<!-- XTXT: coronatest negative antigen result third info body -->
<stringname="coronatest_negative_antigen_restul_third_info_body">"Please delete the test from the Corona-Warn-App, so that you can save a new test code here if necessary."</string>
<!-- XTXT: coronatest negative result certificate info title -->
<stringname="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title">"The test can only be scanned once."</string>
<!-- XHED: Dialog title for test removal no submission -->
<stringname="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title_no_submission">"Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie Ihren Test entfernen wollen?"</string>
<stringname="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_title_no_submission">"Are you sure you want to remove your test?"</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal -->
<stringname="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message">"If you delete the test, you can no longer retrieve your test result. You will receive your test result from the test center or laboratory regardless of the validity of the QR code. If you are diagnosed with coronavirus, the public health authority will be notified through the legally prescribed channel and will contact you."</string>
<!-- YTXT: Dialog text for test removal no submission -->
<stringname="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message_no_submission">"Dadurch werden andere nicht gewarnt."</string>
<stringname="submission_test_result_dialog_remove_test_message_no_submission">"If you do, others will not be warned."</string>