Sebastian Hellmann authoredSebastian Hellmann authored
Configuration files for MARVIN on the TIB servers, public for forking the architecture
We thank Sören Auer and the Technische Informationsbibliothek (TIB) for providing three servers to run:
- the main DBpedia extraction on a monthly basis
- community-provided extractors on Wikipedia, Wikidata or other sources
- enrichment, cleaning and parsing services, so-called Databus mods for open data on the Databus
This contribution by TIB is a great push towards incentivizing Open Data and establishing a global and national research and innovation data infrastructure.
Downloading the wikimedia dumps
Running the extraction
Deploy on Databus
Run Databus-Derive (clone and parse)
On the respective server there is a user marvin-fetch, that has access to /data/derive
containing the pom.xml of https://github.com/dbpedia/databus-maven-plugin/tree/master/dbpedia
# query to get all versions fro derive in xml syntax to paste directly into pom.xml
PREFIX dataid: <http://dataid.dbpedia.org/ns/core#>
SELECT distinct (?derive) WHERE {
?dataset dataid:group <https://databus.dbpedia.org/marvin/generic> .
?dataset dataid:artifact ?artifact .
?dataset dataid:version ?version .
?dataset dct:hasVersion "2019.08.30"^^xsd:string
BIND (CONCAT("<version>",?artifact,"/${databus.deriveversion}</version>") as ?derive)
order by asc(?derive)
This is still manual, will be a cronjob soon
####### su marvin-fetch tmux a -t derive
WHAT=mappings NEWVERSION=2019.08.30
cd /data/derive/databus-maven-plugin/dbpedia/WHAT git pull mvn versions:set -DnewVersion=NEWVERSION
mvn -T 23 databus-derive:clone -Ddatabus.deriveversion=$NEWVERSION
## Move data to download server (internal)
run marvin-fetch.sh script in databus/dbpedia folder
## Deploy official files