# How I created this Markdownfile and what it did with my expectations for this course ## a summary by Anna D. ### Things I did while creating this file * wonder what I was actually supposed to do * thinking sticking with my cultural studies would have been not a bad idea * *cry*, just kidding * drink tea * google: 'markdown file' * find [This] (https://guides.github.com/features/mastering-markdown/) it was quite the revalation ### What are my expectations? 1. Be out of my comfort zone alot 2. Learn about things and ways of thinking I have never heard of 3. Be absolutely frustrated and confused at least once 4. Get through that And to finish this of: [Sometimes I dont listen to David Tennant] (https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/3e/a9/28/3ea928e5535f0e3f42947545722456f6.jpg)