
Mert Safter
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<resources xmlns:tools="" xmlns:xliff="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" tools:ignore="MissingTranslation">
<!-- ####################################
Preference Keys
TODO: Check what is needed -->
<string name="preference_name"><xliff:g id="preference">"shared_preferences_cwa"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_onboarding_completed"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_onboarding_completed"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_onboarding_completed_timestamp"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_onboarding_completed_timestamp"</xliff:g></string>

Kolya Opahle
<string name="preference_background_check_done"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_background_check_done"</xliff:g></string>
<!-- NOTR -->
<string name="preference_reset_app"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_reset_app"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_only_wifi"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_only_wifi"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_tracing"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_tracing"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_timestamp_diagnosis_keys_fetch"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_timestamp_diagnosis_keys_fetch"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_timestamp_manual_diagnosis_keys_retrieval"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_timestamp_manual_diagnosis_keys_retrieval"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_string_google_api_token"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_m_string_google_api_token"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_notifications_enabled"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_notifications_enabled"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_notifications_risk_enabled"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_notifications_risk_enabled"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_notifications_test_enabled"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_notifications_test_enabled"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_background_job_allowed"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_background_job_enabled"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_mobile_data_allowed"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_mobile_data_enabled"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_registration_token"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_registration_token"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_device_pairing_successful_time"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_device_pairing_successful_time"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_initial_tracing_activation_time"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_initial_tracing_activation_time"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_initial_result_received_time"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_initial_result_received_time"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_risk_level_score"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_risk_level_score"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_risk_level_score_successful"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_risk_level_score_successful"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_timestamp_risk_level_calculation"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_timestamp_risk_level_calculation"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_test_guid"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_test_guid"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_is_allowed_to_submit_diagnosis_keys"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_is_allowed_to_submit_diagnosis_keys"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_auth_code"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_auth_code"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_database_password"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_database_password"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_total_non_active_tracing"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_total_non_active_tracing"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_last_non_active_tracing_timestamp"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_last_non_active_tracing_timestamp"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_number_successful_submissions"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_number_successful_submissions"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_teletan"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_teletan"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_last_three_hours_from_server"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_last_three_hours_from_server"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_polling_test_result_started"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_polling_test_result_started"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="preference_test_result_notification"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_test_result_notification"</xliff:g></string>
<!-- NOTR -->
<string name="preference_risk_days_explanation_shown"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_risk_days_explanation_shown"</xliff:g></string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- NOTR -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="preference_background_notification"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_background_notification"</xliff:g></string>

Mert Safter
<!-- NOTR -->
<string name="preference_interoperability_selected_country_codes"><xliff:g id="preference">"preference_interoperability_selected_country_codes"</xliff:g></string>
<!-- NOTR -->
<string name="preference_interoperability_all_countries_selected">preference_interoperability_all_countries_selected</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- XACT: back description for screen readers -->

<!-- XACT: next description for screen readers -->

<!-- XACT: menu description for screen readers -->

<!-- XACT: menu description for screen readers -->
<string name="accessibility_logo">"Corona-Warn-App"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XACT: button description for screen readers to be appended at the end of content without focusable subcontent that are explored by touch -->
<string name="accessibility_button">"Button"</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- NOTR -->
<string name="notification_channel_id"><xliff:g id="notification_channel_id">"de.rki.coronawarnapp.notification.exposureNotificationChannelId"</xliff:g></string>
<string name="notification_id"><xliff:g id="notification_id">"1"</xliff:g></string>
<!-- XTXT: Notification channel name for os settings -->
<string name="notification_name">"Corona-Warn-App"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Notification channel description for os settings -->
<string name="notification_description">"Notifications from the Corona-Warn-App"</string>
<!-- XHED: Notification title -->
<string name="notification_headline">"Corona-Warn-App"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Notification body -->
<string name="notification_body">"You have new messages from your Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- ####################################
App Auto Update
###################################### -->
<!-- XHED: App Auto Update dialog title -->
<string name="update_dialog_title">"Update available"</string>
<!-- XTXT: App Auto Update dialog message -->
<string name="update_dialog_message">"Please note, you can only use the Corona-Warn-App again once you have installed the latest update."</string>
<!-- XBUT: App Auto Update button -->
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<string name="risk_card_body_contact">"No exposure up to now"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - number of contacts for one or more -->
<plurals name="risk_card_body_contact_value">

Philipp Woessner
<item quantity="one">"%1$s exposure with low risk"</item>
<item quantity="other">"%1$s exposures with low risk"</item>
<item quantity="zero">"No exposure with low risk so far"</item>

Philipp Woessner
<item quantity="two">"%1$s exposures with low risk"</item>
<item quantity="few">"%1$s exposures with low risk"</item>
<item quantity="many">"%1$s exposures with low risk"</item>

Philipp Woessner
<!-- XTXT: risk card - number of contacts for one or more -->
<plurals name="risk_card_body_contact_value_high_risk">
<item quantity="one">"%1$s exposure"</item>
<item quantity="other">"%1$s exposures"</item>
<item quantity="zero">"No exposure up to now"</item>
<item quantity="two">"%1$s exposures"</item>
<item quantity="few">"%1$s exposures"</item>
<item quantity="many">"%1$s exposures"</item>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - tracing active for x out of 14 days -->
<string name="risk_card_body_saved_days">"Exposure logging was active for %1$s of the past 14 days."</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card- tracing active for 14 out of 14 days -->
<string name="risk_card_body_saved_days_full">"Exposure logging permanently active"</string>
<!-- XTXT; risk card - no update done yet -->
<string name="risk_card_body_not_yet_fetched">"Encounters have not yet been checked."</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - last successful update -->
<string name="risk_card_body_time_fetched">"Updated: %1$s"</string>
<string name="risk_card_body_next_update">"Updated daily"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - hint to open the app daily -->
<string name="risk_card_body_open_daily">"Note: Please open the app daily to update your risk status."</string>
<!-- XBUT: risk card - update risk with time display -->
<string name="risk_card_button_cooldown">"Update in %1$s"</string>
<string name="risk_card_button_enable_tracing">"Activate Exposure Logging"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - tracing is off, user should activate to get an updated risk level -->
<string name="risk_card_body_tracing_off">"Activate exposure logging to evaluate your risk status today."</string>
<string name="risk_card_low_risk_headline">"Low Risk"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk card - increased risk headline -->
<string name="risk_card_increased_risk_headline">"Increased Risk"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - increased risk days since last contact -->
<plurals name="risk_card_increased_risk_body_contact_last">
<item quantity="one">"%1$s day since the last encounter"</item>
<item quantity="other">"%1$s days since the last encounter"</item>
<item quantity="zero">"%1$s days since the last encounter"</item>
<item quantity="two">"%1$s days since the last encounter"</item>
<item quantity="few">"%1$s days since the last encounter"</item>
<item quantity="many">"%1$s days since the last encounter"</item>
<!-- XHED: risk card - unknown risk headline -->
<string name="risk_card_unknown_risk_headline">"Unknown Risk"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - tracing isn't active long enough, so a new risk level can't be calculated -->
<string name="risk_card_unknown_risk_body">"Since you have not activated exposure logging for long enough, we could not calculate your risk of infection."</string>
<!-- XHED: risk card - tracing stopped headline, due to no possible calculation -->
<string name="risk_card_no_calculation_possible_headline">"Exposure logging stopped"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - last successfully calculated risk level -->
<string name="risk_card_no_calculation_possible_body_saved_risk">"Last exposure logging:"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"%1$s"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk card - outdated risk headline, calculation isn't possible -->
<string name="risk_card_outdated_risk_headline">"Exposure logging is not possible"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - outdated risk, calculation couldn't be updated in the last 24 hours -->
<string name="risk_card_outdated_risk_body">"Your exposure logging could not be updated for more than 24 hours."</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - outdated risk manual, calculation couldn't be updated in the last 48 hours -->
<string name="risk_card_outdated_manual_risk_body">"Your risk status has not been updated for more than 48 hours. Please update your risk status."</string>
<!-- XHED: risk card - loading headline, update is ongoing -->
<string name="risk_card_loading_headline">"Check is running…"</string>
<!-- XTXT: risk card - loading, data is downloaded and will be checked, this can take several minutes -->
<string name="risk_card_loading_body">"Current data is being downloaded and checked.\nThis can take several minutes."</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<string name="main_about_body">"Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the Corona-Warn-App. You will be forwarded to an external German government website."</string>
<string name="main_about_link">""</string>
<string name="hint_external_webpage">"Here you can find answers to frequently asked questions about the Corona-Warn-App. You will be forwarded to an external website."</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<string name="main_share_title">"Share the Corona-Warn-App"</string>
<string name="main_share_headline">"Let\'s fight coronavirus together"</string>
<string name="main_share_body">"The more people who use the app, the faster we can break the infection chain. Please invite your family and friends to download the app."</string>
<string name="main_share_button">"Send Download Link"</string>
<!-- YMSG: Message when sharing is executed -->
<string name="main_share_message">"Fighting coronavirus together"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"I\'m in on this, you too?"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="link_play_store">""</xliff:g>"\n"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g></string>
<!-- XACT: main (share) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
<string name="main_share_illustration_description">"A man shares the Corona-Warn-App with four other persons."</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->

<!-- XHED: App overview page title -->
<string name="main_overview_accessibility_title">"Overview"</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for tracing explanation-->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_tracing">"Exposure Logging"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body text about tracing -->
<string name="main_overview_body_tracing">"Exposure logging is one of the three central features of the app. When you activate it, encounters with people\'s devices are logged. You don\'t have to do anything else."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk explanation -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk">"Risk of Infection"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body text about risk levels -->
<string name="main_overview_body_risk">"If you have had contact within the last 14 days with a person who was diagnosed with COVID-19, the app calculates your personal risk of infection. It does this by measuring duration and proximity of the exposure."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for risk level list -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_risk_levels">"The following risk status can be shown:"</string>

<!-- XTXT: App overview increased risk level -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_increased_risk">"Increased Risk"</string>

<!-- XTXT: App overview low risk level -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_low_risk">"Low Risk"</string>

<!-- XTXT: App overview unknown risk level -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_unknown_risk">"Unknown Risk"</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for test procedure explanation -->
<string name="main_overview_headline_test">"Notifying Other Users"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body text about rest procedure -->
<string name="main_overview_body_test">"Another central feature is registering your test and retrieving the result. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you can notify others and break the chain of infection."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview headline for glossary -->
<string name="main_overview_headline_glossary">"Definition of Terms:"</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary key storage -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_tracing">"Exposure Log"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary key storage -->
<string name="main_overview_body_glossary_tracing">"List of received and temporary random IDs saved temporarily in the operating system storage. This list is read when the exposures are checked. All random IDs are automatically deleted after 14 days."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary risk calculation -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_calculation">"Exposure Check"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary risk calculation -->
<string name="main_overview_body_glossary_calculation">"Exposure log data is retrieved and synchronized with reported infections of other users. The exposure check is performed automatically about every two hours."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary contact -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_contact">"Exposures"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary contact -->
<string name="main_overview_body_glossary_contact">"Encounters over an extended period and in close proximity to a person diagnosed with COVID-19."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary notifications -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_notification">"Exposure Notification"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary notifications -->
<string name="main_overview_body_glossary_notification">"The display of exposures in the Corona-Warn-App."</string>

<!-- XHED: App overview subtitle for glossary keys -->
<string name="main_overview_subtitle_glossary_keys">"Random ID"</string>

<!-- YTXT: App overview body for glossary keys -->
<string name="main_overview_body_glossary_keys">"Random IDs are combinations of digits and letters generated randomly. They are exchanged between devices in close proximity. Random IDs cannot be traced to a specific person and are automatically deleted after 14 days. Persons diagnosed with COVID-19 can opt to share their random IDs of up to the last 14 days with other app users."</string>
<!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
<string name="main_overview_illustration_description">"A smartphone displays various content, numbered 1 to 3."</string>
<string name="main_title">"Main page of the Corona-Warn-App"</string>
<!-- ####################################
Risk Details
###################################### -->
<!-- XHED: risk details - page title, in toolbar -->
<string name="risk_details_title">"Your Risk Status"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - headline for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
<string name="risk_details_additional_info_title">"Exposures with low risk"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - subtitle for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
<string name="risk_details_additional_info_subtitle">"Why your risk of infection is low"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - text for additional info in case of encounter with low risk -->
<string name="risk_details_additional_info_text">"You encountered a person who was later diagnosed with COVID-19. Nevertheless, based on your exposure logging data, your risk of infection is low. The risk is low if your encounter was brief or occurred at a distance. You do not need to worry and there is no specific need for action. We recommend that you adhere to the prevailing rules regarding distancing and hygiene."</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - headline, how a user should act -->
<string name="risk_details_headline_behavior">"Guidelines"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - multiline headline, bold, how to act correct -->
<string name="risk_details_subtitle_behavior">"This is what you should do"</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - go/stay home, something like a bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_home">"If possible, please go home and stay at home."</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - get in touch with the corresponding people, something like a bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_body_contact_doctor">"If you have questions about symptoms, testing availability, or self-isolation, please contact one of the following:"</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - wash your hands, something like a bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_body_wash_hands">"Wash your hands regularly, with soap, for 20 seconds."</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - wear a face mask, something like a bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_body_wear_mask">"Wear a face mask when you encounter other people."</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - stay 1,5 away, something like a bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_body_stay_away">"Keep at least 1.5 meters distance from other people."</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - cough/sneeze, something like a bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_body_cough_sneeze">"Sneeze or cough into your elbow or a tissue."</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - contact your doctor, bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_increased_body_1">"Your general practitioner"</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - panel doctor on-call service, bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_increased_body_2">"General medical emergency service on telephone number 116117"</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - public health department, bullet point -->
<string name="risk_details_behavior_increased_body_3">"Your public health authority"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - infection risk headline, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_headline_infection_risk">"Risk of Infection"</string>

Philipp Woessner
<!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged headling, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_headline_period_logged">"Period logged"</string>

Philipp Woessner
<!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged headling, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_subtitle_period_logged">"This period is included in the calculation."</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged">"Your risk of infection can be calculated only for periods during which exposure logging was active. The logging feature should therefore remain active permanently."</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - infection period logged information body, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_period_logged_assessment">"Exposure logging covers the past 14 days. During this time, the logging feature on your device was active for %1$s days. The app automatically deletes older logs, as these are no longer relevant for infection prevention."</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level was calculated, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk_past">"This is how your risk was calculated"</string>
<!-- XHED: risk details - how your risk level will be calculated, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_subtitle_infection_risk">"This is how your risk is calculated"</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - risk couldn't be calculated tracing wasn't enabled long enough, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_unknown_risk">"Since you have not activated exposure logging for long enough, we could not calculate your risk of infection."</string>
<!-- XMSG: risk details - risk calculation wasn't possible for 24h, below behaviors -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_outdated_risk">"Your exposure logging could not be updated for more than 24 hours."</string>
<!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk">"You have a low risk of infection because no exposure to people later diagnosed with COVID-19 was logged, or because your encounters were only for a short time and at a greater distance."</string>
<!-- YTXT: risk details - low risk explanation text with encounter with low risk -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_low_risk_with_encounter">"The risk of infection is calculated locally on your smartphone, using exposure logging data. The calculation also takes into account distance and duration of any exposure to persons diagnosed with COVID-19, as well as their potential infectiousness. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by or passed on to anyone else."</string>
<!-- YTXT: risk details - increased risk explanation text with variable for day(s) since last contact -->
<plurals name="risk_details_information_body_increased_risk">
<item quantity="one">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
<item quantity="other">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
<item quantity="zero">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
<item quantity="two">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
<item quantity="few">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
<item quantity="many">"You have an increased risk of infection because you were last exposed %1$s days ago over a longer period of time and at close proximity to at least one person diagnosed with COVID-19."</item>
<!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_notice">"Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."</string>

Philipp Woessner
<!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for low risk -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_low">"Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as low. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else."</string>

Philipp Woessner
<!-- YTXT: risk details - risk calculation explanation for increased risk -->
<string name="risk_details_information_body_notice_increased">"Therefore, your risk of infection has been ranked as increased. Your risk of infection is calculated from the exposure logging data (duration and proximity) locally on your device. Your risk of infection cannot be seen by, or passed on to, anyone else. When you get home, please also avoid close contact with members of your family or household."</string>
<string name="risk_details_button_update">@string/risk_card_button_update</string>
<string name="risk_details_button_enable_tracing">@string/risk_card_button_enable_tracing</string>
<string name="risk_details_accessibility_title">"Your Risk Status"</string>
<!-- XHED: one time risk explanation dialog title -->
<string name="risk_details_explanation_dialog_title">"Information about exposure logging functionality"</string>
<!-- YTXT: one time risk explanation dialog - pointing to the faq page for more information-->
<string name="risk_details_explanation_dialog_faq_body">"For further information, please see our FAQ page."</string>

Ralf Gehrer
<!-- XLNK: risk explanations and information - pointing to the faq page for more information and contains hyperlink-->
<string name="risk_details_explanation_faq_body_with_link"><a href="">"For further information, please see our FAQ page."</a></string>
<!-- XLNK: FAQ URL pointing to the faq page in german. Need to use the URL for english for all other languages-->

Ralf Gehrer
<string name="risk_details_explanation_faq_link">""</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- XBUT: onboarding - forward and deny -->
<string name="onboarding_button_disable">"Do Not Activate"</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding - forward and allow -->
<string name="onboarding_button_enable">"Activate"</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding - back and cancel -->
<!-- XBUT: onboarding - next -->
<!-- XBUT: onboarding - start -->
<string name="onboarding_button_start">"Let’s Get Started"</string>
<!-- XTXT: onboarding - back description for screen reader -->
<string name="onboarding_button_back_description">"Back"</string>
<string name="onboarding_onboarding_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 1 of 6: Fighting coronavirus together"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - fight corona -->
<string name="onboarding_headline">"Let\'s fight coronavirus together"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(together) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
<string name="onboarding_subtitle">"More protection for you and for us all. By using the Corona-Warn-App we can break infection chains much quicker."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - inform about the app -->
<string name="onboarding_body">"Turn your device into a coronavirus warning system. Get an overview of your risk status and find out whether you\'ve had close contact with anyone diagnosed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(together) - explain application -->
<string name="onboarding_body_emphasized">"The app logs encounters between individuals by exchanging encrypted, random IDs between their devices, whereby no personal data whatsoever is accessed."</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(together) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_illustration_description">"A group of persons use their smartphones around town."</string>
<string name="onboarding_privacy_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 2 of 6: Data Privacy. A long text follows. To proceed at any time, use the button at the bottom of the screen."</string>
<string name="onboarding_privacy_headline">"Data Privacy"</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(privacy) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_privacy_illustration_description">"A woman uses the Corona-Warn-App on her smartphone. An icon showing a padlock on the background of a shield symbolizes encrypted data."</string>
<string name="onboarding_tracing_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 3 of 6: How to Enable Exposure Logging"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - how to enable tracing -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_headline">"How to Enable Exposure Logging"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_subtitle">"To identify whether you are at risk of infection, you must activate the exposure logging feature."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_body">"Exposure logging works by your smartphone receiving, via Bluetooth, encrypted random IDs of other users and passing your own random IDs to their smartphones. Exposure logging can be deactivated at any time."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - explain tracing -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_body_emphasized">"The encrypted random IDs only pass information about date, duration, and proximity (calculated from signal strength) to other people. Individuals cannot be identified based on the random IDs."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link-->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_easy_language_explanation"><a href="">"App Information in Simplified Language and Sign Language"</a></string>
<!-- NOTR: onboarding(tracing) - easy language explain tracing link URL-->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_easy_language_explanation_url">""</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_button_next">"Activate Exposure Logging"</string>
<!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing permission declined -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_dialog_headline">"Authorization"</string>
<!-- YMSI: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about tracing -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_dialog_body">"This means the Corona-Warn-App cannot send or receive notifications about your COVID-19 risk status. You can deactivate this feature at any time."</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - positive button (right) -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_dialog_button_positive">"Do Not Activate"</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - negative button (right) -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_dialog_button_negative">"Back"</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about background jobs header text -->
<string name="onboarding_background_fetch_dialog_headline">"Background updates deactivated"</string>
<!-- YMSI: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about background jobs -->
<string name="onboarding_background_fetch_dialog_body">"You have deactivated background updates for the Corona-Warn-App. Please activate background updates to use automatic exposure logging. If you do not activate background updates, you can only start exposure logging manually in the app. You can activate background updates for the app in your device settings."</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about background jobs, open device settings -->
<string name="onboarding_background_fetch_dialog_button_positive">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about background jobs, continue in app -->
<string name="onboarding_background_fetch_dialog_button_negative">"Start Exposure Logging Manually"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about energy optimized header text -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="onboarding_energy_optimized_dialog_headline">"Allow prioritized background activity"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- YMSI: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about energy optimized -->
<string name="onboarding_energy_optimized_dialog_body">"Enable prioritized background activity to allow the App to determine your risk status in the background any time (recommended). This disables battery life optimization for the Corona-Warn-App only. We do not expect this to cause a significant decrease in your device\'s battery life.\n\nIf you do not allow this setting, we recommend you to open the App manually at least once every 24 hours."</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about energy optimized, open device settings -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="onboarding_energy_optimized_dialog_button_positive">"Allow"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about energy optimized, continue in app -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="onboarding_energy_optimized_dialog_button_negative">"Do Not Allow"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking header text -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_headline">"Prioritized background activity disabled"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- YMSI: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking -->
<string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_body">"Please note that with prioritized background activity disabled, you have to open the App manually at least once every 24 hours to update your risk status.\n\nYou can enable prioritized background activity in your settings any time."</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - dialog about manual checking button -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="onboarding_manual_required_dialog_button">"OK"</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(tracing) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_illustration_description">"Three people have activated exposure logging on their devices, which will log their encounters with each other."</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XHED: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth headline -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_location_headline">"Allow location access"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XTXT: onboarding(tracing) - location explanation for bluetooth body text -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_location_body">"Your location cannot be accessed. Google and/or Android requires access to your device\'s location to use Bluetooth."</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XBUT: onboarding(tracing) - button enable tracing -->
<string name="onboarding_tracing_location_button">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<string name="onboarding_test_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 5 of 6: If you are diagnosed with COVID-19..."</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - about positive tests -->
<string name="onboarding_test_headline">"If you are diagnosed with COVID-19…"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(test) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
<string name="onboarding_test_subtitle">"… please report this in the Corona-Warn-App. Sharing your test results is voluntary and secure. Please do this for the sake of everyone\'s health."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(test) - explain test -->
<string name="onboarding_test_body">"Your notification is encrypted securely and processed on a secure server. People whose encrypted random IDs your device has collected will now receive a warning along with information about what they should now do."</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(test) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_test_illustration_description">"An encrypted positive test diagnosis is transmitted to the system, which will now warn other users."</string>
<string name="onboarding_notifications_accessibility_title">"Onboarding page 6 of 6: Receive warnings and identify risks"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(datashare) - about positive tests -->
<string name="onboarding_notifications_headline">"Receive warnings and identify risks"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding(datashare) - two/three line headline under an illustration -->
<string name="onboarding_notifications_subtitle">"The app can notify you automatically about your risk status and warn you about new infections of people you have been exposed to. Allow the app now to notify you."</string>
<!-- YTXT: onboarding(datashare) - explain test -->
<string name="onboarding_notifications_body">"You can then self-isolate to protect others and find out where you can get tested."</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(notifications) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_notifications_illustration_description">"A woman receives a notification from her Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- ####################################
Onboarding sixteen include
###################################### -->
<!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
<string name="sixteen_title_text">"Age Limit: 16 and Up"</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding(sixteen) title -->
<string name="sixteen_description_text">"The use of this app is intended for persons who are at least 16 years of age and who reside in Germany."</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- XHED: settings - settings overview page title -->
<!-- XTXT: settings - on, like a label next to a setting -->
<!-- XTXT: settings - off, like a label next to a setting -->
<!-- XHED: settings(tracing) - page title -->
<string name="settings_tracing_title">"Exposure Logging"</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(tracing) - headline bellow illustration -->
<string name="settings_tracing_headline">"How exposure logging works"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explain text in settings overview under headline -->
<string name="settings_tracing_body_description">"Allow creation and sharing of COVID-19 random IDs."</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, active -->
<string name="settings_tracing_body_active">"Exposure Logging Active"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive -->
<string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive">"Exposure logging stopped"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, inactive location -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="settings_tracing_body_inactive_location">"Location services deactivated"</string>
<!-- YTXT: settings(tracing) - explains tracings -->
<string name="settings_tracing_body_text">"You need to enable the exposure logging feature so that the app can determine whether you are at risk after encountering an infected app user. The exposure logging feature works transnationally, meaning any possible exposure involving users is also detected by other official coronavirus apps.\n\nThe exposure logging feature works by your smartphone receiving encrypted random IDs from other users via Bluetooth and passing your own random IDs to their smartphones. Every day, the app downloads a list containing the random IDs – along with any voluntary information about the onset of symptoms – of all users who have tested positive for the virus and voluntarily shared this information via their app. This list is then compared with the random IDs of other users that have been recorded by your smartphone, in order to calculate the likelihood that you have also been infected and to warn you if necessary. You can use the toggle switch to disable exposure logging at any time.\n\nThe app never collects personal data such as your name, address or location, nor is this information passed on to other users. It is not possible to use random IDs to draw conclusions about individual persons."</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_active">"Active"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_inactive">"Stopped"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - status next to switch under title -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_restricted">"Restricted"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, no internet -->
<string name="settings_tracing_body_connection_inactive">"No Internet connection"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - shows status under header in home, no bluetooth -->
<string name="settings_tracing_body_bluetooth_inactive">"Bluetooth turned off"</string>
<!--XHED : settings(tracing) - headline on card about the current status and what to do -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_bluetooth_headline">"Turn on Bluetooth"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains user what to do on card if bluetooth is disabled -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_bluetooth_body">"Bluetooth must be turned on for exposure logging in order to log encounters. Please turn on Bluetooth in your device settings."</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(tracing) - go to operating system settings button on card -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_bluetooth_button">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<!--XHED : settings(tracing) - headline on card about the current status and what to do -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_location_headline">"Allow location access"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains user what to do on card if location is disabled -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_location_body">"Activate your location services. Bluetooth Low Energy requires activated location services to calculate physical distances, but does not access your location. For further information, please see our FAQ page."</string>

<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains user what to do on card if location is disabled: URL -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_location_body_url">""</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(tracing) - go to operating system settings button on card - location -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_location_button">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<!--XHED : settings(tracing) - headline on card about the current status and what to do -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_headline">"Open Internet connection"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains user what to do on card if connection is disabled -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_body">"Exposure logging requires an Internet connection to calculate exposures. Please turn on WIFI or mobile data in your device settings."</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(tracing) - go to operating system settings button on card -->
<string name="settings_tracing_status_connection_button">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(tracing) - explains the circle progress indicator to the right with the current value -->
<plurals name="settings_tracing_status_body_active">
<item quantity="one">"Exposure logging has been active for one day.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
<item quantity="other">"Exposure logging has been active for %1$s days.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
<item quantity="zero">"Exposure logging has been active for %1$s days.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
<item quantity="two">"Exposure logging has been active for %1$s days.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
<item quantity="few">"Exposure logging has been active for %1$s days.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
<item quantity="many">"Exposure logging has been active for %1$s days.\nAn exposure check can only be reliable if exposure logging is permanently activated."</item>
<!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
<string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_active">"Three people have activated exposure logging on their devices, which will log their encounters with each other."</string>
<!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
<string name="settings_tracing_illustration_description_inactive">"A person has deactivated exposure logging on their smartphone, so an encounter with two other persons is not logged."</string>
<!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
<string name="settings_tracing_bluetooth_illustration_description_inactive">"A person has turned off Bluetooth on their smartphone, so an encounter with two other persons is not logged."</string>
<!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
<string name="settings_tracing_location_illustration_description_inactive" />
<!-- XACT: settings(tracing) - describes illustration -->
<string name="settings_tracing_connection_illustration_description_inactive">"A person has turned off the Internet connection on their smartphone, so an encounter with two other persons is not logged."</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(notification) - notification page title -->
<string name="settings_notifications_title">"Notifications"</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(notification) - multiline headline below illustration, active -->
<string name="settings_notifications_headline_active">"Do you want to activate notifications of your COVID-19 risk status?"</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(notification) - multiline headline below illustration, inactive -->
<string name="settings_notifications_headline_inactive">"Notifications are deactivated"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - text in row on settings overview -->
<string name="settings_notifications_body_description">"Allow automatic notifications of COVID-19 risk status"</string>
<!-- YTXT: settings(notification) - description text when it notifications are enabled -->
<string name="settings_notifications_body_active">"Specify which areas you want to continue to receive notifications for."</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - explains what the user has to do to activate settings -->
<string name="settings_notifications_body_inactive">"To activate notifications, you must allow notifications for the Corona-Warn-App in your device settings."</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(notification) - card headline -->
<string name="settings_notifications_headline_card">"Activate Notifications"</string>
<!-- XHED: settings - notification headline on settings overview -->
<string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_notification">"Notifications"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
<string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_risk">"Your risk of infection changed"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(notification) - next to a switch -->
<string name="settings_notifications_subtitle_update_test">"Status of your COVID-19 test"</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(notification) - go to operating settings -->
<string name="settings_notifications_button_open_settings">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, active -->
<string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_active">"A woman receives a notification from her Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image, displays notificatin status, inactive -->
<string name="settings_notifications_illustration_description_inactive">"A woman has deactivated notifications for her Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings - go to reset application -->
<!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the user what do expect when he navigates to reset -->
<string name="settings_reset_body_description">"Delete all your data in the app."</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(reset) - multiline headline below illustration -->
<string name="settings_reset_headline">"Are you sure you want to reset the app?"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - explains the consequences -->
<string name="settings_reset_body">"You will no longer be notified of your exposures and you will no longer be able to warn other users."</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(reset) - on card, explains user to go to the operating system settings -->
<string name="settings_reset_headline_keys">"Delete Exposure "<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Log"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(reset) - on card -->
<string name="settings_reset_body_keys">"The exposure log must be deleted separately in your device settings."</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(reset) - triggers reset -->
<string name="settings_reset_button_positive">"Reset App"</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(reset) - cancel reset and navigates the suer back to the settings -->
<string name="settings_reset_button_negative">"Cancel"</string>
<!-- XACT: main (overview) - illustraction description, explanation image -->
<string name="settings_reset_illustration_description">"A hand holds a smartphone displaying a symbol indicating that the app is being reset."</string>
<string name="settings_reset_dialog_headline">"Reset App"</string>
<string name="settings_reset_dialog_body">"You will no longer be notified of your exposures and you will no longer be able to warn other users. This procedure cannot be undone."</string>
<string name="settings_reset_dialog_button_cancel">"Cancel"</string>
<string name="settings_reset_dialog_button_confirm">"Reset"</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(background priority) - notification page title -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_title">"Prioritized Background Activity"</string>
<!-- XTXT: settings(background priority) - text in row on settings overview -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_body_description">"Allow automatic risk status updates"</string>
<!-- XHED: settings(background priority) - multiline headline below illustration -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_headline">"Update Risk Status Automatically"</string>
<!-- YTXT: settings(background priority) - description text -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_body">"If you activate prioritized background activity, the App can determine your risk status at any time. This disables battery life optimization for the Corona-Warn-App only."</string>
<!-- XACT: settings(background priority) - illustraction description -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_illustration_description" />
<!-- XTXT: settings(background priority) - explains user what to do on card if background priority is enabled -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_card_body">"To disable prioritized background activity, please deactivate it in the device settings."</string>
<!-- XBUT: settings(background priority) - go to operating system settings button on card -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_card_button">"Open Device Settings"</string>
<!-- XHED : settings(background priority) - headline on card about the current status and what to do -->
<string name="settings_background_priority_card_headline">"Disable prioritized background activity"</string>
<!-- ####################################
App Information
###################################### -->
<!-- XHED: Page title for menu information page -->
<string name="information_title">"App Information"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for about information page, also menu item / button text -->
<string name="information_about_title">"About the App"</string>
<!-- XHED: Subtitle for about information page -->
<string name="information_about_headline">"Let\'s fight coronavirus together"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
<string name="information_about_body_emphasized">"Robert Koch Institute (RKI) is Germany’s federal public health body. The RKI publishes the Corona-Warn-App on behalf of the Federal Government. The app is intended as a digital complement to public health measures already introduced: social distancing, hygiene, and face masks."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for about information page -->
<string name="information_about_body">"People who use the app help to trace and break chains of infection. The app saves encounters with other people locally on your device. You are notified if you have encountered people who were later diagnosed with COVID-19. Your identity and privacy are always protected."</string>
<!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
<string name="information_about_illustration_description">"A group of persons use their smartphones around town."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for privacy information page, also menu item / button text -->
<string name="information_privacy_title">"Data Privacy"</string>
<!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
<string name="information_privacy_illustration_description">"A woman uses the Corona-Warn-App on her smartphone. An icon showing a padlock on the background of a shield symbolizes encrypted data."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Path to the full blown privacy html, to translate it exchange "_de" to "_en" and provide the corresponding html file -->
<string name="information_privacy_html_path">"privacy_en.html"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for terms of use information page, also menu item / button text -->
<string name="information_terms_title">"Terms of Use"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for terms of use information page -->
<string name="information_terms_headline">"Content"</string>
<!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
<string name="information_terms_illustration_description">"A hand holds a smartphone displaying a large body of text on the screen. Next to the text is a tick mark symbolizing that the terms of use have been accepted."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Path to the full blown terms html, to translate it exchange "_de" to "_en" and provide the corresponding html file -->
<string name="information_terms_html_path">"terms_en.html"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for technical contact and hotline information page, also menu item / button text -->
<string name="information_contact_title">"Technical Hotline"</string>
<!-- XHED: Subtitle for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_headline">"How can we help you?"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_body">"For technical questions about the Corona-Warn-App, please contact our hotline.\n\nPersons with hearing impairments can use Tess Relay services (interpreting between German written language and sign language) to contact the phone hotline. You can download the software from the App Store/Google Play."</string>
<!-- XHED: Subtitle for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_subtitle_phone">"Technical hotline:"</string>
<!-- XLNK: Button / hyperlink to phone call for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_button_phone">"+49 800 7540001"</string>
<string name="information_contact_phone_call_number">"+49 800 7540001"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body text for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_body_phone">"Our customer service is here to help."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_body_open">"Languages: German, English, Turkish\nBusiness hours:"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Monday to Saturday: 7am - 10pm"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n(except national holidays)"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\nThe call is free of charge."</xliff:g></string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for technical contact and hotline information page -->
<string name="information_contact_body_other">"If you have any health-related questions, please contact your general practitioner or the hotline for the medical emergency service, telephone: 116 117."</string>
<!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
<string name="information_contact_illustration_description">"A man wears a headset while making a phone call."</string>
<!-- XLNK: Menu item / hyper link / button text for navigation to FAQ website -->
<string name="information_help_title_accessibility">"Frequently asked questions. You will be forwarded to an external web site."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for technical information page, also menu item / button text -->
<string name="information_technical_title">"Legal Notices"</string>
<!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
<string name="information_technical_illustration_description">"A hand holds a smartphone displaying a large body of text on the screen. Next to the text is a balance scale that symbolizes legal notices."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Path to the full blown legal html, to translate it exchange "_de" to "_en" and provide the corresponding html file -->
<string name="information_technical_html_path">"technical_en.html"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for legal information page, also menu item / button text -->
<string name="information_legal_title">"Imprint"</string>
<!-- XHED: Headline for legal information page, publisher section -->
<string name="information_legal_headline_publisher">"Published by"</string>
<!-- YTXT: subtitle for legal information page, publisher section -->
<string name="information_legal_subtitle_publisher">"(responsible in accordance with § 5, para. 1 TMG, § 55 para. 1 RStV, DS-GVO, BDSG)"</string>
<!-- YTXT: body for legal information page, publisher section -->
<string name="information_legal_body_publisher">"Robert Koch Institute"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"Nordufer 20"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"13353 Berlin"<xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g><xliff:g id="line_break">"\n"</xliff:g>"represented by its president"</string>
<!-- XHED: Headline for legal information page, contact section -->
<string name="information_legal_headline_contact">"Contact"</string>
<!-- YTXT: subtitle for legal information page, contact section -->
<string name="information_legal_subtitle_contact">"E-mail:"</string>
<!-- YTXT: subtitle for legal information page, open contact form : Only has to be translated in URL for English FOrm-->
<string name="information_legal_subtitle_contact_label">"Contact Form"</string>
<!-- YTXT: subtitle for legal information page url : Only has to be translated in URL for English FOrm-->
<string name="information_legal_subtitle_contact_url">""</string>
<!-- NOTR: subtitle for legal information page, open contact form for languages other than English and German -->
<string name="information_legal_subtitle_contact_form_non_en_de">"Contact Form in "<a href="">"English"</a>" or "<a href="">"German"</a></string>
<!-- XHED: Headline for legal information page, tax section -->
<string name="information_legal_headline_taxid">"VAT identification\nnumber"</string>
<!-- YTXT: subtitle for legal information page, tax section -->
<string name="information_legal_subtitle_taxid">"DE 165 893 430"</string>
<!-- XACT: describes illustration -->
<string name="information_legal_illustration_description">"A hand holds a smartphone displaying a large body of text on the screen. Next to the text is a section symbol representing the imprint."</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- XHED: headline for consent information -->
<string name="interop_consent_headline">"Consent"</string>
<!-- ####################################
###################################### -->
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for generic web request error -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_generic_error_title">"Error"</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for generic web request network error with status code -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_generic_network_error_body">"Connection could not be established (%1$d). Please try again."</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for generic web request error without status code -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_generic_error_body">"Connection could not be established. Please try again."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Positive button for generic web request error -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_generic_error_button_positive">"Back"</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: qr -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title">"QR code is invalid"</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test error: qr -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body">"The QR code is invalid or has been registered on another smartphone already. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, you will be notified by the public health authority."</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for already paired test error: tan -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_title_tan">"TAN is invalid"</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for already paired test via tan - error: tan -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_body_tan">"The TAN is invalid or has already been used. For further information, call the number listed under \"Request TAN\"."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Positive button for already paired test error -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_test_paired_button_positive">"Back"</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for could not create submission tan -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_paring_invalid_title">"Error"</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for could not create submission tan -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_paring_invalid_body">"A TAN for submission could not be generated. Please contact the technical hotline via App Information → Technical Hotline."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Positive button for could not create submission tan -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_paring_invalid_button_positive">"Back"</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for submission tan invalid -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_invalid_title">"Error"</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for submission tan invalid -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_invalid_body">"The generated TAN is invalid for submission. Please contact the technical hotline via App Information → Technical Hotline."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Positive button for submission tan invalid -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_invalid_button_positive">"Back"</string>

Kolya Opahle
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for submission tan redeemed -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_title">"Test has errors"</string>
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for submission tan redeemed -->

Philipp Woessner
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_body">"There was a problem evaluating your test. Your QR code has already expired."</string>

Kolya Opahle
<!-- XBUT: Positive button for submission tan redeemed -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_web_tan_redeemed_button_positive">"OK"</string>

Rituraj Sambherao
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for keys submission process cancellation -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_title">"Do you want to cancel?"</string>

Rituraj Sambherao
<!-- XMSG: Dialog body for keys submission process cancellation -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_body">"Your entries will not be saved."</string>

Rituraj Sambherao
<!-- XBUT: Positive button for keys submission process cancellation -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_positive">"Yes"</string>

Rituraj Sambherao
<!-- XBUT: Negative button for keys submission process cancellation -->
<string name="submission_error_dialog_confirm_cancellation_button_negative">"No"</string>

Rituraj Sambherao
<!-- Permission Rationale Dialog -->
<!-- XHED: Dialog headline QR Scan permission rationale -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_rationale_dialog_headline">"Camera authorization required"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for QR Scan permission rationale -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_rationale_dialog_body">"Allow the app to use the camera to scan the QR code."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Dialog(QR Scan permission rationale) - positive button (right) -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_rationale_dialog_button_positive">"Allow"</string>
<!-- XBUT: Dialog(QR Scan permission rationale) - negative button (left) -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_rationale_dialog_button_negative">"Do Not Allow"</string>
<!-- Permission Denied Dialog -->
<!-- XHED: Dialog headline QR Scan permission denied -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_denied_dialog_headline">"Camera access needed"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for QR Scan permission denied -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_denied_dialog_body">"Please call up the system settings and allow the app to use the camera to scan the QR code."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Dialog(QR Scan permission denied) - button -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_permission_denied_dialog_button">"OK"</string>
<!-- QR Code Scan Invalid Dialog -->
<!-- XHED: Dialog headline for invalid QR code -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_headline">"QR code is invalid"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for invalid QR code -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_body">"The QR code is invalid or has been registered on another smartphone already. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - positive button (right) -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_positive">"Please try again."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Dialog(Invalid QR code) - negative button (left) -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_invalid_dialog_button_negative">"Cancel"</string>
<!-- QR Code Scan Screen -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_title">"Position the QR code in the frame."</string>
<!-- YTXT: instruction text for QR code scanning -->
<string name="submission_qr_code_scan_body">"Position the QR code in the frame."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for test result -->
<string name="submission_test_result_headline">"Test Result"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page subheadline for test result -->
<string name="submission_test_result_subtitle">"How this works:"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for results next steps -->
<string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_heading">"Test added successfully"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for for results next steps -->
<string name="submission_test_result_steps_added_body">"Your test has been stored in the Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for pending test result next steps -->
<string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_heading">"Test result is not yet available"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of waiting test result page -->
<string name="submission_test_result_pending_steps_waiting_body">"Your test result is not yet available."</string>
<!-- XBUT: test result pending : refresh button -->
<string name="submission_test_result_pending_refresh_button">"Update"</string>
<!-- XBUT: test result pending : remove the test button -->
<string name="submission_test_result_pending_remove_test_button">"Delete Test"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XHED: Page headline for positive test result screen -->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_steps_positive_heading">"Your Test Result"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of test positive result-->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_steps_positive_body">"Your test result was verified as positive."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for negative test result next steps -->
<string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_heading">"Your Test Result"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of test negative result -->
<string name="submission_test_result_negative_steps_negative_body">"The laboratory result indicates no verification that you have coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.\n\nPlease delete the test from the Corona-Warn-App, so that you can save a new test code here if necessary."</string>
<!-- XBUT: negative test result : remove the test button -->
<string name="submission_test_result_negative_remove_test_button">"Delete Test"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for other warnings screen -->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_steps_warning_others_heading">"Warning Others"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for for other warnings screen-->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_steps_warning_others_body">"Share your random IDs and warn others.\nHelp determine the risk of infection for others more accurately by also indicating when you first noticed any coronavirus symptoms."</string>
<!-- XBUT: positive test result : continue button -->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_continue_button">"Next"</string>
<!-- XBUT: positive test result : continue button with symptoms-->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_continue_button_with_symptoms">"Enter Symptoms"</string>
<!-- XBUT: positive test result : continue button without symptoms -->
<string name="submission_test_result_positive_continue_button_wo_symptoms">"Don’t Enter Symptoms"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for invalid test result screen -->
<string name="submission_test_result_invalid_steps_invalid_heading">"Your Test Result"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for next steps section of invalid test result-->
<string name="submission_test_result_invalid_steps_invalid_body">"There was a problem evaluating your test. Please contact the test center or laboratory involved to find out how to proceed.\n\nPlease delete the test from your Corona-Warn-App so that you will be able to save a new test code there, if necessary."</string>
<!-- XBUT: invalid test result : remove the test button -->
<string name="submission_test_result_invalid_remove_test_button">"Delete Test"</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for tracing required dailog -->
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_tracing_required_title">"Exposure Logging required"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dialog text for tracing required dialog-->
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_tracing_required_message">"Please activate exposure logging to warn other people."</string>
<!-- XBUT: tracing required : OK button -->
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_tracing_required_button">"OK"</string>
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"The test can only be scanned once."</string>
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"If you remove the test, you can no longer retrieve your test result. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with COVID-19, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_positive">"Remove"</string>
<string name="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_button_negative">"Cancel"</string>
<!-- XHED: Title for test result card positive -->
<string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_title">"SARS-CoV-2 positive"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for test result card positive -->
<string name="submission_test_result_card_positive_body">"You have been diagnosed with the SARS-CoV-2 virus."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for TAN submission pge -->
<!-- YTXT: Body text for the tan submission page -->
<string name="submission_tan_body">"Please enter the 10-digit TAN that you were given."</string>
<!-- XBUT: Submit TAN button -->
<string name="submission_tan_accessibility_title">"TAN entry"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Error text for the tan submission page -->
<string name="submission_tan_error">"Invalid TAN. Please check your entry."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Error text for the tan submission page (wrong characters) -->
<string name="submission_tan_character_error">"Your entry contains invalid characters. Please check your entry."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for menu at the start of the submission process -->
<string name="submission_intro_title">"Have you been tested?"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for menu the at start of the submission process -->
<string name="submission_intro_headline">"This is how the Corona-Warn-App works"</string>

Philipp Woessner
<string name="submission_intro_text">"For the app to work well, we are relying on the support of people who were diagnosed with COVID-19.\n\nSince only encrypted random IDs are exchanged, you will remain anonymous. You can now proceed as follows:"</string>
<!-- XBUT: Submission introduction next button-->
<string name="submission_intro_button_next">"Next"</string>
<!-- XACT: Submission intro - illustration description, explanation image -->
<string name="submission_intro_illustration_description">"An encrypted positive test diagnosis is transmitted to the system, which will now warn other users."</string>
<!-- YTXT: submission introduction bullet points -->
<string-array name="submission_intro_bullet_points">
<item>"If you have been diagnosed with COVID-19, you can notify others."</item>
<item>"If you were given a TAN for a positive diagnosis, you can use this to register the test."</item>
<item>"If you do not have a TAN, you can request one by telephone."</item>
<string name="submission_intro_accessibility_title">"Have you been tested? This is how the Corona-Warn-App works"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for dispatcher menu -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_headline">"Selection"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page subheadline for dispatcher menu -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_subheadline">"What information do you have?"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for QR code option -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_card_qr">"Document with QR code"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for QR code dispatcher option -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_card_text">"Register your test by scanning the QR code of your test document."</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog headline for dispatcher QR prviacy dialog -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_headline">"Declaration of Consent"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- YTXT: Dialog Body text for dispatcher QR privacy dialog -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_body">"By tapping on “Accept”, you consent to the App querying the status of your coronavirus test and displaying it in the App. This feature is available to you if you have received a QR code and have consented to your test result being transmitted to the App’s server system. As soon as the testing lab has stored your test result on the server, you will be able to see the result in the App. If you have enabled notifications, you will also receive a notification outside the App telling you that your test result has been received. However, for privacy reasons, the test result itself will only be displayed in the App. You can withdraw this consent at any time by deleting your test registration in the App. Withdrawing your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing before its withdrawal. Further information can be found in the menu under “Data Privacy Information”."</string>
<!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - positive button (right) -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_button_positive">"Accept"</string>
<!-- XBUT: submission(dispatcher QR Dialog) - negative button (left) -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_qr_privacy_dialog_button_negative">"Do Not Accept"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TAN code option -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_code">"TAN"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for TAN code dispatcher option -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_code_card_text">"Register your test by entering your TAN manually."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dispatcher text for TELE-TAN option -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_card_tan_tele">"Request TAN"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for TELE_TAN dispatcher option -->
<string name="submission_dispatcher_tan_tele_card_text">"Please call us if you have been diagnosed with COVID-19."</string>
<string name="submission_dispatcher_accessibility_title">"What information do you have?"</string>
<!-- Submission Positive Other Warning -->
<!-- XHED: Page title for the positive result additional warning page-->
<string name="submission_positive_other_warning_title">"Warning Others"</string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for the positive result additional warning page-->
<string name="submission_positive_other_warning_headline">"Please help all of us!"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body text for the positive result additional warning page-->
<string name="submission_positive_other_warning_body">"Next, you can make sure that others are notified of their potential exposure.\n\nTo do so, you can send your own random IDs from the last 14 days and, optionally, information about when you first noticed potential corona symptoms, to the exchange server operated jointly by all participating countries. From there, your random IDs and any other information you choose to provide will be distributed to the users of their official corona apps. This makes it possible to warn the other users of their potential exposure to you.\n\nOnly the random IDs are transmitted, along with any information you provide about when you noticed potential symptoms. No personal data, such as your name, address, or location, will be shared.."</string>
<!-- XBUT: other warning continue button -->
<string name="submission_positive_other_warning_button">"Accept"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- XACT: other warning - illustration description, explanation image -->
<string name="submission_positive_other_illustration_description">"A device transmits an encrypted positive test diagnosis to the system."</string>
<!-- XHED: Title for the interop country list-->
<string name="submission_interoperability_list_title">"The following countries currently participate in transnational exposure logging:"</string>

Oliver Zimmerman
<!-- Submission Country Selector -->
<!-- XHED: Page title for the submission country selection page -->
<string name="submission_positive_country_selection_title"></string>
<!-- XHED: Page headline for the submission country selection page -->
<string name="submission_positive_country_selection_headline"></string>
<!-- XHED: Country selector headline for the submission country selection page -->
<string name="submission_country_selector_headline"></string>
<!-- XHED: Country no selection headline for the submission country selection page -->
<string name="submission_country_no_selection_headline"></string>
<!-- YTXT: Data FAQ for the submission country selection page -->
<string name="submission_country_selection_data_faq_body"></string>
<!-- XBUT: submission country selection continue button -->
<string name="submission_country_selection_button"></string>
<!-- XHED: Page title for completed submission page -->
<!-- YTXT: Body text for completed submission page -->
<string name="submission_done_body">"You have made a valuable contribution. Thanks to your support, other people can now be warned and can react appropriately."</string>
<!-- XHED: Page subtitle for completed submission page -->
<string name="submission_done_subtitle">"Please note:"</string>
<!-- YTXT: text after submission: contagious -->
<string name="submission_done_contagious">"The public health authority will contact you within the next few days."</string>
<!-- YTXT: text after submission: isolate -->
<string name="submission_done_isolate">"Please isolate yourself from other people."</string>
<string name="submission_done_further_info_title">"Other information:"</string>
<!-- YTXT: submission done further info bullet points -->
<string-array name="submission_done_further_info_bullet_points">
<item>"Your quarantine period is usually 14 days. Please observe your symptoms and monitor how they develop."</item>
<item>"You will be asked by your public health authority to create a list of people you have had contact with. This should include all people with whom you have had close contact with (less than 2 meters, face-to-face conversation) for over 15 minutes in the two days before you developed symptoms."</item>
<item>"Please particularly consider people who will not be notified directly by the app since they don\'t own a smartphone, or haven\'t installed the app."</item>