% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/nlp_annotate.R \name{create_annotations} \alias{create_annotations} \title{Create annotations for the given text} \usage{ create_annotations(text, article.id, article.rev.id, use.cache = TRUE, write.cache = FALSE, data.dir = "data") } \arguments{ \item{text}{Text to annotate} \item{article.id}{ArticleID used for cashing} \item{article.rev.id}{ArticleRevisionID used for cashing} \item{use.cache}{Should cashed data be uses} \item{write.cache}{Should the generated annotations be cashed} \item{data.dir}{Directory the data should be read from and/or written to} } \value{ Annotation object for use with cleanNLP methods } \description{ Create annotations for the given text }