<!-- YTXT: Body for consent sub section your consent subtext second point -->
<stringname="submission_consent_your_consent_subsection_second_point"translatable="false">"<b>If you have tested positive for coronavirus, the app will share your test result in order to warn other users whom you have encountered. This includes users of the official coronavirus apps of the countries mentioned above. If you provide additional information about the onset of your symptoms, this will also be shared.</b>"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body for consent sub section your consent subtext third point -->
<stringname="submission_consent_your_consent_subsection_third_point"translatable="false">"You can withdraw your consent at any time. The setting for this can be found under “Display test”. Before sharing your test result, you will be reminded of your consent and asked to confirm your willingness to share your test result."</string>
<stringname="submission_consent_your_consent_subsection_third_point"translatable="false">"You can withdraw your consent at any time. The setting for this can be found under “Display Test”. Before sharing your test result, you will be reminded of your consent and asked to confirm your willingness to share your test result."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body for your consent screen agreement share test results -->
<stringname="submission_your_consent_agreement_share_test_results"translatable="false">"<b>If you have tested positive for coronavirus, the app will share your test result in order to warn other users whom you have encountered.</b>\n\n<b>The warning will reach users of the official coronavirus apps of the following participating countries:</b>"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body for your consent screen agreement share symptoms -->
<stringname="submission_your_consent_agreement_share_symptoms"translatable="false">"<b>If you provide additional information about the onset of your symptoms, this will also be shared.</b>\n\nYou can withdraw your consent by disabling “Warn others” above."</string>
<stringname="submission_your_consent_agreement_share_symptoms"translatable="false">"<b>If you provide additional information about the onset of your symptoms, this will also be shared.</b>\n\nYou can withdraw your consent by disabling “Warn Others” above."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body for your consent screen agreement share symptoms with additional hint for test result-->
<stringname="submission_your_consent_agreement_share_symptoms_2"translatable="false"><b>If you provide additional information about the onset of your symptoms, this will also be shared.</b>\n\nYou can withdraw your consent by disabling “Warn others” above. Your test result will then be shown to you.</string>
<!-- YTXT: Body for keys submission no consent text first part-->