekilde bilgilendirilebilir. İletilen rastgele kimlikler, kimliğiniz ya da kişiliğinize ilişkin sonuç çıkartacak hiçbir bilgi içermez. \n\nTest sonucunuzun Uygulama aracılığıyla iletilmesi, isteğe bağlıdır. Test sonucunuzu iletmezseniz size hiçbir dezavantajı olmaz. Uygulamayı kullanıp kullanmadığınızı ve nasıl kullandığınızı anlayamadığımız ve kontrol edemediğimiz için enfeksiyonu bulaştırıp bulaştırmadığınızı sizden başka kimse öğrenemez.\n\nUygulamayı silerek, onayınızı dilediğinizde geri alabilirsiniz. Onayın geri alınmasıyla, geri almaya kadar yapılmış veri işlemelerin hukuka uygunlukları bu durumdan etkilenmez. \"Veri Gizliliği\" menüsünden diğer bilgilere ulaşabilirsiniz."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_privacy_body">"\"Kabul Et\" seçeneğine dokunduğunuzda, Uygulamanın pozitif test sonucunuzu son 14 güne ait rastgele kimliklerinizle birlikte uygulamanın sunucu sistemine göndermesine izin vermiş olursunuz, bu sayede maruz kalma günlüğünü etkinleştirmiş olan diğer Uygulama kullanıcıları otomatik şekilde bilgilendirilebilir. İsteğe bağlı bu bilgileri bulgu başlangıcında verirseniz, iletilen rastgele kimlikler, ilgili rastgele kimliğin geçerli olduğu gün itibariyle enfeksiyon riskini içeren, bilgileriniz aracılığıyla hesaplanan toplam risk puanını da içerir. İletilen rastgele kimlikler, kimliğiniz ya da kişiliğinize ilişkin sonuç çıkartacak hiçbir bilgi içermez. \n\nTest sonucunuzun Uygulama aracılığıyla iletilmesi, isteğe bağlıdır. Test sonucunuzu iletmezseniz size hiçbir dezavantajı olmaz. Uygulamayı kullanıp kullanmadığınızı ve nasıl kullandığınızı anlayamadığımız ve kontrol edemediğimiz için enfeksiyonu bulaştırıp bulaştırmadığınızı sizden başka kimse öğrenemez.\n\nUygulamayı silerek, onayınızı dilediğinizde geri alabilirsiniz. Onayın geri alınmasıyla, geri almaya kadar yapılmış veri işlemelerin hukuka uygunlukları bu durumdan etkilenmez. Bu konuya ilişkin diğer bilgileri \"Uygulama Bilgileri\" &gt; \"Veri Gizliliği\" menüsünde bulabilirsiniz."</string>
     <!-- XBUT: other warning continue button -->
     <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_button">"Kabul Et"</string>
     <!-- XACT: other warning - illustration description, explanation image -->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"Bir cihaz şifrelenmiş pozitif test tanısını sisteme aktarır."</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"Bir akıllı telefon şifrelenmiş pozitif test tanısını sisteme aktarır."</string>
     <!-- Submission Done -->
@@ -999,7 +999,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen no button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_negative_button">"Hayır"</string>
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen no information button -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_no_information_button">"Yorum yok"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_no_information_button">"Beyan yok"</string>
     <!-- XBUT:  symptom initial screen continue button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_further_button">"Sonraki"</string>
@@ -1047,7 +1047,7 @@
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen more than 2 weeks button -->
     <string name="submission_symptom_more_two_weeks">"2 haftadan uzun süre önce"</string>
     <!-- XBUT: symptom calendar screen verify button -->
-    <string name="submission_symptom_verify">"Yorum yok"</string>
+    <string name="submission_symptom_verify">"Beyan yok"</string>
     <!-- Submission Status Card -->
     <!-- XHED: Page title for the various submission status: fetching -->