Explore projects
poster presented during the final OCR-D workshop at DFG in Bonn, Feb 2020
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An implementation in Python of the algorithm described in "A multi-agent system for the weighted earliness tardiness parallel machine problem" (2013) by S. Polyakovskiy, R. M'Hallah.
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Task 1 for Advanced Informatik Retrieval: Building an Argument Search Engine for the Web
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Reduktion / Vereinfachung von Sätze, z. B.: Ersetzung von • Zeitangaben durch irgendwann • Ortsangaben durch irgendwo (/ da / dort) • Personen etc. durch irgendwer (/ jemand) • irgendwem, irgendwas, ...
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ShinyApp for the iLCM https://ilcm.ddnss.de
dev. version:
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Angular application with leaflet.js for visualization of private route data from de4l-private-routes-backend. Application communicate via REST with backend, so another backend could also provide data.
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Spring Boot Backend for Private Routes Application
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This Git contains the files for the different models used in my Bachelor thesis.
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Jonathan Schlue / recipe-search2
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterRecipe search engine project as part of the information retrieval lecture (irlecture) of summer semester 2018.
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Technische Informatik / Hardwarepraktikum / hwpb
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0Manage students' progress during the computer science hardware course
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AI backend for SmartHEC project: OCR extraction of relevant information from scanned forms via context recognition
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HPC-Training für KI-Teil im Projekt SmartHEC: automatische Erkennung von Kennwerten in Heizkostenabrechnungen