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Constantin Urbainsky / TimeTravelDB V2
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis is an expansion of the original project which adds time-series aggregations, comparisons between two different properties, a limit and an order by clause
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The Network of Resistance is a NLP pipeline extracting information about resistance fighters against the National Socialist regime from texts and structuring this information by building a knowledge graph. With the developed web application this graph can be explored. The aim is to visualize the network of resistance.
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Mouna Ammar / TimeTravelDB V2
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterThis is an expansion of the original project which adds time-series aggregations, comparisons between two different properties, a limit and an order by clause
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Estimate exposure of private information in trajectory data based on detours.Updated
Tocas, das typenorientierte Computeralgebrasystem in python3. Das System ist sehr rudimentär, aber das ist gerade das Schöne, denn dann kann man mehr selber machen ...
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Durchführen eines Crawls mehrerer Nachrichtenportale z.B. mit RSS-Feeds. Anschließend die Verarbeitung und Analyse mit vorgegebenen Tools bezüglich Topics, Stichworten etc. Im Fokus liegen sinnvolle visuelle Ergebnisse.
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Trainieren eines ASV-POS-Taggers mittels der Ausgaben anderer Tagger.
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Oliver Kronfeld / Fine Grained Energy Models At The Method Level
GNU General Public License v2.0 or laterBachelor Thesis at Softwaresysteme Uni Leipzig
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A parallelized C++ implementation of the Genitor II algorithm for semiring neural networks (semiring NN).
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Programmcode und Evaluationsdateien einer Methode zur automatischen Identifizierung von Reimen in dt. Pop-Lyrics, entstanden im Rahmen des Moduls "aktuelle Trends in den Digitial Humanities" im WiSe 21/22 bei Dr. Roman Schneider.
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Tobias Schreieder / CER - Automated Visual Content Analysis
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseThis project deals with the task "Image Classification for Argumentation" for the Touché 2023 dataset. It attempts to classify argumentative images into a relevant topic using extracted annotation labels from the computer vision APIs Google Cloud Vision and Clarifai. For this purpose, the results of different classification models are compared with each other. Our approach follows the AVCA framework of Araujo et al.
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This package enables to create a custom grid to analyze the distribution of geographical routes in an area.