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Extectations Olena Vyshnevska

Olena Vyshnevska requested to merge bss13jyi/CodingForHumanities1:master into master

Hello there folks!

Here comes the latest submission of all times. Well, almost. Here is the List of my expectations:

  • Learn useful techniques to become more efficient while conducting a reaserch
  • Learn R
  • Get a hand of Python
  • Continue to silently worship the inventor of the font Dr Koentges is using in his presentations
  • Enjoy Doctor Who references
    • However, I am at great risk in this class: I am at the end of the season 3 at the moment, so it is waaaay too easy for you guys to spoil everything for me. I mean, I can't anticipate what slides will come up and I sort of have to look at them...

This is a header for a link:

Anything Jay Foreman does on [Youtube] ( is pretty much fantastic. To give you a little bit of an insight, [here is a recent one I found quite glorious] (
You're welcome.

Merge request reports
