diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
index 55253b9287ce4bf72156a058684074db937cae23..599019a6c821e9feee096a37aa66db7a577cbec3 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-bg/strings.xml
@@ -1047,6 +1047,17 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Content Description for the illustration  -->
     <string name="submission_consent_main_illustration_description">"Човек държи смартфон. QR кодът на теста е кодът, който трябва да бъде сканиран."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_first_point">"Вашето съгласие е доброволно."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_second_point">"Можете да получите резултата от Вашия тест, без да е необходимо да го споделяте, но ако споделите резултата си, ще помогнете на другите да се предпазят от заразяване."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_third_point">"Вашата самоличност няма да бъде разкрита. Другите потребители няма да узнаят кой е споделил резултата от теста си."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fourth_point">"В раздела „Моите регистрации“ виждате събитията и местата, чиито регистрирани гости ще бъдат предупредени. Можете да изтриете отделни регистрации от списъка, за да ги изключите от процеса на предупреждаване."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fifth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fifth_point">"За да дадете съгласието си, трябва да имате навършени 16 години."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Резултат от тест"</string>
@@ -1175,10 +1186,7 @@
     <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Тъй като тестът Ви за коронавирус е положителен, можете да предупредите останалите чрез приложението."</string>
-    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Функцията за предупреждаване работи в няколко държави. Към момента това са:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Тъй като Ви е поставена диагноза „коронавирус“, можете да предупредите останалите с помощта на приложението. Ако сте направили бърз тест, функцията за предупреждаване ще работи само в Германия. Ако сте направили PCR тест, тя ще работи в следните държави:"</string>
     <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
     <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/antigen_strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/antigen_strings.xml
index d0e33047d644b866975df5e65cb02270e6fab781..43865d33e21cd62adf6c1760791d15aa1c04fd7d 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/antigen_strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/antigen_strings.xml
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@
     <!-- XHED: coronatest negative antigen result first info title -->
     <string name="coronatest_negative_antigen_result_first_info_title">"Your rapid test was added."</string>
     <!-- XTXT: coronatest negative antigen result first info body -->
-    <string name="coronatest_negative_antigen_result_first_info_body">"The test result is displayed her for 48 hours."</string>
+    <string name="coronatest_negative_antigen_result_first_info_body">"The test result is displayed here for 48 hours."</string>
     <!-- XHED: coronatest negative antigen result second info title -->
     <string name="coronatest_negative_antigen_result_second_info_title">"Negative Diagnosis"</string>
     <!-- XTXT: coronatest negative antigen result second info body -->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
index 60a37c0d69a23a90a48927fcaaddc3cf88144d0c..e4c219e2f562bbdaec6896385097c034f8d846f0 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-en/strings.xml
@@ -1047,6 +1047,17 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Content Description for the illustration  -->
     <string name="submission_consent_main_illustration_description">"A person is holding a smartphone. A QR code on a test symbolizes the code to be scanned."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_first_point">"Your consent is voluntary."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_second_point">"You can retrieve your test result even if you do not choose to share it. But if you share your test result, you will help to protect others against infection."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_third_point">"Your identity will remain secret. Other users will not find out who has shared a test result."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fourth_point">"Under “My Check-Ins”, you can see the events and places whose checked-in guests will be warned. You can remove individual check-ins from the list to exclude them from the warning process."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fifth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fifth_point">"You must be at least 16 years old to grant your consent."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Test Result"</string>
@@ -1175,10 +1186,7 @@
     <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Because you tested positive for coronavirus, you can now warn others through the app."</string>
-    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"The warning feature works in several countries. The following countries are currently participating:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Because you have been diagnosed with coronavirus, you can warn others through the app. If you took a rapid test, the warning feature only works in Germany. If you took a PCR test, the warning feature works in the following countries:"</string>
     <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
     <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
index 9c3dbb83f08af33c5ec708850548d39a980e8a4f..867bd2bc6b7801a60b189f22f7fae1f27b04dd2f 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-pl/strings.xml
@@ -1047,6 +1047,17 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Content Description for the illustration  -->
     <string name="submission_consent_main_illustration_description">"Osoba trzyma smartfon. Kod QR w teście symbolizuje kod do zeskanowania."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_first_point">"Twoja zgoda jest dobrowolna."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_second_point">"Możesz pobrać swój wynik testu, nawet jeśli nie zamierzasz go udostępniać. Jeśli jednak zdecydujesz się na jego udostępnienie, pomożesz chronić innych przed zakażeniem."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_third_point">"Twoja tożsamość nie zostanie ujawniona. Inni użytkownicy nie dowiedzą się, kto udostępnił swoje wyniki testów."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fourth_point">"W sekcji „Moje zameldowania” znajdują się wydarzenia i miejsca, których zameldowani goście zostaną ostrzeżeni. Możesz usunąć pojedyncze zameldowania z listy, aby wykluczyć je z procesu ostrzegania."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fifth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fifth_point">"Aby wyrazić zgodę, musisz mieć ukończone 16 lat."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Wynik testu"</string>
@@ -1175,10 +1186,7 @@
     <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Ze względu na pozytywny wynik testu na obecność koronawirusa możesz teraz ostrzegać innych za pośrednictwem aplikacji."</string>
-    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Funkcja ostrzegania działa w kilku krajach. Obecnie są to następujące kraje:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Ponieważ zdiagnozowano u Ciebie koronawirusa, możesz ostrzec innych za pośrednictwem aplikacji. Jeżeli wykonałeś(-aś) szybki test, funkcja ostrzegania działa tylko w Niemczech. Jeśli wykonałeś(-aś) test PCR, funkcja ostrzegania działa w następujących krajach:"</string>
     <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
     <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
index 6b4d43ff5a4a924e88638540dcdf4e3a35b8c7c7..cb9cfc10f50ec56543b10d625c6892452ff7adee 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-ro/strings.xml
@@ -1047,6 +1047,17 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Content Description for the illustration  -->
     <string name="submission_consent_main_illustration_description">"O persoană ține în mână un smartphone. Un cod QR de pe un test simbolizează codul care va fi scanat."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_first_point">"Consimțământul dvs. este voluntar."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_second_point">"Puteți afla rezultatul testului dvs. chiar dacă alegeți să nu îl partajați. Dar dacă partajați rezultatul testului dvs., veți ajuta la protejarea celorlalți împotriva infectării."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_third_point">"Identitatea dvs. va rămâne secretă. Alți utilizatori nu vor afla cine a partajat rezultatul testului."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fourth_point">"La „Check-inurile mele”, puteți vedea evenimentele și locurile ale căror invitați cu check-inul făcut vor fi avertizați. Puteți elimina check-inuri individuale din listă pentru a le exclude din procesul de avertizare."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fifth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fifth_point">"Trebuie să aveți cel puțin 16 ani pentru a vă acorda consimțământul."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Rezultat test"</string>
@@ -1175,10 +1186,7 @@
     <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Deoarece ați fost testat pozitiv la coronavirus, acum puteți să îi avertizați pe ceilalți prin intermediul aplicației."</string>
-    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Caracteristica de avertizare funcționează în câteva țări. Următoarele țări participă în prezent:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Deoarece ați fost diagnosticat cu coronavirus, puteți să îi avertizați pe ceilalți prin intermediul aplicației. Dacă ați făcut un test rapid, caracteristica de avertizare funcționează doar în Germania. Dacă ați făcut un test PCR, caracteristica de avertizare funcționează doar în următoarele țări:"</string>
     <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
     <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->
diff --git a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
index 746726db5449585363564df780d67180f2f47566..3b67746575e3d81f6a9a6e020b9cb61fab930e93 100644
--- a/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
+++ b/Corona-Warn-App/src/main/res/values-tr/strings.xml
@@ -1047,6 +1047,17 @@
     <!-- YTXT: Content Description for the illustration  -->
     <string name="submission_consent_main_illustration_description">"Bir kişi akıllı telefon tutuyor. Testteki QR kod kodun taranabileceğini sembolize ediyor."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section first point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_first_point">"Onayınız gönüllülük esasına dayalıdır."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section second point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_second_point">"Paylaşmamayı seçseniz de test sonucunuzu alabilirsiniz. Ancak test sonucunuzu paylaşırsanız diğer kullanıcıların enfeksiyona karşı korunmasına yardımcı olursunuz."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section third point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_third_point">"Kimliğiniz gizli tutulacaktır. Diğer kullanıcılar, kimin test sonucunu paylaştığını öğrenmeyecektir."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fourth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fourth_point">"“Check-In’lerim” bölümünde check-in yapan konuklarına uyarı gönderilecek etkinlikleri ve yerleri görebilirsiniz. Uyarı işlemlerinin dışında tutmak için listeden ayrı ayrı check-in’leri kaldırabilirsiniz."</string>
+    <!-- YTXT: Body for no consent section fifth point  -->
+    <string name="submission_no_consent_fifth_point">"Onay vermek için 16 yaşın üzerinde olmanız gerekir."</string>
     <!-- Submission Test Result -->
     <!-- XHED: Page headline for test result  -->
     <string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Test Sonucu"</string>
@@ -1175,10 +1186,7 @@
     <!-- Submission Positive Other Warning No Consent -->
     <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Koronavirüs testinizin sonucu pozitif olduğu için şimdi diğer kullanıcıları uygulama üzerinden uyarabilirsiniz."</string>
-    <!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
-    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_second_part">"Uyarı özelliği birden fazla ülkede etkindir. Şu anda aşağıdaki ülkeler katılmaktadır:"</string>
+    <string name="submission_positive_other_warning_no_consent_body_first_part">"Koronavirüs tanısı aldığınız için uygulama üzerinden diğer kullanıcıları uyarabilirsiniz. Hızlı test yaptıysanız uyarı özelliği yalnızca Almanya’da etkindir. PCR testi yaptırdıysanız uyarı özelliği şu ülkelerde etkindir:"</string>
     <!-- Test result positive and no consent given -->
     <!-- XHED: Title for test result positive and no consent given-->