diff --git a/ExpectationsStudents/Q_Expectations.md b/ExpectationsStudents/Q_Expectations.md
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+#Expectations from the course "Introduction for Digital Humanities"
+Do I expect something? **NO** ![grin](http://www.smileygarden.de/smilie/Frech/smileymania.at_00348.gif)
+*Only joking*
+No, this is no **title**...
+Oups, there has to be a title here?
+    Just trying markdown out a little. 
+ * I hope to be able in the end of this course to code for papyrologists
+ * to be able to understand all the discussions on the ![MarkUp-MailingList](http://lsv.uky.edu/archives/markup.html)
+ * seeking for new fields for a papyrologists and his/her knowledge
+ * to be able to start a little coding project on my own some day
+1. Another way to make lists
+2. but you wanted a bullet point list...
+Okay, I think I made my little point(s). Nice to play.
+Thank you very much for this course. I hope we will learn well all the nice things you mentioned during your first lecture...
+All best,
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