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Unverified Commit 341b4791 authored by harambasicluka's avatar harambasicluka Committed by GitHub
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"Ihr Einverständnis" in Settings not translated (EXPOSUREAPP-5200) #2389

parent 637d4e5e
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<string name="ppa_onboarding_more_info_title" translatable="false">"Prüfung der Echtheit und Drittlandsübermittlung"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics additional info -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_more_info_body" translatable="false">"Um die Echtheit Ihrer App zu bestätigen, erzeugt Ihr Smartphone eine eindeutige Kennung, die Informationen über die Version Ihres Smartphones und der App enthält. Das ist erforderlich, um zu verhindern, dass Nutzer mehrfach der Befragung teilnehmen und so die Ergebnisse der Befragung verfälschen. Die Kennung wird hier einmalig an Google übermittelt. Dabei kann es auch zu einer Datenübermittlung in die USA kommen. Dort besteht kein dem europäischen Recht angemessenes Datenschutzniveau und Ihre europäischen Datenschutzrechte können eventuell nicht durchgesetzt werden. Insbesondere besteht die Möglichkeit, dass US-Sicherheitsbehörden, auch ohne einen konkreten Verdacht, auf die übermittelten Daten bei Google zugreifen und diese auswerten, beispielsweise indem sie Daten mit anderen Informationen verknüpfen. Dies betrifft nur die an Google übermittelte Kennung. Die weiteren Angaben über Ihre Teilnahme an der Befragung erhält Google nicht.\n\nWenn Sie mit der Drittlandsübermittlung nicht einverstanden sind, tippen Sie bitte nicht „Einverstanden“ an. Sie können die App weiterhin nutzen, eine Teilnahme an dieser Befragung ist dann jedoch nicht möglich."</string>
<!-- XTXT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - consent title -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_title" translatable="false">"Ihr Einverständnis"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics settings -->
<string name="ppa_settings_privacy_information_body" translatable="false">"Indem Sie oben „Datenspende“ aktivieren, willigen Sie ein:\n\nDie App übermittelt täglich von ihr erfasste Angaben an das RKI. Die Daten betreffen angezeigte Risiko-Begegnungen und Warnungen, durch Sie abgerufene Testergebnisse, ob Sie andere Nutzer gewarnt haben sowie Angaben über das Betriebssystem Ihres Smartphones. Wenn Sie oben weitere Angaben gemacht haben (Region, Altersgruppe), werden auch diese an das RKI übermittelt.\n\nDas RKI wird diese Daten zu Statistiken zusammenfassen und auswerten, um die Wirksamkeit und Funktionsweise der App zu bewerten und Rückschlüsse auf das Pandemiegeschehen zu ziehen. Die dabei gefundenen Erkenntnisse helfen bei der Verbesserung der Funktionen und Nutzerfreundlichkeit der App sowie bei der Steuerung anderer Maßnahmen der Pandemiebekämpfung.\n\nBevor Ihre Daten ausgewertet werden, muss sichergestellt sein, dass jede an der Datenspende teilnehmende App nur einmal gezählt wird und die Statistiken nicht verfälscht werden. Hierfür muss die Echtheit Ihrer App geprüft werden. Dazu wird durch Ihr Smartphone eine eindeutige Kennung erzeugt und an Google in die USA übermittelt, damit Google die Echtheit Ihrer App gegenüber dem RKI bestätigen kann. Die Kennung enthält Informationen über die Version Ihres Smartphones und der App. Weitere Angaben aus der App erhält Google hierbei nicht.\n\nSie können Ihr Einverständnis jederzeit zurücknehmen, indem Sie oben „Datenspende“ deaktivieren."</string>
......@@ -523,8 +523,6 @@
<!-- XACT: onboarding(notifications) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_notifications_illustration_description">"Eine Frau erhält eine Mitteilung von ihrer Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- XTXT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - consent title -->
<string name="onboarding_ppa_consent_title">"Ihr Einverständnis"</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_ppa_illustration_description">"Darstellung einer Person, die ihr Smartphone in der Hand hält"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - headline -->
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<string name="ppa_onboarding_more_info_title" translatable="false">"Orijinallik doğrulanması ve üçüncü ülkelere aktarım"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics additional info -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_more_info_body" translatable="false">"Uygulamanızın orijinal olduğunu onaylamak adına akıllı telefonunuz, akıllı telefonunuzun sürümü ve Uygulamaya ilişkin veriler içeren benzersiz bir kimlik kodu oluşturur. Verilerin birden fazla veya suistimal amaçlı RKI’ye aktarılmasını ve dolayısıyla analiz sonuçlarının tahrif edilmesini önlemek için bu kodun oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Bu kimlik kodları, Google’e aktarılır. Bu süreçte verilerin ABD’ye aktarılması da söz konusu olabilir. Orada Avrupa hukukuna uygun kişisel verilerin koruma seviyesi bulunmamaktadır ve Avrupa’daki veri koruma haklarınız uygulanmayabilir. Bu bağlamda özellikle ABD güvenlik makamlarının, somut bir şüphe olmasa bile, Google’e aktarılan bu verilere erişme ve örneğin verileri diğer bilgilerle ilişkilendirerek bunları değerlendirmeye alma olasılığı bulunmaktadır. Bu durum sadece Google’e aktarılan kimlik kodları için söz konusudur. Google Corona-Warn-App kullanımınız ile ilgili daha fazla bilgi almaz.\Üçüncü ülkelere aktarımı kabul etmiyorsanız, lütfen “Kabul ediyorum” seçeneğine tıklamayın. Buna rağmen Uygulamayı kullanmaya devam edebilirsiniz, ancak veri bağışında bulunamazsınız."</string>
<!-- XTXT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - consent title -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_title" translatable="false">"Rıza beyanınız"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics settings -->
<string name="ppa_settings_privacy_information_body" translatable="false">"Yukarıdaki “Veri bağışı" seçeneğini etkinleştirerek, şunlara onay vermiş olursunuz:\n\nUygulama, topladığı bilgileri her gün RKI’ye aktarır. Bunlar, görüntülenen riskli karşılaşmalar ve uyarılar, size gönderilen test sonuçları, diğer kullanıcıları uyarıp uyarmadığınız ve akıllı telefonunuzun işletim sistemine ilişkin verilerdir. Ayrıca başka bilgiler de verdiyseniz (bölge, yaş grubu gibi), bunlar da RKI’ye aktarılır.\n\nRKI, Uygulamanın etki gücünü ve işlevselliğini değerlendirmek ve pandemi hakkında yeni çıkarımlar elde etmek için, bu verileri birleştirecek ve istatistikler olarak değerlendirecektir. Bu süreçte edinilen bulgular, Uygulamanın işlevlerini ve kullanım kolaylığını iyileştirmenin yanı sıra pandemiye karşı mücadele için diğer önlemlerin yönlendirilmesine yardımcı olmaktadır.\n\nVerilerinizin değerlendirilmesinden önce, veri bağışına katılan her Uygulamanın yalnızca bir kez sayıma alındığı ve istatistiklerin tahrif edilmediği kontrol edilir. Bu bağlamda Uygulamanızın orijinal olduğunun incelenmesi gerekmektedir. Bunun için, akıllı telefonunuz tarafından benzersiz bir kimlik kodu oluşturulur ve Google’ın Uygulamanızın orijinal ürün olduğunu RKI’ye doğrulaması için ABD’deki Google’e aktarılır. Bu kimlik kodu, akıllı telefonunuzun sürümü ve Uygulama hakkında veriler içerir. Google, Uygulamadan daha fazla bilgi almaz.\n\n Yukarıdaki “Veri bağışı” seçeneğini devre dışı bırakarak, verdiğiniz rıza beyanını geri alabilirsiniz Yukarıdaki “Veri bağışı” seçeneğini devre dışı bırakarak, verdiğiniz rıza beyanını geri alabilirsiniz."</string>
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<string name="ppa_onboarding_consent_title" translatable="false">"Your Consent"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics onboarding -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_body" translatable="false">"By tapping on “Accept”, you consent to the following:\n\nThe app will transmit information it records to the RKI, on a daily basis. The data concerns possible exposures and warnings that have been displayed to you, test results you have retrieved, and whether you have warned other users, and information about your smartphone’s operating system. If you have provided further details above (region, age group), then the RKI will also receive this information.\n\nThe RKI will compile this data into statistics and analyze it to assess the effectiveness and functioning of the app, and draw conclusions regarding the pandemic. The resulting knowledge will help to improve the app’s features and make it more user-friendly, as well as to inform other pandemic response measures.\n\nBefore your data is analyzed, it is necessary to ensure that each app that shares data is only counted once, so as not to distort the statistics. This is why the authenticity of your app needs to be verified. For this purpose, a unique identifier is generated by your smartphone and transmitted to Google in the U.S., so that Google can confirm the authenticity of your app to the RKI. The identifier contains information about the version of your smartphone and the app. Google does not receive any other information from the app during this process.\n\nYou can withdraw your consent at any time by disabling the data sharing feature in the app's settings."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body point consent for Privacy-preserving Analytics -->
<!-- XTXT: Body point consent for Privacy-preserving Analytics -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_point_consent" translatable="false">"Your consent is voluntary. If you do not give your consent, you will still be able to use the app."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body point identity for Privacy-preserving Analytics -->
<!-- XTXT: Body point identity for Privacy-preserving Analytics -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_point_identity" translatable="false">"Your identity will still be protected if you share data about your use of the app. This means the RKI will not find out who you are or who you have met. No profiles will be created either."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body point sixteen for Privacy-preserving Analytics -->
<!-- XTXT: Body point sixteen for Privacy-preserving Analytics -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_point_sixteen" translatable="false">"You need to be at least 16 years old to give your consent."</string>
<!-- XHED: Title for Privacy-preserving Analytics additional info -->
<!-- XHED: Title for Privacy-preserving Analytics additional info -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_more_info_title" translatable="false">"Verification of authenticity and transfer to a third country"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics additional info -->
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics additional info -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_more_info_body" translatable="false">"To confirm the authenticity of your app, your smartphone will generate a unique identifier that contains information about the version of your smartphone and the app. This is necessary to prevent data from being transmitted to the RKI more than once or in an unauthorised manner, as this could distort the results of the analysis. The identifier will be transmitted to Google. This may result in data being transferred to the U.S. There, the level of data protection is not considered adequate under European law and it may not be possible to enforce your European data protection rights. In particular, there is a possibility that once the transmitted data reaches Google, it may be accessed and analyzed by U.S. security authorities, even if they have no specific grounds for suspicion, for example by linking the data with other information. This only concerns the identifier sent to Google. Google will not receive the other information about how you use the Corona-Warn-App.\n\nIf you do not consent to this transfer of your data to a third country, please do not tap on “Accept”. You will still be able to use the app, but not the data sharing feature."</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics settings -->
<!-- XTXT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - consent title -->
<string name="ppa_onboarding_privacy_information_title" translatable="false">"Your Consent"</string>
<!-- XTXT: Body for Privacy-preserving Analytics settings -->
<string name="ppa_settings_privacy_information_body" translatable="false">"By enabling “Share Data” above, you consent to the following:\n\nThe app will transmit information it records to the RKI, on a daily basis. The data concerns possible exposures and warnings that have been displayed to you, test results you have retrieved, and whether you have warned other users, and information about your smartphone’s operating system. If you have provided further details above (region, age group), then the RKI will also receive this information.\n\nThe RKI will compile this data into statistics and analyze it to assess the effectiveness and functioning of the app, and draw conclusions regarding the pandemic. The resulting knowledge will help to improve the app’s features and make it more user-friendly, as well as to inform other pandemic response measures.\n\nBefore your data is analyzed, it is necessary to ensure that each app that shares data is only counted once, so as not to distort the statistics. This is why the authenticity of your app needs to be verified. For this purpose, a unique identifier is generated by your smartphone and transmitted to Google in the U.S., so that Google can confirm the authenticity of your app to the RKI. The identifier contains information about the version of your smartphone and the app. Google does not receive any other information from the app during this process.\n\n You can withdraw your consent at any time by disabling “Share Data” above."</string>
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<!-- XACT: onboarding(notifications) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_notifications_illustration_description">"A woman receives a notification from her Corona-Warn-App."</string>
<!-- XTXT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - consent title -->
<string name="onboarding_ppa_consent_title">"Ihr Einverständnis"</string>
<!-- XACT: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - illustraction description, header image -->
<string name="onboarding_ppa_illustration_description">"A person is holding a smartphone in their hand"</string>
<!-- XHED: onboarding privacy preserving analytics (ppa) - headline -->
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