3. Add `DHLeipzig.box` to Vagrant: `vagrant box add leipzigdh DHLeipzig.box`
4. Initialise the LeipzigDH.box: `vagrant init leipzigdh`
2. Move `IntroDH.box` to the new folder
3. Add `IntroDH.box` to Vagrant: `vagrant box add IntroDH IntroDH.box`
4. Initialise the IntroDH.box: `vagrant init IntroDH`
5. Start it for the first time:: `vagrant up`
6. Halt the LeipzigDH.box: `vagrant halt`
6. Halt the IntroDH.box: `vagrant halt`
7. Modify vagrantfile so it starts with a GUI and activate port-forwarding (lines you have to add). Find and uncomment in the vagrantfile (open with an editor of your choice):
config.vm.network "forwarded_port", guest: 3333, host: 3333 # To use OpenRefine on your host machine