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Reduktion / Vereinfachung von Sätze, z. B.: Ersetzung von • Zeitangaben durch irgendwann • Ortsangaben durch irgendwo (/ da / dort) • Personen etc. durch irgendwer (/ jemand) • irgendwem, irgendwas, ...
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ocr-d / cor-asv-ann
Apache License 2.0OCR-D post-correction module based on artificial neural networks
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Michael Krause / toy-CPU
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThis is a CPU interpreter for understanding some basic CPU functionalities
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AI backend for SmartHEC project: OCR extraction of relevant information from scanned forms via context recognition
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ocr-d / cor-asv-fst
Apache License 2.0OCR-D post-correction module based on weighted finite-state transducers
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ocr-d / slides-institutskolloquium
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unportedslides for the November 2018 ASV colloquium
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Technische Informatik / Hardwarepraktikum / 2a-emulator
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
ocr-d / slides-iao-workshop
Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Unportedslides for the July workshop at Fraunhofer IAO
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This program constructs a gnuplot program call from individual voltage measurements recorded by an oscilloscope, which has been optimized for inclusion in documents.
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Presentation slides for OCR-D developer workshop August 2019
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Factorization of a given Cograph with Parallel Computing
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Max Joas / Impedanzmessungen
Apache License 2.0Updated