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Git repository for the material used in the Introduction to Digital Humanities, WS 2018/19
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Reduktion / Vereinfachung von Sätze, z. B.: Ersetzung von • Zeitangaben durch irgendwann • Ortsangaben durch irgendwo (/ da / dort) • Personen etc. durch irgendwer (/ jemand) • irgendwem, irgendwas, ...
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Cli emulator for the micro computer 2i (Minirechner 2i), mirror of https://github.com/klemens/2i-emulator
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Touché Task 2 of the Computer Science Module "Advanced Methods of Information Retrieval"
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This project tries to analyse the digital media coverage of the last POTUS (Presidents of the United States). We use media outlets from the US and europe and anaylse them digitally to find reacurring patterns and differences between the coverage.
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This is a CPU interpreter for understanding some basic CPU functionalities
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Library for working with points and routes based on geographic coordinates. Provides convenience methods for importing and preprocessing de4l (https://de4l.io) specific datasets.