From d7e663c82fe99c8511e95413e655b9c76b659473 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: harambasicluka <> Date: Mon, 14 Jun 2021 15:36:05 +0200 Subject: [PATCH] string (#3436) --- .../res/values/green_certificate_strings.xml | 53 ++++++++++--------- .../main/res/values/vaccination_strings.xml | 11 ++-- 2 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-) diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/green_certificate_strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/green_certificate_strings.xml index ece39a278..e40bf9c68 100644 --- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/green_certificate_strings.xml +++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/green_certificate_strings.xml @@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ <!-- XTXT: Request green certificate body section 2 --> <string name="request_green_certificate_body_2">"The test certificate is valid proof of a negative test result within the EU (e.g. for travel)."</string> <!-- XTXT: Request green certificate body section 3 --> - <string name="request_green_certificate_body_3">"The test certificate contains valid that enables the verification app to validate your certificate."</string> + <string name="request_green_certificate_body_3">"The test certificate contains data that enables the verification app to validate your certificate."</string> <!-- XBUT: Request green certificate agree button --> <string name="request_green_certificate_agree_button">"Request Test Certificate"</string> <!-- XBUT: Request green certificate disagree button --> @@ -33,21 +33,21 @@ <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate card title --> <string name="detail_green_certificate_card_title">"Test Certificate"</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate card subtitle --> - <string name="detail_green_certificate_card_subtitle">"Test durchgeführt am %1$s %2$s"</string> + <string name="detail_green_certificate_card_subtitle">"Test performed on %1$s %2$s"</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate travel notice link en --> <string name="green_certificate_travel_notice_link_en">""</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate travel notice link de --> <string name="green_certificate_travel_notice_link_de">""</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate menu item: delete --> - <string name="green_certificate_details_menu_item_delete">"Entfernen"</string> + <string name="green_certificate_details_menu_item_delete">"Remove"</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate diaglog title --> - <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_title">"Wollen Sie das Testzertifikat wirklich entfernen?"</string> + <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_title">"Do you want to remove the test certificate?"</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate diaglog message --> - <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_message">"Wenn Sie das Testzertifikat entfernen, können Sie es nicht mehr als Nachweis in der App verwenden."</string> + <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_message">"If you remove the test certificate, you can no longer use it as proof in the app."</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate diaglog positive --> - <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Abbrechen"</string> + <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Remove"</string> <!-- XTXT: Detail green certificate diaglog negative --> - <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_button_negative">"Entfernen"</string> + <string name="green_certificate_details_dialog_remove_test_button_negative">"Cancel"</string> <!-- XTXT: Green certificate main screen title --> <string name="certification_screen_title">"Certificates"</string> @@ -61,42 +61,43 @@ <string name="info_banner_title_2">"COVID Test Certificate"</string> <!-- XTXT: Green certificate info card body --> <string name="info_banner_body">"Register a test on the home screen and agree to receive a digital test certificate. As soon as the certificate is available, it is displayed here."</string> + <!-- XTXT: Test certificate time --> - <string name="test_certificate_time">Test durchgeführt am %1$s, %2$s</string> + <string name="test_certificate_time">"Test performed on %1$s, %2$s"</string> <!-- XTXT: Test error label --> - <string name="test_certificate_error_label">Fehler bei der Zertifikatsabfrage</string> + <string name="test_certificate_error_label">"Error during certificate retrieval"</string> <!-- XBUT: Test error retry button --> - <string name="test_certificate_error_retry_button">Nochmal versuchen</string> + <string name="test_certificate_error_retry_button">"Try Again"</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_try_again">Es konnte keine Verbindung hergestellt werden. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut.</string> + <string name="error_tc_try_again">"Could not establish a connection. Please try again."</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_dcc_not_supported_by_lab">Ein Testzertifikat kann nicht angefordert werden, da diese Teststelle die Ausstellung von Testzertifikaten nicht unterstützt. Bitte entfernen Sie das Zertifikat oder kontaktieren Sie die technische Hotline über App-Informationen -> Technische Hotline.</string> + <string name="error_tc_dcc_not_supported_by_lab">"You cannot request a test certificate because this testing point does not support the issuing of test certificates. Please remove the certificate or contact the technical hotline via App Information -> Technical Hotline."</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_no_network">Ihre Internetverbindung wurde unterbrochen. Bitte prüfen Sie die Verbindung und versuchen Sie es erneut.</string> + <string name="error_tc_no_network">"Your Internet connection was lost. Please check the connection and try again."</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_e2e_error_call_hotline">Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal oder kontaktieren Sie die technische Hotline über App-Informationen -> Technische Hotline.</string> + <string name="error_tc_e2e_error_call_hotline">"An error occurred. Please try again later or contact the technical hotline via App Information -> Technical Hotline."</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_try_again_dcc_not_available_yet">Ihr Zertifikat liegt noch nicht vor. Bitte versuchen Sie es noch einmal. Sollte der Fehler weiterhin bestehen, kontaktieren Sie bitte die technische Hotline über App-Informationen -> Technische Hotline.</string> + <string name="error_tc_try_again_dcc_not_available_yet">"Your certificate it not available yet. Please try again. If the error persists, please contact the technical hotline via App Information -> Technical Hotline."</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_client_error_call_hotline">Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Bitte versuchen Sie es später noch einmal oder kontaktieren Sie die technische Hotline über App-Informationen -> Technische Hotline.></string> + <string name="error_tc_client_error_call_hotline">"An error occurred. Please try again later or contact the technical hotline via App Information -> Technical Hotline."</string> <!-- XTXT: Error text --> - <string name="error_tc_dcc_expired">Das Zertifikat ist nicht mehr aktuell, Sie können es aus der Corona-App entfernen.</string> + <string name="error_tc_dcc_expired">"This certificate is no longer current. You can remove it from the Corona-Warn-App."</string> <!-- XBUT: Test error delete button --> - <string name="test_certificate_error_delete_button">Testzertifikat entfernen</string> + <string name="test_certificate_error_delete_button">"Remove Test Certificate"</string> <!-- XTXT: Test error refresh dialog title --> - <string name="test_certificate_refresh_dialog_title">"Es gibt weiterhin Probleme bei der Abfrage"</string> + <string name="test_certificate_refresh_dialog_title">"There are still problems with the request."</string> <!-- XBUT: Test error refresh dialog confirm button --> <string name="test_certificate_refresh_dialog_confirm_button">"OK"</string> <!-- XTXT: Test error delete dialog title --> - <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_title">"Wollen Sie das Zertifikat wirklich entfernen?"</string> + <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_title">"Do you want to remove the certificate?"</string> <!-- XTXT: Test error delete dialog body --> - <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_body">"Wenn das Zertifikat enfernt wird, kann es nicht noch einmal angefordert werden."</string> + <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_body">"If you remove the certificate, you cannot request it again."</string> <!-- XBUT: Test error delete dialog confirm button --> - <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_confirm_button">"Entfernen"</string> + <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_confirm_button">"Remove"</string> <!-- XBUT: Test error delete dialog cancel button --> - <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_cancel_button">"Abbrechen"</string> + <string name="test_certificate_delete_dialog_cancel_button">"Cancel"</string> <!-- XTXT: Test error card body refreshing --> - <string name="test_certificate_error_label_refreshing">"Ihr Zertifikat wird gerade erstellt…"</string> + <string name="test_certificate_error_label_refreshing">"Your certificate is being created..."</string> <!-- XTXT: Test error card body refreshing --> - <string name="test_certificate_error_refreshing_status">"Ihr Zertifikat wird gerade angefragt, dies kann einige Minuten dauern…"</string> -</resources> + <string name="test_certificate_error_refreshing_status">"Your certificate is being requested. This may take a few minutes..."</string> +</resources> \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/vaccination_strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/vaccination_strings.xml index 275edfe95..592e1fc70 100644 --- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/vaccination_strings.xml +++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values/vaccination_strings.xml @@ -71,11 +71,9 @@ <!-- XBUT: button for Vaccination Certificate Registration Home Card --> <string name="vaccination_card_register">"Add"</string> <!-- XHED: Homescreen vaccination status card title --> - <string name="vaccination_card_status_title">"Digital Proof of Vaccination"</string> + <string name="vaccination_card_status_title_line_1">"Digital"</string> <!-- XHED: Homescreen vaccination status card title --> - <string name="vaccination_card_status_title_line_1">"Digitaler"</string> - <!-- XHED: Homescreen vaccination status card title --> - <string name="vaccination_card_status_title_line_2">"Impfnachweis"</string> + <string name="vaccination_card_status_title_line_2">"Proof of Vaccination"</string> <!-- XHED: Homescreen vaccination status card vaccination name --> <string name="vaccination_card_status_vaccination_name">"SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination"</string> <!-- XTXT: Homescreen card incomplete vaccination status label --> @@ -90,7 +88,8 @@ <item quantity="many">"Full vaccination protection in %1$d days"</item> </plurals> <!-- XTXT: Homescreen card complete vaccination status label --> - <string name="vaccination_card_status_vaccination_complete">"Gültig bis einschließlich %s"</string> + <string name="vaccination_card_status_vaccination_complete">"Valid through %s"</string> + <!-- XTXT: Vaccination QR code scan error message--> <string name="error_vc_invalid">"This QR code is not a valid vaccination certificate.\n\nFor more information about how to receive your vaccination certificate, please see our FAQ page."</string> <!-- XTXT: Vaccination QR code scan error message--> @@ -123,4 +122,4 @@ <!-- XTXT: Explains user about vaccination certificate: URL, has to be "translated" into english (relevant for all languages except german) - --> <string name="error_button_vc_faq_link">""</string> -</resources> +</resources> \ No newline at end of file -- GitLab